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First Congregational Church, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
Chancel Choir Anthems in Date Order 2000-2004

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      These historical pages list past anthems performed by the Chancel Choir of the First Congregational Church of Oshkosh, Wisconsin. All Services are on Sunday morning except as noted.
      "Music is at the center of our worship..."
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Chancel Choir Anthems in Title Order - Chancel Choir Members - Master List of Musicians, Pastors, etc.

| 1980-84 - 1985-89 - 1990-94 - 1995-99   || 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 ||   2005-09 - 2010-14 - 2015-19 |

(X) = All Chancel Choir members were listed in the Church Service Bulletin
mm-dd-yyyy - ? = I have no copy of this Bulletin (I have a saved copy of the Bulletin for every other date listed)

  1. 12-24-2004 (Fri. 7:30 pm) - A Maiden Most Gentle - Andrew Carter
          In the Bleak Midwinter - Gustav T. Holst
    12-19-2004 - no anthem (Children's program)
  2. 12-12-2004 - Magnificat - My Soul Doth Magnify the Lord - Dietrich Buxtehude
          violin: Everett Goodwin, Pat Dwyer-Hallquist; cello: Miyoko Grine
  3. 12-05-2004 - Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence - Gustav T. Holst **
  4. 11-28-2004 - Come, Jesus, Holy Son of God - George Friedrich Handel, arr. Hal H. Hopson
  5. 11-21-2004 - A Canticle of Peace - Joseph W. Clokey **
  6. 11-14-2004 - I Will Arise - David Ashley White
          viola: Laura Rooney
  7. 11-07-2004 - Just a Closer Walk With Thee - trad.
  8. 10-31-2004 - St. Teresa's Bookmark - Edward Tyler, words: St. Teresa of Avila, translation: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
  9. 10-24-2004 - The Morning Trumpet - B.F. White (Sacred Harp), arr. Robert Wetzler **
          trumpet: Marty Robinson
  10. 10-17-2004 - Canon of Praise - Johann Pachelbel, arr. Hal H. Hopson
  11. 10-10-2004 - A Welsh Hymn - Daniel Protheroe
  12. 10-03-2004 - Christ Hath a Garden - Gerald Near
  13. 09-26-2004 - Speak to One Another - Jean Berger **
  14. 09-19-2004 - Sweet Hour of Prayer - William W. Walford, William B. Bradbury, arr. Larry Beebe
  15. 09-12-2004 - Sing to the Lord a New Song - Franz Joseph Haydn, arr. Hal H. Hopson
  16. 08-01-2004 - Deep River - ?
          soprano: Laurel Sanders; piano: Jared Stellmacher
    07-04-2004 - no anthem
  17. 06-27-2004 - It Is Well With My Lord - ? (p. 46 "Song of the Soul and Spirit")
    06-06-2004 - no anthem
    05-30-2004 - no anthem
  18. 05-23-2004 - Dear God - Daniel Kallman, text: Herbert Brokering
          cello: Miyoko Grine
  19. 05-16-2004 - Here I Am Lord - Dan Schutte
          Guest Director: Ken Snart; piano: Linda Ruona
  20. 05-09-2004 - Let Us With a Gladsome Mind - Alan Ridout **
    05-02-2004 - no anthem (Confirmation)
  21. 04-25-2004 - We Will Lay Our Burden Down - John L. Bell, arr. John Ferguson
    04-18-2004 - no anthem **
  22. 04-11-2004 - Alleluia - Ralph Vaughan Williams, arr. Bradley Nelson
  23. 04-04-2004 - Jesu, Grant Me This, I Pray - C.H. Kitson
  24. 03-28-2004 - Union - American Folk Hymn, arr. Daniel C. Meyer
          I Will Arise - Joseph Hart (Southern Harmony), arr. Daniel Ashley White
          The Morning Trumpet - B.F. White (Sacred Harp), arr. Robert Wetzler
          trumpet: Lisa Zemlock; viola: Steve Schani; piano: Linda Ruona
          (I did not record who accompanied which anthem, or if they all accompanied all three.)
