Highland Park High School (IL), Class of 1957
Known Class Reunions (none)
(last updated .01-30-2015)
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Highland Park High School, Highland Park, Illinois
433 Vine Ave., Highland Park, IL 60035 -- (224) 765-2000
HPHS Home Page
- See Class of 1959 for more HPHS links
"Little Giant" Year Book Scans:
1957 Cover
Title Page
Please write
if you have additions and/or corrections to the Class List below,
or you have Web site links for anyone, or you have information about a past
or future 1957 Class Reunion. Please note, I do not know how to
contact anyone on this list.
Class Lists at this site:
| 1956
| 1957
| 1958
| 1959
There are no other known publicly accessible HPHS Class Lists for any
other year on any other site. However, if you have created one and have
no place to put it on-line for free, I would be happy to install it here
at no charge.
Send the list as plain text, and include a Class
contact Postal or E-Mail address. DO NOT send the list as an attachment
which will be automatically deleted by my E-Mail provider before I see it.
Class List:
from the 1957 Annual Yearbook, "Little Giant", p. 55-71
* = "Seniors not pictured" (8 listed on p. 71)
- William Abrahamson
- Robert Adler
- Alfred Alschuler
- Michael Altman
- Phyllis Anderson
- Linda Aronson
- Sandra Baarsch
- Susan Baarsch
- Loretta Babbini
- Judith Baim
- Barbara Balaban
- Sharon Ball
- Beverly Ballantine
- Patrick Barker
- Nancy Bartholomew
- Carole Baruffi
- Charles Baruffi
- Robert Bass
- Judy Baum
- Robert Baumann
- Elisa Beauchamp
- Wayne Bellei
- Samuel Belmonti
- Robert Benvenuti
- Edward Berkson
- Jill Berkson
- Jacqueline Bernardi
- Lillian Biefield
- Barbara Blight
- Joseph Borgini
- Gerald Botker
- Edward Bowman
- Carolyn Brash
- Bonnie Brienza
- Merle Brody
- Martha Brown
- Robert Brown
- Jack Calbert
- Joan Cantin
- Arthur Carani
- Barry Caris
- Paula Carr
- Joan Cassidy
- Patricia Castellani
- Jerry Catlett *
- Alice Childs
- Raquel Chizewer
- Richard Clarke
- Steven Cohn
- Jean Coleman
- Judy Coleman
- William Cora
- Dionne Corsini
- Janice Crovetti
- James Cuniffe
- Janet Cushman
- Charlotte Dahl
- Paul Daniels
- Penny Davidson
- Howard DeLaRue
- Dorothy Dell
- Ellen DeVroeg
- Warren Dick
- Susan Dodge
- Richmond Downie
- David Drake
- Peter Dusky
- Peter Eisendrath
- Merrill Eisenstein
- Susan Elliott
- Thomas Esdale
- Carol Falk
- Rite Ferrel *
- Sherry Foster
- Walter Frank
- James Franklin
- James Frehner
- Michael Garfinkel
- William Garling *
- Delia Garrity
- Norman Giambi
- Richard Giangiorgi
- George Giannasi
- Carolyn Gilmour
- Susan Ginsberg
- Fred Glazer
- Roberta Glickauf
- David Goelzer
- Charles Goldstein
- Joel Goldstein
- Ilene Goldware
- Judy Gordon
- Susan Gougler
- James Greenwald
- Sarah Grey
- John Guglielmi
- Hilma Hagberg
- Allen Hanich *
- Louise Hansmann
- Peggy Harbert
- William Harris
- Sandra Heins
- James Hayner
- Constance Helding
- Janet Henderson
- Fred Henninger
- Linda Hermanson
- Dennis Herrmann
- Barbara Hess
- Robet Hilton
- Steven Hirsh
- Merle Hochberger
- Patricia Hoffman
- Martha Holden
- Joan Holloway
- Richard Hopp
- Mary Hussong
- Patricia Hutchings
- Donald Inman
- Elaine Jashelski
- Gerald Johnson
