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    - Oshkosh Schools, Churches, Organizations Labelography

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      This Wisconsin Labelography page displays record jacket and label scans of all known recordings released by Schools, Churches and musical Organizations in the city of Oshkosh which have released between one and nine recordings. Displayed elsewhere, the following have released ten or more recordings: Oshkosh High Schools and UW Oshkosh.

What's New?

  1. First Congregational Church
  2. First Evangelical United Brethren Church
  3. Lourdes High School (Lourdes Academy)
  4. Oshkosh East High School [no known recordings]
  5. Oshkosh Junior Theatre
  6. Redeemer Lutheran Church
  7. The Rotary - Y.M.C.A. Choir
  8. Sacred Heart Church
  9. St. Vincent Church
  10. South Park Junior High School / South Park Middle School
  11. Trinity Lutheran Church
  12. Webster Stanley Junior High School
  13. Webster Stanley Junior High School / Perry Tipler Junior High School
  14. Webster Stanley Junior High School / Roosevelt Junior High School / Merrill Junior High School / South Park Junior High School

First Congregational Church
      Founded 1849 [137 Algoma Blvd., Oshkosh, WI 54901 (1911-date)]
      Although many have released recordings made IN our Church, like the Oshkosh High School did between 1964 and 1969, the following are the only known recordings ever actually released BY our Church.
  1. 2004 - (CD: no #) {A} - First Congregational Church, Oshkosh, WI - Dupre 80th Anniversary Recital
        3-21-2004: performed by Wolfgang Rubsam
        cover scans
  2. 2009 - (2CD: no #) {A}
        Recorded live in concert 10-17-2008 at First Congregational Church, Oshkosh, WI - "Celebrating Forty Years of Ministry: A Concert Honoring Joanne West Peterson"
        10-17-2008: performances by Ryan Albashian, Mark Bloedow, Marty Robinson, Daniel Steinert, Jared Stellmacher, Ellie Thomas and Mary Thornton
        cover scans

First Evangelical United Brethren Church
      Founded 19?? [address?]
  1. 1965 - no # - Senior Choir - Senior Choir Lenten Concert -- Kapitzke
          graphic and mimeographed program is pasted on the jacket front, jacket back blank white, the LP paper sleeve has the same printing on both sides
          Recorded: 4-07?-1965 at location?
          Director: Mrs. Allan Kapitzke; organ: Mrs. Jack Knippel; soloists: Sue Miller, Sandra Rothenbach, Douglas Carroll, Dr. Thomas Neice
    Century Custom Recording Service no #, 1965, LP front jacket scan
    Century no #
    Century Custom Recording Service no #, 1965, LP paper sleeve scan
    Century no #
    Century Custom Recording Service no #, 1965, LP mimeographed program scan
    Century no #
    Century Custom Recording Service no #, 1965, LP label Side A scan
    Century no #
    Century Custom Recording Service no #, 1965, LP label Side B scan
    Century no #

Lourdes High School (Lourdes Academy)
      Founded 1959 [110 N. Sawyer St., Oshkosh, WI 54902 (1959-)]
  1. 1963 - 10207-8 - Junior-Senior Chorus, Mixed Chorus, Band, Freshman-Sophomore Chorus, Caroline Singers - Lourdes Catholic High School 1962-63 -- Directors: Chorus: Sister Mary Elinor, Band: Gary Lee Fontaine
          "Recorded Live in Concert", date?, by Lyle R. Evans, Green Bay, WI; except for the small "Recorded By" note at the bottom, the rest of the back jacket is blank
    Evans #10207-8, LP front jacket scan
    Evans 10207-8
    Evans #10207-8, LP back jacket scan
    Evans 10207-8
    Evans #10207 Side A, LP label scan
    Evans 10207
    Evans #10208 Side B, LP label scan
    Evans 10208
  2. There no other known recordings by any other musical group. The Lourdes Chamber Singers, Lourdes Concert Choir, Lourdes Jazz Ensemble and Lourdes Madrigal Singers have never appeared on any released recording of any kind.

Oshkosh East High School
      short lived alternative charter school (inside the "Eagles Club") [405 Washington Ave., Oshkosh, WI 54901 (2004-2010)]
      The Oshkosh School Board voted on 6-16-2010 to shut down the school.
Oshkosh Junior Theatre (1954-1974)
      This section lists all 22 musicals presented in 21 years. Only three productions are known to have been recorded and released: 1961, 1962 and 1963. At this time, it is unknown why the Oshkosh Junior Theatre folded after their 1974 musical production. Thanks go to the Oshkosh Public Library Reference Desk Staff for their assistance with this information.
  1. 1954 - Gramercy Ghost
  2. 1955 - Sweethearts
  3. 1956 - Of Thee I Sing
  4. 1957 - South Pacific
  5. 1958 - Pajama Game
          Directed by Marjorie Moore Anania, Music Director: J. Robert Koch
  6. 1959 - Kiss Me Kate
  7. 1960 - Guys and Dolls

