Highland Park High School (IL), Class of 1959
      Class of 1959 - 50th Reunion, September 11-13, 2009

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Highland Park High School, Highland Park, Illinois
433 Vine Ave., Highland Park, IL 60035 -- (224) 765-2000
      Wikipedia - HPHS Home Page - Alumni Links at the HPHS site
      Known HPHS Reunion Web sites: 1940 60th, 1-05-2000 [Archive] - 1959 50th, 9/11-13/2009
      "Little Giant" Year Book Scans: 1959 Cover - Title Page

      Please write if you have additions and/or corrections to the Class List below, or you have Web site links for anyone. Those class members who have been found and have registered at the Official Class of 1959 site can be contacted through that site.

      Class Lists at this site: | 1956 (276) | 1957 (301) | 1958 (332) | 1959 (381) |

      There are no other known publicly accessible HPHS Class Lists for any other year on any other site. However, if you have created one and have no place to put it on-line for free, I would be happy to install it here at no charge. Send the list as plain text, and include a Class contact Postal or E-Mail address. DO NOT send the list as an attachment which will be automatically deleted by my E-Mail provider before I see it.

Class List:   from the 1959 Annual Yearbook, "Little Giant", p. 92-112

(D year) = deceased per the 50th Reunion: "In Memory" page (as of 01-30-2015)