- Linda Johnson
- Mary Ann Johnson
- Robert Johnson
- Ronald Johnson
- Katherine Jolls
- Patricia Jones
- Susan Jordan
- Morris Joseph
- Barbara Kahn
- Donald Kanter *
- Michael Kaplan
- Raymond Kaplan
- Jane Kelley
- Claire Kelly
- Lane Kendig
- Kathleen Kennedy
- David Kinsey
- Carol Kloepfer *
- Paul Klotz
- Barbara Kohlberg
- John Koretz
- Elaine Kramp
- Joan Krimston
- Barbara Kriser
- Barbara Kurtzon
- Richard Kushen
- Leo LaBuda
- Jacquelyn Lamb
- Kenneth Landau
- Veronica Laskowski *
- Ellien Lasman
- Karen Lauter
- Carol Lawrence
- Susan Leahy
- Helen Leonard
- Alice Leuer
- Constance Leuer
- James Leverick
- Michael Levy
- Michael Lewaren
- Judith Lewis
- Theodore Liautaud
- Anne Lindsey
- Rinah Lipis
- Peter List
- Sally Livingston
- Lucy Lovenhart
- Roger Louer
- Robert Lustbader
- Judith Lyons
- Howard Maccabee
- Thomas Maiman
- Roger Mandel
- Richard Mann
- Norman Margulies
- Judith Marianetta
- Paula Markey
- Mary Mason
- Marian Masser
- Melissa McClure
- Margaret McComb
- Joan McGarvie
- James McLaughlin
- Henry Menicucci
- Nancy Merrell
- Linda Meyer
- Caroline Millett
- Beverly Molinari
- Eileen Morelli
- Edwin Morrow
- Steven Morton
- Kaye Mullaney
- Patricia Murphy
- Margaret Nathan
- Susan Nechine
- Stephen Nelson
- Robert Niebauer
- Judy Nusinow
- Martha Oestreich
- Terry Oggel
- Georgia Ohlwein
- Patricia O'Leary
- Ralph Orlowsky
- Patricia Orsi
- Virginia Orsi
- Theodore Osborne
- Wilbur Page
- Gerald Panter
- Cynthia Parks
- Barbara Partlow
- Edward Pearl
- Paul Pearson
- Arnold Peck
- Laura Pepe
- William Pepping
- James Petersen
- Maurine Petesch
- Nancy Phelan
- Nancy Philips
- Carol Phillips
- Norman Piacenza
- Gerald Piazzi
- Robert Porkorny
- Sandra Pollack
- Daniel Poppe
- Edward Poser
- Peter Powell
- Margaret Price
- Roy Price
- William Quinn
- Michael Reeb
- Robert Rehn
- Danielle Risdon
- Domenic Rivi
- Carol Ann Rogan
- Robert Roscher
- Stanley Rosenbaum
- Barbara Ross
- James Rubenstein
- David Rudolph
- Ronald Rudolph
- Dorothy Scher
- John Schiffer
- Judith Schloss
- Richard Schnadig
- Richard Schneider
- Judith Schweiger
- William Schwerdt
- Arthur Serck
- Hugh Seyfarth
- Steve Shankman
- Patricia Sheahen
- Steve Sidari
- Diane Siegman
- Richard Sikorski
- Susan Silence
- Claire Silverstine
- David Simpson
- Patricia Skidmore
- Barbara Slepyan
- Sandra Slutzkin
- James Snyder
- Donald Sommerville
- Marlene Sordyl
- Richard Stein
- Mary Stipe
- Larry Stirsman
- David Stronge
- Carolyn Stunkel
- Janis Sundberg
- Patricia Swan
- Kendall Swanson
- Ann Tighe
- Terry Treger
- Diane True
- Patricia Tubbs
- Nicholas Vick
- John Vieregg
- Wendy Vollertsen
- Eugene Volpendesta
- David Wanger
- Leon Ward
- Fred Warner
- Richard Watrous * (pictured on p. 85 of 1986 Year Book)
- William Watt
- Nancy Weinstein
- Lee Weisel
- Lester Wellman
- Suzy Whitton
- Gail Wilson
- Robert Wilson
- Michelle Wizner
- Jeannine Wolf
- Emilie Wolter
- Richard Wyatt
- Joan Wynkoop
- Barbara Yellen
- Richard Zenko
- Robert Ziccarelli
- Susan Zimmerman
Known links to this page:
URL: http://www.folklib.net/hphs/hphs_1957.shtml
Please send additions and/or corrections to Doug Henkle:
P.O. Box 331, Ripon, WI 54971-0331
Copyright © 2005-2017
Douglas H. Henkle, All Rights Reserved.