  25. 03-21-2004 - Come All Who Thirst - Luigi Cherubini, arr. Hal H. Hopson
  26. 03-14-2004 - O Sing to the Lord - Eleanor Daley
          No Hands But Yours - J. Jerome Williams
  27. 03-07-2004 - Is Any Afflicted? - William Billings **
  28. 02-29-2004 - Alleluia - Ralph Vaughan Williams, arr. Bradley Nelson
          Faith in Motion & Dancing Spirit Choirs, Director: Missy Allen
  29. 02-22-2004 - Halle, Halle, Halle - trad., arr. Hal H. Hopson
          percussion: Ian Nichols, John Nichols, Pat Nichols
  30. 02-15-2004 - Lord, I Want to Be a Christian - Moses Hogan (#589 "Chalice Hymnal")
  31. 02-08-2004 - The Shepherd Psalm: Psalm 23 Paraphrase - John Carter, arr. Mary Kay Beall **
  32. 02-01-2004 - Bow Down Low (Shaker Song) - arr. David Bridges
          Guest Director: Linda Ruona; organ: Laurel Sanders
  33. 01-25-2004 - Winter Carol - Austin C. Lovelace
          Guest Director: Linda Ruona; organ: Laurel Sanders
  34. 01-18-2004 - Carry Me Home (incorporating Deep River and Swing Low Sweet Chariot) - arr. Jean Anne Shafferman
  35. 01-11-2004 - Psalm 103 - Heinrich Schutz
  36. 01-04-2004 - Rise Up Early - Richard Kountz
  37. 12-24-2003 (Wed. 7:30 pm) - Lo, How a Rose E're Blooming - trad.
          O Bambino - Capra and Velona
          O Come, Little Children - Carolyn Jennings
    12-21-2003 - no anthem (Children's program)
  38. 12-14-2003 (X) - The Three Kings - Anders Ohrwall
          readers: Brad Bauknecht, Cathi Pipping; piano: Nancy Schmalz; flute: Juliana DiGiosia
  39. 12-07-2003 - O Come, Emmanuel - arr. Alice Parker
  40. 11-30-2003 - Keep Silence - arr. John Helgen **
  41. 11-26-2003 (Wed. 7:30 pm, Thanksgiving Eve) - Silent Devotion and Response - Ernest Bloch
          Now I Walk in Beauty (Navajo Prayer) - Gregg Smith
          combined choirs of 11 Oshkosh Churches
  42. 11-23-2003 - African Processional - collected by Elaine Hanson, arr. Ralph M. Johnson, add. verses by Bret Hesla
          Faith in Motion & Dancing Spirit Choirs, Director: Missy Allen; Chancel Choir & Congregation singing; percussion: Ian Nichols, John Nichols, Pat Nichols
    11-16-2003 - no anthem
  43. 11-09-2003 - Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying - Ken Medema
    11-02-2003 - no anthem
  44. 10-26-2003 - Sing to the Lord a New Song - Franz Joseph Haydn, arr. Hal H. Hopson **
  45. 10-19-2003 - Jesus Makes My Heart Rejoice - arr. Jim Taylor
  46. 10-12-2003 - Carry Me Home (incorporating Deep River and Swing Low Sweet Chariot) - arr. Jean Anne Shafferman
          soprano: Lisa Wesenberg
  47. 10-05-2003 - Lord, I Want to Be a Christian - Moses Hogan (#589 "Chalice Hymnal")
  48. 09-28-2003 - Let Us With a Gladsome Mind - Alan Ridout
  49. 09-21-2003 - Psalm 86 - Carl Nygard, Jr.
