Highland Park High School (IL), Class of 1956
Known Class Reunions (none)
(last updated .01-30-2015)
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Highland Park High School, Highland Park, Illinois
433 Vine Ave., Highland Park, IL 60035 -- (224) 765-2000
HPHS Home Page
- See Class of 1959 for more HPHS links
"Little Giant" Year Book Scans:
1956 Cover
Title Page
Please write
if you have additions and/or corrections to the Class List below,
or you have Web site links for anyone, or you have information about a past
or future 1956 Class Reunion. Please note, I do not know how to
contact anyone on this list.
Class Lists at this site:
| 1956
| 1957
| 1958
| 1959
There are no other known publicly accessible HPHS Class Lists for any
other year on any other site. However, if you have created one and have
no place to put it on-line for free, I would be happy to install it here
at no charge.
Send the list as plain text, and include a Class
contact Postal or E-Mail address. DO NOT send the list as an attachment
which will be automatically deleted by my E-Mail provider before I see it.
Class List:
from the 1956 Annual Yearbook, "Little Giant", p. 71-85
* = "Seniors not pictured" (7 listed on p. 88)
- Connie Adler
- Karen Alexander
- Barbara Allen
- William Andrews
- Carol Anspach
- Elizabeth Anthony
- Gail Anthony
- George Armstrong
- Thomas Aronson
- Barbara Axelrod
- Louis Babbini
- Richard Baker
- Marion Banish
- Herbert Bartelman
- Judy Baskin
- Anne Bellamy
- Marjorie Becker
- Lawrence Benjamin
- Robert Benton
- Donald Bernstein
- Lydia Bertucci
- William Binard
- Allan Bittner
- Catherine Bjork
- Iris Bloch
- Michael Bloch
- Ruth Bock
- Sam Bradt
- Sally Briddle
- Paul Bruckman
- Marguerite Buchanan
- James Burt
- Robert Burton
- Penelope Canon
- Arthur Capitani
- Allan Carlson
- Marie Carlson
- Sally Carlson
- Margo Carpenter
- Josephine Carter
- Linda Ceperly
- William Chaffee
- Richard Chioni
- Marilyn Clifford
- Barbara Cole
- John Coleman
- Richard Compere
- Gerald Coppens
- Donna Cuthbertson
- Ronny Davies *
- Loraine Despres
- John Decker
- Carol DeVlieg
- Roberta Dorph
- Jerry Dostalek
- Gene Douglas
- Peggy Dreschel
- John Driscoll
- Jordis Duffy
- Alice Dugan
- John Eisendrath
- Marilyn Ekstrom
- Carol Embich
- Bruce Erickson
- Kenneth Erickson
- Robert Fabbri
- Robert Fathauer
- Robert Fell
- Clara Ferrari
- Rita Ferrel
- Robert Feuerstein
- Jeffrey Finkle
- Madreen Fiocchi
- Richard Fischel
- Aaron Fleischman
- William Flinn
- Gail Frank
- Ronald Franzese
- John Fraulini
- Pat Freund
- Marilyn Gaines
- John Garrity
- Ted Gastfield *
- Michael Gault
- Robert Gentry
- Robert Gershun
- Barbara Gibbs
- Richard Gibson
- Edward Gillilan
- Shayna Goldberg
- Fred Goldboss
- Ann Goodman
- Antonia Goodman
- Lois Goodman
- Lynn Goodman
- Thomas Goodman
- Nancy Gould
- Sally Graham
- Sharon Greenberg
- John Guentz
- Charles Guyot
- Craig Hafner
- James Hafner
- Sally Halstead
- Allen Hanich
- Jacquelin Hansen
- Gerald Haras
- Thomas Harris
