"FolkLib Index: Wisconsin Discography"
    - Abbreviations and Acronyms

      (Recordings by Wisconsin resident musicians 1948-2005)

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      This is a working draft of the "Abbreviations and Acronyms" chapter in my forthcoming book, (ca. 2028), FolkLib Index: Wisconsin Discography.

#fq499, #ha13-16, #iv57-60, etc. = these "reference discography codes" refer to specific books where the discography for that artist can be found. In most cases, no recordings listed in those books will be duplicated here in this book. The name of every Wisconsin artist and group in those books will be listed here, with only the city they are from, and one or more of these codes. The two letters are the unique book code assigned for each book's bibliographic entry on the Web site, which will also be used in this book. The number(s) are the page(s) where the artist entry can be found.
      For example, "#ha13-16, #iv57-60" means that biographies/discographies for Al Jarreau can be found on pages 13-16 of the book, "Do You Hear That Beat", by Gary E. Myers, and on pages 57-60 of the book, "Famous Wisconsin Musicians", by Susan Masino.

aka = also known as, pseudonym
ARSC = Association for Recorded Sound Collections
ca. = circa (about), refers to an approximate date, usually because the exact date is unknown
Book w/CD = Book with an attached CD, i.e. the CD is not available for sale separately
CD & Book = the CD and the book are sold separately
CD = compact disc
CS = cassette tape
DW = Dead Wax markings - numbers/letters scratched in the vinyl of 78's, 45's and LP's between the last groove with music and the center label. They are usually, but not always, the recording company's production "Matrix number" for that studio take.
e.g. = for example
etc. = et cetera, and so forth
EP = Extended Play: most EP's were 7" in diameter, with a small center hole and played at 33-1/3 rpm, the same as an LP, and usually had about 2 or 3 songs per side
i.e. = in other words
IA* = Iowa
IL* = Illinois
ILL = Inter-Library Loan
LP = long playing 33-1/3 rpm record (all are 12" in size, except as noted, e.g. 10"LP)
Mc/Mac = In most books, if you don't know whether a name starts with "Mc" or "Mac", you have to look in two places. Not here. For example, "McDonald" and "MacDonald" will be listed together. All names with one of these two prefixes will be listed under "Mc", in alphabetical order by the letter following the first "c", both in the book and on the Web site.
MadCat = (UW-)Madison Catalog - on-line lookup of all University libraries
MI* = Michigan
MN* = Minnesota
NE* = Nebraska
obs. = obsolete term or mailing address
OOP = out of print, a recording/book no longer available from the label/publisher
OR* = the state of Oregon ... "Oregon" spelled out refers to the city just south of Madison
rpm = revolutions per minute
s/b = should be
sic = Used to indicate that a quoted passage, especially one containing an error or unconventional spelling, has been retained in its original form or written intentionally.
URL = Universal Resource Locator (i.e. a Web site's address, like "http://www.folklib.net/")
USPOD = United States Post Office Department (1776-1971)
USPS = United States Postal Service (since 7-01-1971)
WI* or Wis. = Wisconsin
WISCAT = Wisconsin Catalog - on-line lookup of all holdings for all Wisconsin Public, College and University libraries. Prior to its installation on the Web, WISCAT existed on five or more CD-ROM's searchable via special multiple drive dedicated off-line computers in libraries around the state.
45 = 45 rpm 7" record
8T = 8 track cassette tape

* = See the Musician's Birthdays/Bibliography page for the list of State, Territorial and Canadian Province two letter codes assigned for International mailing use by the U.S. Postal Service. The complete list will appear here in the book.)

URL: http://www.folklib.net/book/wi_book13.shtml
Please send additions and/or corrections to Doug Henkle: henkle@pobox.com
P.O. Box 331, Ripon, WI 54971-0331

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