          tenor: Ken Snart
  50. 09-14-2003 - No Hands But Yours - J. Jerome Williams
  51. 09-07-2003 - How Can I Keep From Singing? - trad., arr. Jeffrey Honore (#619 "Chalice Hymnal")
  52. 07-27-2003 - Sweet Hour of Prayer - William W. Walford, William B. Bradbury, arr. Larry Beebe
    06-22-2003 - no anthem
          organ: Jared Stellmacher
    06-15-2003 - no anthem
          organ: Laurel Sanders

  53. 05-18-2003 - If God Be For Us (Romans 8:13) - Clifford McCormick
  54. 05-11-2003 - Simple Gifts (Shaker Tune) - Theron Kirk **
          Guest Director: Ken Snart
  55. 05-04-2003 - I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes - Leo Sowerby
    04-27-2003 - no anthem
  56. 04-20-2003 - Behold, Your Risen King! - Charles Yannerella
  57. 04-13-2003 - Sing Hosanna! Hosanna! - John D. Horman
          with Angel Choir; Guest Director: Linda Ruona; descant: Laurel Sanders, Elizabeth Henkle
  58. 04-06-2003 - Laetatus Sum - Allessandro Scarlatti
  59. 03-30-2003 - My Shepherd Will Supply My Need - Virgil Thompson
  60. 03-23-2003 - No Longer a Baby - Bryan Jeffery Leech, Jan Sanborn
  61. 03-16-2003 - Psalm 84: Cantique de Jean Racine - Gabriel Faure, arr. Hal H. Hopson
  62. 03-09-2003 - O Dearest Friend - Kenneth T. Kosche
          oboe: Kay Qualley
  63. 03-02-2003 - O Holy Spirit - W. Fred Kaan, M. Ron Klusmeier
          flute: Juliana DiGiosia
  64. 02-23-2003 - Jesus Loves Me - William B. Bradbury, arr. Michael Hassell
          saxophone: Ken Snart; piano: Linda Ruona
    02-16-2003 - no anthem
          The Pangelics Steel Drum Band; Director: Ben Reehl
  65. 02-09-2003 - Alleluia, Alleluia! - Donald Fishel (p. 32 Give Thanks Songbook)
  66. 02-02-2003 - Halleluia, Amen - George Friedrich Handel
  67. 01-26-2003 - Bow Down Low (Shaker Song) - arr. David Bridges
  68. 01-19-2003 - Lord, I Want to Be a Christian - trad. spiritual, arr. Moses Hogan, ed. John Purifoy (p. 21 "Ain't that Good News" songbook)
  69. 01-12-2003 - There Shall a Star From Jacob Shine - arr. Joy Patterson
  70. 01-05-2003 - Poverty - M. Lee Suitor
    12-29-2002 - no anthem
  71. 12-24-2002 (Tue. 7:30 pm) - Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming - arr. Michael Praetorius (#160 "Chalice Hymnal")
    12-22-2002 - no anthem (Children's program)
  72. 12-15-2002 - La Marche Des Rois (March of the Kings - arr. Gordon Young
          'Twas in the Moon of Wintertime - harmony: Frederick F. Jackish, words: Jean de Brebeuf, translation: Jesse E. Middleton (#166 "Chalice Hymnal") with the Congregation
          Vamos Todos a Belen (Let Us Go to Bethlehem) - arr. Bradley Ellingboe
          Lovely Star in the Sky - music: Un-Yung La (Korea), adapted from a Korean hymn by Reginald Heber (#175 "Chalice Hymnal") with the Congregation
          Give Me a Peaceful Happy Home - Jean Sibelius
          percussion: Ian Nichols; recorder: Heidi Burnett; flute: Juliana DiGiosia
  73. 12-08-2002 - How Beautiful Upon the Mountains - Edwin Fissinger
  74. 12-01-2002 - Come, Jesus, Holy Son of God - George Friedrich Handel, arr. Hal H. Hopson
  75. 11-24-2002 - Summer Ended - Charles Wood
  76. 11-17-2002 - Lord, I Want to Be a Christian - trad. spiritual, arr. Moses Hogan, ed. John Purifoy (p. 21 "Ain't that Good News" songbook)
  77. 11-10-2002 - Ain't that Good News - trad. spiritual, arr. Moses Hogan, ed. John Purifoy (p. 3 "Ain't that Good News" songbook)