- Janet Harter
- Kathryn Heidenfelder
- Judy Heimerdinger
- Jerry Heisler *
- Joann Henderson
- Robert Hoffman
- Nancy Holland
- John Holloway
- Peter Hugle
- John Hunter
- Peter Ingeman
- Earl Johnson
- Jack Johnson
- Laurence Johnson
- Arthur Jones
- Donald Jones
- Willard Jones
- Diane Kahn
- Donald Kanter
- Beverly Kaplan
- Doris Katzman
- Nancy Keane
- John Kenney
- Edward Kiehl
- Nancy Kind
- Joseph King
- Ronald Kirshbaum
- Carol Kloepfer
- James Kraft
- Josephine Ladurini
- Cynthia Langdon
- Mary Beth Lange
- Carol Larson
- Robert Leonard
- Michael Leopardi
- Sandra Lewis
- Susan Lewis
- Carol Lindberg
- Burton Lipman
- Andrew Livingston
- Edwin Louer
- Margarete Lubke
- Roberta Magnani
- Barbara March
- Della Margelli
- James Marovitz
- Marikay Mathews
- Joann Matthiesen
- Stan Mayer
- Lawrence McChesney
- Frank McOmber
- Carole Meehan
- Jean Meinhard
- Jacqueline Meyer
- Joanne Meyerhoff
- John Michela
- Lenore Mickow
- Delores Molinari
- Mead Montgomery
- Terry Moore
- George Moran
- Shirley Morelli
- Alan Morris
- Mildred Morris
- Mary Morrison
- Robert Nachman
- Patsy Newman
- James Niemeyer
- John Nixon
- Harold Noble
- Jacqueline Noerenberg
- Rose Onesti
- Katherine Parker
- Robert Pearson
- Jeffery Perkins
- James Persson
- Paula Peterson
- Kathryn Peterson
- Marian Peterson
- Gordon Pett
- Donna Picchietti
- Silvio Pollachioli
- Bruce Pontone
- Judy Pope
- David Poppe
- Robert Porter
- Janice Poverello
- William Powell
- David Price
- Michael Radner
- Judy Rady
- James Reid
- Keith Reinhard
- Gail Reuben
- Susan Rich
- Ann Richards
- Thomas Ricker
- Peter Riddle
- Conrad Rizzolo
- Lance Robinson
- George Rogan
- Carolyn Ronchetto
- William Rose
- Joanne Rotter
- Sheila Rowe
- Mary Anne Russell
- Sandra Salo
- Ernest Santi
- Dorothy Shaffner
- Ann Schonthal
- Anna Mae Schoonover
- Richard Schroeder *
- Bettina Schwimmer
- Gregory Seaman
- Michael Seiler
- William Sernesi
- Patrick Shapiro
- Melodee Siegel
- Raymond Siensa
- Carol Sikorski
- Robin Smalley
- Judy Smith
- Charles Soldano
- Susan Spertus
- Sharon Spriggs
- Edward Stackler
- Theodore Steck
- Judy Steinberg
- Martha Strauss
- William Strubank
- Phillip Struve
- David Stupple
- Roberta Stupple
- John Swan
- Susan Terrill
- Donald Terry
- Beth Tewksbury *
- Susan Thomas
- Thomas Tibbetts
- Holly Tilden
- Richard Tressler
- Joann Turchi
- Dick Ugolini *
- Barbara Verkerk
- Richard Walker
- Susan Walker
- Nancy Walz
- Sandra Walz
- Joyce Ward
- Lela Ward
- Richard Watrous
- BEverly Waugh
- Roger Weissman
- Bette Wetzel
- Russell Whitman
- John Whitney
- Allen Wilson
- Alyce Wilson
- Dorothy Wilson
- Sally Windt
- Carol Winefield
- Ann Winslow
- Michael Witten
- Nancy Wolens
- William Young
- Lois Zebbesson
- Dennis Zeitlin
- Don Zenko *
Known links to this page:
URL: http://www.folklib.net/hphs/hphs_1956.shtml
Please send additions and/or corrections to Doug Henkle:
P.O. Box 331, Ripon, WI 54971-0331
Copyright © 2009 -
Douglas H. Henkle, All Rights Reserved.