  1. Richard Aaron
  2. Bruce Abernathy (D 1985)
  3. Michael Addison
  4. Roseann Albert
  5. Richard Albin
  6. Penelope Allderdice
  7. Lawrence Alschuler
  8. Eugene Altman
  9. Jean Altman
  10. Lawrence "Larry" Altman (D 1995)
  11. Lawrence Amidei
  12. Darrell Anderson
  13. Gail Anderson
  14. Karen Anderson
  15. Mary Anderson
  16. Michael Anderson
  17. Thomas Armstrong
  18. Peter Arne
  19. Frederick M. Asher
  20. Beach Aten
  21. Robert Atteridge (D 2011)
  22. Heather Axelrod
  23. Frederick Baker
  24. Charles Balkin
  25. Lawrence Ballantini
  26. Roslyn Banish
  27. Arnold Bartlett (D 1986)
  28. Carol Beck
  29. David Beck
  30. Jeanine Becker
  31. James Beckman (D 1999)
  32. Linda Benjamin
  33. Samuel Benjamin
  34. Karen Benvenuti
  35. Michael Berk
  36. Henry Bernard (D 1999)
  37. Samuel Bernardi (D 2013)
  38. Howard Bernstein
  39. Richard Bernstein
  40. Frank Bertogli
  41. Assunta Bertucci
  42. Geraldine Berube (Luczanich) (D 1996)
  43. Ameriga Bianchi
  44. Nancy Bilow
  45. Jean Bischoff (Brohm) (D 2005)
  46. Robert Bittner
  47. Pearl Bloom
  48. Ann Bock (Espinosa) (D 1998)
  49. Laura Bollenbacher
  50. Lana Borin
  51. William Bresnehan
  52. Judith Browar
  53. Carole R. Brown
  54. Janet Bruce
  55. William Bruce
  56. Norma Brugioni
  57. David Bye
  58. Lynnette Carey
  59. Nancy Carey
  60. Richard Carr
  61. Dolores Casorio
  62. William Casselman
  63. Enzo Castelli (D 2010)
  64. Karen Cheli
  65. Giselle Chesrow
  66. Anita Chizewer
  67. Rosemary Cholewa
  68. Nancy Christensen
  69. Thomas Clarkson
  70. Michael Clement
  71. Stephen Cohen (D 2011)
  72. Mary Beth Cohn
  73. Jeanne (Jean) Condon (Huge) (D 1973)
  74. David Conley
  75. Sharron Conn
  76. David Connolly
  77. Mary Carol Cook
  78. George Craig
  79. Charles Cretors
  80. William Dever
  81. Marcia Dicus
  82. Donald Drescher
  83. Leroy Drew
  84. Frederick Driscoll
  85. Jennifer Dubach
  86. Theodore Eaton
  87. Thomas Ekelman
  88. Eric Engberg - Newscaster/Reporter (CBS News, retired) - Wikipedia
  89. Marla Ettington
  90. Lynn Ewing
  91. Elizabeth Eyles
  92. Phoebe Fabricant (Goldman) (D 2006)
  93. John Farr
  94. Marianne Fell (Rudman) (D 1974)
  95. Jeffrey Ferguson
  96. Karen Ferrel
  97. James Fields
  98. Mace Fink (D 1962)
  99. Susan Firestone Hahn - Poet and Editor - Editor: "TriQuarterly" (Northwestern University)
  100. William Fleming
  101. Nancy Fortunato
  102. Gail Fox
  103. Margot Frank
  104. James Frederick
  105. Ralph Freund
  106. Lois Gamson
  107. Barbara Gans
  108. Janann Gardner
  109. Michael Garrity (D 2006)
  110. Donna Gherardini
  111. John Gibson
  112. John Gidwitz
  113. Alexandra (Sandy) Gilden (Kaplan) (D 2003)
  114. Bonnie Glazer
  115. Martin Gmeiner
  116. Barry Golden
  117. Greta Goldt
  118. Richard Goldwach
  119. Sheila Gomberg
  120. Berna Gorenstein
  121. Ines Gottschalk (D 19??)
  122. Carol Gould
  123. Sandra Grabell
  124. Roberta Gray
  125. Howard Greenberg
  126. Tony Gualandri
  127. Mary Gustafson
  128. Susan Hadden
  129. Linda Halperin
  130. Barbara Hammerman
  131. Dennis Hampton
  132. Star Hanck
  133. Jeff Hanson
  134. Darlene Hart
  135. Mavor Hedberg
  136. Barbara Heinz
  137. Michael Helding (D 1994)
  138. Douglas Henkle - Computer Analyst/Programmer (UW Oshkosh, retired), Webmaster - picture (1994), profile HPHS Reunion Profile, w/2009 picture
  139. Carol Henley (Miller) (D 2008)
  140. Jill Henner
  141. Susan Hirsh
  142. Janet Hitchcock
  143. Joel Hochberger
  144. Janis Hokin
  145. Allen Holder
  146. William Holland
  147. Judith Horwitz
  148. Ann Houghtaling
  149. Phyllis Huffman
  150. Ellen Hussong
  151. Frankee Hutler
  152. Edward Imhoff
  153. Leslie Ingham
  154. Mary Isador
  155. Cynthia Jacob
  156. Sharon Jaeger
  157. Martha Jahn
  158. Faith Johnson
  159. James Johnson
  160. Jeanne Johnson
  161. Mardith Jones
  162. Susan Joseph
  163. Alan Joyce
  164. Rebecca Kahn
  165. Richard Kahn (name changed to Richard Stone, Dick Stone)
  166. Thomas Kilfoyle
  167. Jo Ann Kinzelberg
  168. Geraldine Kinzle (Engle) (D 2000)
  169. David Klein
  170. Liselotte Klein
  171. Barbara Klevs
  172. Leland Klinetop
  173. Donald Klos (D 1986)
  174. Kenneth Knackstadt
  175. Martha Koeber
  176. Maxine Koenigsberg
  177. William Kohlberg (D 2011)
  178. Jacqueline Koss
  179. Judith Kraft
  180. Kay Kraft
  181. George Kramer
  182. Roger Kritz
  183. William Kulp
  184. Jeanne Kurtzon
  185. Barbara Kushen (Dee) (D 1967)
  186. Sandra K. Kwant
  187. Anthony Lamanna
  188. Martha Lansman
  189. Karen Larson
  190. Dean Laushe
  191. Barbara Ledlie
  192. Marcela Lencioni
  193. Pamela Lenzi (Robert) (D 2004)
  194. Louis Lenzi
  195. Nancy Lenzini
  196. Christine Leuer
  197. Joann Levin
  198. Roger Levin (D 1997)
  199. Jeffrey Levinger
  200. Howard Levy
  201. Peter Levy
