FolkLib Index - Obituary Index

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      This page is an Index to the Obituaries published in Dirty Linen, Sing Out! and other selected Folk Music related magazines that I subscribe to. Names appear in the order they were included in the magazine.
      I am not a Public Library, so I cannot provide either the text of copyrighted obituaries or photocopies. Check with your local library for public sources of these magazines. Better yet, to support their continued publication, subscribe and/or join and purchase back issues.

| Current Biography Yearbook | Dirty Linen | Down Beat | Goldmine |
| International Bluegrass (IBMA) | Old Time Herald | Sing Out! | Tell it Like it is |

Current Biography Yearbook - Obituaries
      [1992 - 1997, only music related people will be indexed] (acquired from an Oshkosh Public Library used book sale)
Dirty Linen - In Memorium
      [Issue #23 (summer 1988), #25 (Spring 1989) - date] (subscription)
Down Beat - Final Bar
      [Vol. 45 (1978), Vol. 47 (1980) - Vol. 59 (1992), with missing issues in Vol. 45, 47, 48 and 58] (acquired from a UW-Madison used book sale)
Goldmine - Obituaries
      [2001 - date, many missing issues] (subscription)
International Bluegrass (IBMA) - Over Jordan - Bibliography
      (membership: International Bluegrass Music Association)
Old Time Herald - Final Notes - Bibliography
      [1991 - date, missing issues] (subscription)
Sing Out! - Last Chorus
      [Winter 1987 - date, missing issues] (subscription)
      * = extended, two columns or more, the rest are one paragraph, about 12 lines or less
Tell it Like it is - Gone ... But Not Forgotten - Bibliography
      [Vol. 1(1) (April 1990) - date] (membership: Wisconsin Blues Society)

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Please send additions and/or corrections to Doug Henkle:
P.O. Box 331, Ripon, WI 54971-0331

Copyright © 2007-2017 Douglas H. Henkle, All Rights Reserved.