FolkLib Index - Marco Sassone Bibliography
      Marco Sassone: Catalogue Raisonne 1967-date **

(last updated .12-20-2016) - Links |

      This page lists the printed sources I own which contain information being used in my project of working toward a complete List of Paintings by Marco Sassone.
      All books on this page are listed and just their covers are pictured on my page.   Profile   Other scans of each book appear below.

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Books / pamphlets / brochures in Author Order: (10 or more pages in length) - Date Order
      flyers / letters / notes / forms / pamphlets / brochures (9 pages or less)

  1. [A] #9a - Barton, Phyllis (text). Sassone: California: a Collection of Works, 1970-1973, 1973, ? p., First published 1973 in Florence, Italy by Arti Grafiche Il Torchio, Limited Edition 1,000 (#324), ASIN: B000OKX8ZU, no ISBN, LC or UPC. Plates 1-19 are in full color, and Plates 20-36 and three drawings are in Black and White.
          Scans: jacket - front cover (back jacket and back cover are blank) - title page (p.3) - copyright page (p.4)
          This book has no page numbers, so it is impossible to index it accurately! Every "Plate" number is in color unless noted by "/B&W".

  2. [C] #9c - Barton, Phyllis Settecase (text), Douglas Reeve (ed.). - Sassone Serigraphs: Catalogue Raisonne 1975-1984, 1984, 91 p., Arti Grafiche Il Torchio, printed in Italy, ISBN: 0-935194-01-0, LC: 84-71654
          Scans: jacket (back jacket is blank) - frontispiece (p.3) - title page (p.5) - copyright page (p.6)
          The page number location of every painting illustrated in this book has been completely indexed by title.
    Wikipedia: Catalogue raisonné
    Free Dictionary: Raisonne
    The Catalogue Raisonné Scholars Association (CRSA)
          I found the above sites looking for the translation of the word "Raisonne". The Free Dictionary describes it as, "a. 1. Arranged systematically, or according to classes or subjects; as, a catalogue raisonné." -- but it does not translate the word. I can find no other site that actually translates it. None of the above sites mention Marco Sassone or his Sassone Serigraphs: Catalogue Raisonné 1975-1984 book. The site is maintained by Childs Gallery, 169 Newbury St., Boston, MA which since its opening in 2002 has not yet held a Sassone exhibition.

  3. #9e - Bernard Galleries. Marco Sassone: Exibition November 1985, 1985, 20 p., Walnut Creek, CA, ASIN: B00071L6AU, no ISBN, LC or UPC
          Scans: front cover - back cover
          [my copy, bought at Amazon, was withdrawn from the Milwaukee Art Museum Library, #17762]

  4. #9h - Clothier, Peter, letter: Tom Bradley, Foreword: Robert A. Whyte. Marco Sassone: Home on the Streets, 1994, 58 p., San Francisco, CA: - Museo ItaloAmericano, ISBN: 0-935194-08-8, LC: 94075629, no UPC - Marco Sassone
          Scans: cover (back cover is blank) - title page (p.3) - copyright page (p.4) - Checklist of the Exhibition, Part 1 (p.55) / Part 2 (p.56)
          Some of the works have an added translation for the main title which I have not seen mentioned anywhere except in this book, e.g. City Hall / Comune and Uomo Terra / Earth Man. See the "Checklist of the Exhibition" scans above for a list of all those which have a translation. Curious, every one of the 35 works listed in this Exhibition is pictured in the book, except Hugh.
          The "Checklist of the Exhibition" lists the 35 works by medium: #1-14 oil on canvas, #15 watercolor and #16-35 charcoal.

  5. #9d - Dominik, Janet B. (text), Phyllis S. Barton (biography), Louis Stern (Introduction), Douglas Reeve (ed.), Isabelle Boric (Fr. trans) & Franco Vezzosi (It. trans). Marco Sassone: Catalogue of exhibition held at Bernheim-Jeune, Paris [France, 4-13-1988 - 5-04-1988] - Bernheim-Jeune, 1988, 107 p., San Francisco, CA: Arti Grafiche, Catalogue p. 51-105, ISBN: 0-935194-04-5 (pbk), 0-935194-03-7 (hardcover), LC: 87-073230, no UPC
          Scans: jacket - front cover (back jacket and back cover are blank) - title page (p.3) - copyright page (p.4)

  6. [B] #9b - Hoopes, Donelson F. Sassone, 1979, 303 p., Foreword by Charles Speron, Dean, College of Fine Arts, UCLA, Arti Grafiche Il Torchio, printed in Italy, ISBN: 0-935194-00-2, LC: 79-90217, no UPC
          Scans: jacket - front cover (back jacket and back cover are blank) - title page (p.3) - copyright page (p.2)
          The page number location of every painting illustrated in this book has been completely indexed by title.

  7. #9g - Italian Cultural Institute. Marco Sassone: March 1991, 1991, 26 p. (stapled), San Francisco, CA, ASIN: B0006OV4QO, no ISBN, LC or UPC
          "Close to the Bone" (introduction, p.7-9) by Peter Clothier
          This unnumbered brochure has 32 pages, including the covers and blank pages. For the page references above, I hand numbered all pages, in pencil, with the title page as page 3.
          Scans: front cover (back cover is blank) - title page (p.3) - thanks (p.4) - exhibition sponsors (p.5) - Works in the Exhibition (p.24)
          Only 7 of the 19 works listed on page 24 are pictured and identified in this book. Two drawings on page 8 are unidentified.
          [my copy, bought at Amazon, was withdrawn from the Milwaukee Art Museum Library, #17763]

  8. #9f - MB Modern (art gallery), text: Maria Porges & Donelson F. Hoopes. Marco Sassone: Recent Paintings, 2000, 20 p. (stapled), New York, NY, ASIN: B0006RKXQS, no ISBN, LC or UPC
          Scans: front cover (p.1) - title page (p.3) - back cover (p.20)
All the above in Date Order: - Author Order
  1. #9a - 1973, Sassone: California: a Collection of Works, 1970-1973, Barton
  2. #9b - 1979, Sassone, Hoopes
  3. #9c - 1984, Sassone Serigraphs: Catalogue Raisonne 1975-1984, Barton & Reeve
  4. #9e - 1985, Marco Sassone: Exibition November 1985, Bernard Galleries
  5. #9d - 1988, Marco Sassone: Catalogue of exhibition held at Bernheim-Jeune, Paris, Dominik, Barton, Stern, Reeve, Boric & Vezzosi
  6. #9g - 1991, Marco Sassone: March 1991, Italian Cultural Institute
  7. #9h - 1994, Marco Sassone: Home on the Streets, Peter Clothier
  8. #9f - 2000, Marco Sassone: Recent Paintings, MB Modern (art gallery)

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P.O. Box 331, Ripon, WI 54971-0331

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