  202. Michael Lewis
  203. Constance Linari
  204. Stanley Lind
  205. Linda Littenberg
  206. Carol Lipman
  207. James Lipman (D 2007)
  208. Cynthia Listek
  209. Walter London
  210. Sandra Looney
  211. Lawrence Lucenti (D 1979)
  212. Sheila Sue Lynch
  213. Norman Macht
  214. Joseph Magnani
  215. Tommie Manahan
  216. Frederick Mann
  217. Allan March
  218. Allan Marcus
  219. Roy Marinell
  220. Mary Marko
  221. Judson Marshall (D 1964)
  222. Leslie Marshall
  223. Lester Marshall
  224. Gertrude "Trudie" Martineau (D 2010)
  225. William Massover
  226. Susan Maxwell
  227. William McComb
  228. Melinda McMullen (Schneberger) (D 1988)
  229. David Meyer
  230. Patricia Meyer
  231. Ronald Meyers
  232. Nancy Jo Michaels
  233. Penny Michaels
  234. Jacqueline Migdal
  235. George Millen
  236. Wendell Moran
  237. Alfred Moser
  238. Jo Lynne Murray
  239. Donald Natta (D 2006)
  240. Robert Neiman
  241. Sandra Newbrough
  242. John Newmann (D 2011) - Obituary
  243. Robert Newton (D 2006)
  244. Carol Nye
  245. Gilbert Oberschelp
  246. Janice O'Connor
  247. Anne O'Neal
  248. Gail Oppenheim
  249. Harry Oppenheimer
  250. David R. Palmer - Science Fiction Author - Wikipedia
  251. Susan Parker
  252. Norman Pattarozzi (D 2001)
  253. Michael Peck
  254. Sandralee Pedrucci
  255. William (Jack) Penninga (D 1987)
  256. John Peradotti (D 1967)
  257. Barbara Petersen (Hill) (D 1999)
  258. John A. Peterson (D 1996)
  259. Patricia Peterson (D 1993)
  260. Judith Pettingell
  261. James Phelan
  262. Barbara Phillips
  263. Diane Phillips (Cassell) (D 1999)
  264. Fred Phillips
  265. Robert Piacenza
  266. Betty Powers
  267. Richard Pullin
  268. Thomas Pulver
  269. Betty Quinn
  270. Barbara Rady
  271. Patricia Rau
  272. Judith Reeb
  273. John Reid
  274. Ann Reinbach
  275. Michael D. Resnick - Science Fiction Author - Wikipedia
  276. John Richards
  277. David Ritter
  278. Richard Roach
  279. John Robbins (D 2012)
  280. Frances Roof
  281. Carol Root
  282. Mary Rose
  283. Stephen Rosenbaum
  284. Billie Rosenhouse
  285. Valerie Rossman
  286. Julie Rubel
  287. Jeffrey Rubenstein
  288. Robert Rubin
  289. Ronald Sackheim
  290. John Salasin
  291. Eugene Sandler
  292. William Sangerman
  293. Robert Sassorossi
  294. Hermia Mimi Saverslak (Sachs) (D 2008)
  295. Melinda Saverslak
  296. Suzanne Schechter
  297. Geri Schinder
  298. Dale Schmidt
  299. Susan Schnadig
  300. Mary Schroeder
  301. Jeril Schwab
  302. Margaret Schwalbach (Volberding) (D 1993)
  303. John Scornavacco
  304. Steven Seiler
  305. Susan Severson
  306. Ann Seyfarth
  307. Dennis Sharna
  308. Michael Shaw (D 2001)
  309. Flora Shriver
  310. Elliot Siegel
  311. Allan Sleeman (D 1992)
  312. David Slovic
  313. Gerald Smith
  314. Robert E. Smith
  315. Robert J. Smith
  316. Dale Snavely
  317. Richard Souders (D 1963)
  318. Lisa Spertus
  319. June Spivey (Kirkish) (D 2002)
  320. Mary Elizabeth Stearns
  321. Steven Steinberg
  322. Sandra Stevens
  323. Sally Stillson
  324. Margaret Struve
  325. Marla Tarrson
  326. Stephen Tatar
  327. John Tazioli (D 2007)
  328. Sharon Terrill
  329. Julie Thomas
  330. Lynda Thompson
  331. Charles Thomson
  332. Carolyn Thorsen
  333. Charles Trexler (D 1989)
  334. Stuart Unger
  335. Linda Vanoni
  336. Arthur Venturi
  337. Gordon Vines (D 2007)
  338. John Visoky (D 2009)
  339. William Wachholder
  340. Terry Walker
  341. Gail Walsh
  342. Rosalie Ward
  343. Stephen Ware
  344. Lionel Watson
  345. Linda Weil
  346. Ronald Weiland
  347. Fred Weinert
  348. Caryl Weintraub
  349. Karen Weis
  350. Kathreen Weisel
  351. Richard Weiss
  352. Allan James Weitzenfeld (D 1977)
  353. Sondra Wells
  354. Paul Wennerstrom
  355. Kirsten Werrenrath
  356. Nancy Wertheimer
  357. Susan Wilson
  358. Emily Winter
  359. Margretta Winters (D 1987)
  360. Judith Winthrop
  361. John Wolens (D 1997)
  362. Allen Wolf
  363. Henry "Butch" Wolff (D 2009)
  364. Nancy Wolff
  365. Donald Wurm
  366. Barbara York (Niesen) (D 1999)
  367. Edmund Young
  368. Roger Zanarini
  369. Samuel Zell
  370. Jeffrey Zellmer
  371. Karen Zuiker
  372. Carolyn Zuppann

    Others listed on the Official 50th Reunion site, but not listed in the 1959 Year Book:

  373. Wally Bartlett (D 2002)
  374. Lawrence Caldarelli (D 1992)
  375. Charmaine Daniels (Holst) (D 1988)
  376. James Duffy (D 2011)
  377. Robert (Rob) Gillispie III (D 1995)
  378. Penny Johnson (Williams) (D 1982)
  379. Myron Koenig (D 2005)
  380. James Mayer (D 1970)
  381. Mary Beth Ostrander (Donnelley) (D 2000)
  382. James Prill (D 2007)

Known links to this page:

URL: http://www.folklib.net/hphs/hphs_1959.shtml
Please send additions and/or corrections to Doug Henkle: henkle@pobox.com
P.O. Box 331, Ripon, WI 54971-0331

Copyright © 2005-2017 Douglas H. Henkle, All Rights Reserved.