  78. 11-03-2002 - O Dearest Friend - Kenneth T. Kosche
          oboe: Kay Qualley
  79. 10-27-2002 - Go in Love - James Culver
          Guest Director: Ken Snart; organ: Laurel Sanders
  80. 10-20-2002 - Come Build a Church - Ken Medema
          Guest Director: Ken Snart; piano: Linda Ruona
  81. 10-13-2002 - Sweet Hour of Prayer - arr. Larry Beebe
  82. 10-06-2002 - Halle, Halle, Halle - trad., arr. Hal H. Hopson
  83. 09-29-2002 - Psalm and Alleluia - Johann Pachelbel, arr. John Purifoy
          flute: Juliana DiGiosia
  84. 09-22-2002 - Happy in the Lord - arr. Alice Parker
  85. 09-15-2002 - Simple Gifts (Shaker Tune) - arr. Theron Kirk
  86. 09-11-2002 (Wed. 7:30 pm) - When Sudden Terror Tears Apart - Printz
          with choir members from six Oshkosh churches; Guest Director: Todd Kaphaem; piano: Marshall Potter
  87. 09-08-2002 - Come All Who Thirst - Luigi Cherubini
    09-01-2002 - no anthem
          organ: Linda Ruona, Jason Ruona

  88. 07-14-2002 - ? (Summer Choir, title not in Bulletin) **
  89. 05-26-2002 - America the Beautiful - Calvin Hampton
  90. 05-19-2002 - Ev'ry Time I Feel the Spirit - trad. spiritual, arr Moses Hogan, ed. John Purifoy (p. 17 "Ain't that Good News" songbook)
          piano: Heather Anderson
          Come Down Lord - Stan Pethel
          Come Build a Church - Ken Medema
  91. 05-12-2002 - Praise and Thanks to God - Heinrich Schutz
    05-05-2002 - no anthem
  92. 04-28-2002 - Come Down Lord - Stan Pethel
  93. 04-21-2002 - Sing to the Lord a New Song - Franz Joseph Haydn, Arr. Hal H. Hopson
  94. 04-14-2002 - O Sons and Daughters, Let Us Sing - Jean Tisserand, 15th Century
  95. 04-07-2002 - Let Us With a Gladsome Mind - Alan Ridout
  96. 03-31-2002 - Hark, I Hear the Harps Eternal - arr. Alice Parker
          An Easter Hodie - Donald Hustad, words: Timothy Dudley-Smith
  97. 03-24-2002 - Jesu, Grant Me This, I Pray - C.H. Kitson
  98. 03-17-2002 - Psalm 93 - Heinrich Schutz
          Guest Director / organ: Mark Bloedow
  99. 03-10-2002 - When Jesus Wept - William Billings
  100. 03-03-2002 - Here Am I, Send Me - Frank J. Wells
  101. 02-24-2002 - Is Any Afflicted? - William Billings
  102. 02-17-2002 - Hark, I Hear the Harps Eternal - arr. Alice Parker
          soprano: Kristine Kaiser
  103. 02-10-2002 - The Shepherd Psalm: Psalm 23 Paraphrase - John Carter, arr. Mary Kay Beall
          Cherubim Song - Dmitry S. Bortnyansky
  104. 02-03-2002 - Lord, Enthroned in Heavenly Splendor (Bryn Calfaria) - William Owen (p. 291 "Pilgrim Hymnal")
  105. 01-27-2002 - My Song Shall Be Alway of the Loving-Kindness of the Lord - Gerald Near
  106. 01-13-2002 - Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring - Johann Sebastian Bach
  107. 12-24-2001 (Sun. 7:30 pm) - Infant Holy, Infant Lowly - arr. Sir David Valentine Willcocks
          It Came Upon a Midnight Clear - arr. Helvey
          Chancel Choir, and Handbell Choir
  108. 12-23-2001 (X) - The Song of the Birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ - Marc-Antoine Charpentier
          soprano: Erica Bavlnka, Kristine Kaiser; baritone: Ken Snart; flute: Juliana DiGiosia, James Grine; cello: Anders Taylor
    12-16-2001 - no anthem (Children's program)
  109. 12-09-2001 - How Beautiful Upon the Mountains - Edwin Fissinger
  110. 12-02-2001 - Keep Silence - arr. John Helgen **
