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      - Prime Cuts of Bluegrass Discography (CD Scans)

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Prime Cuts of Bluegrass: Start Page
Prime Cuts of Bluegrass, Number 1,2 / Vol. #1-20
Prime Cuts of Bluegrass, Vol. #21-40 Discography
Prime Cuts of Bluegrass, Vol. #81-100 Discography
Prime Cuts of Bluegrass, CD Thumbnail Scans [this page]
Prime Cuts of Bluegrass, Other Thumbnail Scans

Prime Cuts of Bluegrass, Volume 100 - the final release

          This page displays thumbnails of scanned liner note Covers, etc. of   Prime Cuts of Bluegrass CD's, released by Kirk & Becky Brandenberger's KBC Music, Inc. series, Prime Cuts of Bluegrass from 1992-2009.

Thumbnails Created by IrfanView

          "Number 1" and "Number 2" (below) were sold on the site from 1998-2002 [Archive] in both Cassette and CD format. Unfortunately, I did not buy the Cassette versions when I sent in my order on 12-02-1998. Now I wish I had so I could display scans of their J-cards here.

Prime Cuts of Bluegrass KBC-CD-1001 1998, liner notes cover scan Prime Cuts of Bluegrass KBC-CD-1001 1998, CD scan Prime Cuts of Bluegrass KBC-CD-1001 1998, CD back tray card scan
Prime Cuts of Bluegrass KBC-CD-1002 1998, liner notes cover scan Prime Cuts of Bluegrass KBC-CD-1002 1998, CD scan Prime Cuts of Bluegrass KBC-CD-1002 1998, CD back tray card scan Folk Library Index mailing label for the receipt of all Prime Cuts of Bluegrass CD's 1992-2009
          All 1992-2009 "Volume 1" - "Volume 100" CD's (below) where shipped to Radio Stations and the Media and were never available for sale.

Prime Cuts of Bluegrass KBC-CD-001 1992, liner notes cover scan Prime Cuts of Bluegrass KBC-CD-001 1992, CD scan Prime Cuts of Bluegrass KBC-CD-001 1992, CD back tray card scan Prime Cuts of Bluegrass KBC-CD-002 1992, liner notes cover scan Prime Cuts of Bluegrass KBC-CD-003 1993, liner notes cover scan Prime Cuts of Bluegrass KBC-CD-004 1993, liner notes cover scan Prime Cuts of Bluegrass KBC-CD-005 1993, liner notes cover scan Prime Cuts of Bluegrass KBC-CD-006 1993, liner notes cover scan Prime Cuts of Bluegrass KBC-CD-007 1994, liner notes cover scan Prime Cuts of Bluegrass KBC-CD-008 1994, liner notes cover scan Prime Cuts of Bluegrass KBC-CD-009 1994, liner notes cover scan Prime Cuts of Bluegrass KBC-CD-0010 1994, liner notes cover scan Prime Cuts of Bluegrass KBC-CD-0011 1994, liner notes cover scan Prime Cuts of Bluegrass KBC-CD-0011 1994, CD back tray card scan, the first to reflect the move to Keokuk, IA Prime Cuts of Bluegrass KBC-CD-0012 1994, liner notes cover scan Prime Cuts of Bluegrass KBC-CD-0013 1995, liner notes cover scan Prime Cuts of Bluegrass KBC-CD-0014 1995, liner notes cover scan Prime Cuts of Bluegrass KBC-CD-0015 1995, liner notes cover scan Prime Cuts of Bluegrass KBC-CD-0016 1995, liner notes cover scan Prime Cuts of Bluegrass KBC-CD-0017 1995, liner notes cover scan Prime Cuts of Bluegrass KBC-CD-0018 1995, liner notes cover scan Prime Cuts of Bluegrass KBC-CD-0019 1996, liner notes cover scan Prime Cuts of Bluegrass KBC-CD-0020 1996, liner notes cover scan Prime Cuts of Bluegrass KBC-CD-0021 1996, liner notes cover scan Prime Cuts of Bluegrass KBC-CD-0022 1996, liner notes cover scan Prime Cuts of Bluegrass KBC-CD-0023 1996, liner notes cover scan Prime Cuts of Bluegrass KBC-CD-0024 1996, liner notes cover scan Prime Cuts of Bluegrass KBC-CD-0025 1997, liner notes cover scan

Work is in progress documenting the rest of Volumes 26-80 I have.
Done: #1-20, #21-25, #81-100

Prime Cuts of Bluegrass KBC-CD-0097 2009
Prime Cuts of Bluegrass KBC-CD-0097 2009, liner notes cover scan Prime Cuts of Bluegrass KBC-CD-0097 2009, CD back tray card scan Prime Cuts of Bluegrass KBC-CD-0097 2009, CD scan scan Prime Cuts of Bluegrass KBC-CD-0097 2009, insert flyer side A scan Prime Cuts of Bluegrass KBC-CD-0097 2009, insert flyer side B scan

      Many thanks to Willem Agenant for the following scans of the only Prime Cuts of Bluegrass CD's I do not own.

Prime Cuts of Bluegrass KBC-CD-0098 2009
Prime Cuts of Bluegrass KBC-CD-0098 2009, liner notes cover scan Prime Cuts of Bluegrass KBC-CD-0098 2009, CD back tray card scan Prime Cuts of Bluegrass KBC-CD-0098 2009, liner notes p. 1-2 scan Prime Cuts of Bluegrass KBC-CD-0098 2009, liner notes p. 3-4 scan

Prime Cuts of Bluegrass KBC-CD-0099 2009
Prime Cuts of Bluegrass KBC-CD-0099 2009, liner notes cover scan Prime Cuts of Bluegrass KBC-CD-0099 2009, CD back tray card scan Prime Cuts of Bluegrass KBC-CD-0099 2009, liner notes p. 1-2 scan Prime Cuts of Bluegrass KBC-CD-0099 2009, liner notes p. 3-4 scan

Prime Cuts of Bluegrass KBC-CD-0100 2009
Prime Cuts of Bluegrass KBC-CD-00100 2009, liner notes cover scan Prime Cuts of Bluegrass KBC-CD-00100 2009, CD back tray card scan Prime Cuts of Bluegrass KBC-CD-00100 2009, liner notes p. 1-2 scan Prime Cuts of Bluegrass KBC-CD-00100 2009, liner notes p. 3-4 scan

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Please send additions and/or corrections to Doug Henkle:
P.O. Box 331, Ripon, WI 54971-0331

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