  111. 11-25-2001 - My Song Shall Be Alway of the Loving-Kindness of the Lord - Gerald Near
  112. 11-18-2001 - Now I Walk in Beauty (Navajo Prayer) - Gregg Smith **
  113. 11-11-2001 - Tandi Tanga Jesus - arr. Bradley Ellingboe
          percussion: Ian Nichols, John Nichols, Pat Nichols
  114. 11-04-2001 - How Can I Keep From Singing? - trad., arr. Jeffrey Honore, Text: (#619 "Chalice Hymnal") **
  115. 10-28-2001 - Precious Lord, Take My Hand - Thomas A. Dorsey, arr. Jack Schrader **
  116. 10-21-2001 - There is a Balm in Gilead - arr. W. Dawson
  117. 10-14-2001 - My Shepherd Will Supply My Need - Virgil Thompson
  118. 10-07-2001 - Ev'ry Time I Feel the Spirit - African-American spirtual, arr. William Farley Smith (#592 "Chalice Hymnal")
  119. 09-30-2001 - Dear Lord and Father - C. Hubert H. Parry **
  120. 09-23-2001 - Go in Love - James Culver
          Guest Director: Ken Snart; organ: Jared Stellmacher
  121. 09-16-2001 - Lord, Don't Move This Mountain - Mahalia Jackson, Doris Akers (#173 "Songs of Zion" songbook)
  122. 09-09-2001 - Canon of Praise - Johann Pachelbel, arr. Hal H. Hopson
  123. 05-20-2001 - God Be In My Head - Andrew Carter
  124. 05-13-2001 - Shall We Gather at the River - arr. John Carter
  125. 05-06-2001 - Pentecost Hymn - Edvard Grieg
  126. 04-29-2001 - Day by Day - arr. Bradley Ellingboe **
  127. 04-22-2001 - Hallelujah to the Lamb - Moen & Graafsma **
  128. 04-15-2001 - Let the Song Be Begun - Don Malin
  129. 04-08-2001 - The Seven Last Words - John Harmon
  130. 04-01-2001 - Jesus Loves Me - William B. Bradbury, arr. Michael Hassell
          FCC & First Presbyterian Church Chancel Choirs (performed in both Church Sanctuaries); Directors: Joanne Peterson, Carmen Shaw; piano: Carol Winborne (FCC only); saxophone: Sara Kind
  131. 03-25-2001 - Surely, He Hath Borne Our Griefs (Isaiah 53:4) - Heinrich Graun **
  132. 03-18-2001 - I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes - Leo Sowerby
  133. 03-11-2001 - Ave Verum - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
  134. 03-04-2001 - Awake My Heart - Jane M. Marshall, words: Paulus Gerhardt, 1647, translated: Winfred Douglas
  135. 02-25-2001 - The Lone, Wild Bird - arr. David N. Johnson
  136. 02-18-2001 - Here's One - Mark Hayes
          trumpet: Randall Sorenson; piano: Heather Anderson
  137. 02-11-2001 - A Canticle of Peace - Joseph W. Clokey
    02-04-2001 - no anthem
          Anthem by The Generation to Generation Singers, Guest Director: Robin Oxley
  138. 01-28-2001 - Winter Carol - Austin C. Lovelace **
          Guest Director: Jeffrey Dyer
  139. 01-21-2001 - No Longer a Baby - Bryan Jeffery Leech, Jan Sanborn
          flute: Juliana DiGiosia; piano: Heather Anderson
  140. 01-14-2001 - Thanks Be To Thee - George Friedrich Handel
  141. 01-07-2001 - Where Is This Stupendous Stranger - Austin C. Lovelace **
  142. 12-24-2000 (Sun. 7:30 pm) - I Wonder As I Wander - John Jacob Niles, arr. John Rutter **
    12-24-2000 - no anthem
    12-17-2000 - no anthem
  143. 12-10-2000 - Prepare Ye - Marc A. Robinson
          soprano: Lorie Mueller; alto: Carol Niendorf; tenor: Ed Schneider; bass: George Coghill; percussion: Ian Nichols, John Nichols, Pat Nichols; piano: Mary Ellen Pung
  144. 12-03-2000 - Come, Jesus, Holy Son of God - George Friedrich Handel, arr. Hal H. Hopson
  145. 11-26-2000 - Like as the Hart Desireth the Water Brooks - Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
  146. 11-19-2000 - This We Know - Setting by Ron Jeffers **
  147. 11-12-2000 - Elijah Rock - arr. Jester Hairston **
  148. 11-05-2000 - Day by Day - arr. Bradley Ellingboe
  149. 10-29-2000 - Blest Are They Whose Spirits Long - George Friedrich Handel, arr. Hal H. Hopson
  150. 10-22-2000 - My Song Shall Be Alway of the Loving-Kindness of the Lord - Gerald Near
  151. 10-15-2000 - God Be In My Head - Andrew Carter **
  152. 10-08-2000 - Sing to the Lord a New Song - Franz Joseph Haydn, arr. Hal H. Hopson
          Guest Director: Carl Chapman; organ: Jared Stellmacher
  153. 10-01-2000 - O Holy Spirit - W. Fred Kaan, M. Ron Klusmeier
          flute: Juliana DiGiosia
  154. 09-24-2000 - With a Voice of Singing - M. Shaw
  155. 09-17-2000 - Canon of Praise: Psalm 103 - Johann Pachelbel, arr. Hal H. Hopson
  156. 09-10-2000 - Psalm 150 - John Harper

  157. 06-25-2000 - Canon of Praise: Psalm 103 - Johann Pachelbel, arr. Hal H. Hopson
  158. 05-21-2000 - Blessing, Glory, Wisdom and Thanks - Johann Sebastian Bach
  159. 05-14-2000 - Go Not Far From Me, O God - Niccolo Antonio Zingarelli
  160. 05-07-2000 - The Lord's Prayer - William Mathias
  161. 04-30-2000 - Draw Us in the Spirit's Tether - Harold Friedell
  162. 04-23-2000 - An Easter Hodie - Donald Hustad, words: Timothy Dudley-Smith
  163. 04-16-2000 - One Lonely Night - Joseph M. Martin
  164. 04-09-2000 - Eight Psalms - Heinrich Schutz
          soprano: Maria Talin; alto: Sue Coghill; tenor: Ken Snart; bass: George Coghill
  165. 04-02-2000 - Prayer to Jesus - R.R. Terry
  166. 03-26-2000 - I Will Arise - Joseph Hart (Southern Harmony), arr. Daniel Ashley White
          viola: Laura Salzwedel
  167. 03-19-2000 - Sheep May Safely Graze - Johann Sebastian Bach, arr. Katherine K. Davis
  168. 03-12-2000 - Christ Hath a Garden - Gerald Near
          Guest Director, organ: Mark Bloedow
  169. 03-05-2000 - O Beautiful Morn - Edvard Grieg, ed./adapted: Bradley Ellingboe
  170. 02-27-2000 - But the Lord is Mindful of His Own - Felix Mendelssohn
  171. 02-20-2000 - Precious Lord, Take My Hand - Thomas A. Dorsey, arr. Jack Schrader
          piano: Janel Brown
  172. 02-13-2000 - Processional Alleluia - C. Harry Causey
          combined choirs: Hand Bell Choir Director: Ken Snart; Angel Choir Director: Lori Kubasta; Jubilee Singers Director: Jeffrey Dyer; Chancel Choir Director: Joanne Peterson
          Shall We Gather at the River - arr. Robert H. McIver
          combined choirs: Guest Director: Jeffrey Dyer
  173. 02-06-2000 - Come All Who Thirst - Luigi Cherubini, arr. Hal H. Hopson
  174. 01-30-2000 - God, Who Stretched the Spangled Heavens - ? (Songbook #62)
          organ: Mark Bloedow
  175. 01-23-2000 - Dear Lord and Father - C. Hubert H. Parry
  176. 01-16-2000 - Bow Down Low (Shaker Song) - arr. David Bridges
          organ: Mark Bloedow
  177. 01-09-2000 - Blest Are They Whose Spirits Long - George Friedrich Handel, arr. Hal H. Hopson
  178. 01-02-2000 - Good King Wenceslas - arr. Sir David Valentine Willcocks


Please send additions/corrections for this page to Doug Henkle, Choir Member / Webmaster.
Chancel Choir Anthems in Title Order - Chancel Choir Members

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Please send additions and/or corrections to Doug Henkle:
P.O. Box 331, Ripon, WI 54971-0331

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