    Release date - Catalog Number - Artist/Group - Title

  8. 1961 - V-14069 - Oshkosh Junior Theatre Production - Kismet
          Recorded: date? at location?
          front and back jackets blank white, i.e. no liner notes, Music Director: Frederick Leist, 100 cast members, piano and organ, no orchestra
    Custom Records #14069 Side A, LP label scan
    Custom V-14069-1
    Custom Records #14069 Side B, LP label scan
    Custom V-14069-2
  9. 8/01-04/1962 - 15424 - Oshkosh Junior Theatre Production - West Side Story
          Recorded: date? at location?
          front jacket blank white, back jacket Century logo, i.e. no liner notes
    Century Records #15424, LP back jacket scan: Century logo
    Century 15424
    Century Records #15424 Side A, LP label scan
    Century 15424-1
    Century Records #15424 Side B, LP label scan
    Century 15424-2
  10. 8/07-10/1963 - 17631 - Oshkosh Junior Theatre Production - Annie Get Your Gun
          Recorded: date? at location?
          Directed by Fred Steinbrecher, Music Director: Merrill Lewis
    Century Records #17631, LP front jacket scan
    Century 17631
    Century Records #17631, LP back jacket scan
    Century 17631
    Century Records #17631 Side A, LP label scan
    Century 17631-1
    Century Records #17631 Side B, LP label scan
    Century 17631-2
  11. 1964 - Brigadoon
  12. 1965 - Camelot
  13. 8/10-13/1966 - 110 in the Shade
  14. 8/10-12/1967 - Anything Goes
          on the road: New London 8/04-05, Ripon 8/08, Rhinelander 8/23-26
  15. 1968 - The Unsinkable Molly Brown
  16. 8/14-16/1969 - How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying
  17. 8/13-15/1970 - Mame
          Music Director: Ray Thompson
  18. 8/19-21/1971 - The Backward Clock
          a selection of songs from 1954-1965 past productions
  19. 8/17-19/1972 - Once Upon a Mattress (musical adaption of the "Princess and the Pea")
  20. 7/18-211973 - The Fantasticks (1973 Production #1)
  21. 8/09-11/1973 - The Skin of Our Teeth (1973 Production #2)
  22. 1974 - Little Mary Sunshine

Redeemer Lutheran Church -- any others? WANTED
      Founded 19?? [903 E. Tennessee Ave. (19??-Fall 2001?)] -- 7-27-2010: building cornerstone "1958"
      building now home of the "Bethel Worship Center"
  1. 1973 - USR-7643 - Redeemer Lutheran Church Choir, 1970 and 1973
          Recorded: "in concert, 1970 & 1973"
          Director: Dora Malone; organ: Florence Schoshinski; soloists: Kay Bauldry, Bob Bunke, Howie Fischer, Herb Johnson, Peggy Kime, Mike Malone, Debbie Werner
          The back of the paper sleeve is blank. It is unknown what the real front jacket looks like. Both used copies I have are in almost identical jackets to the 1970 - Oshkosh High School "The Magic of Christmas" jacket, except these have mostly brown coloring, while the other has mostly dark green coloring, shown below. Compare the upper right and lower left corners of both jackets.
    United Sound Records #USR-7643, LP front jacket scan
    United Sound USR-7643
    United Sound Records #USR-7643, LP back jacket scan: Century logo
    United Sound USR-7643
    United Sound Records #USR-7643, LP paper sleeve scan
    United Sound USR-7643
    United Sound Records #USR-7643 Side A, LP label scan
    United Sound USR-7643-1
    United Sound Records #USR-7643 Side B, LP label scan
    United Sound USR-7643-2
    Century Records #39477, LP front jacket scan
    Century 39477

The Rotary - Y.M.C.A. Choir -- any others? WANTED
      Choir founded 1959? ... "The choir has been under the direction of Miss Virginia Krueger for the past six years."
      The Oshkosh Rotary Club, Club #2752, founded 3-01-1917. Contact: P.O. Box 785, Oshkosh, WI 54903-0785
      Oshkosh Community YMCA, founded 19??
         324 Washington Ave., Oshkosh, WI 54901
         3303 West 20th Ave., Oshkosh, WI 54904
  1. 1965 - 22505 - The Rotary - Y.M.C.A. Choir - An Album of Song -- Krueger -- any others? WANTED {.A7}
          Recorded by George F. Johnston: date? at location?
          Director: Miss Virginia Krueger; accompanist: Mrs. Dorothy Leist
          The Program booklet (shown below) that came with the only copy of this LP I have seen, is not what is on the record. It is for a 2-14-1965 concert held in the Webster Stanley Auditorium, with accompanist: Ray Thompson; and percussion: Steve Verhoeven, Richard Verhoeven.
    Century Custom Records #22505, 1965, LP front jacket scan
    Century 22505
    Century Custom Records #22505, 1965, LP back jacket scan
    Century 22505
    Century Custom Records #22505, 1965, LP label Side A scan
    Century 22505
    Century Custom Records #22505, 1965, LP label Side B scan
    Century 22505
    Century Custom Records #22505, 1965, LP program booklet scan
    Century 22505
    Century Custom Records #22505, 1965, LP program booklet scan
    Century 22505
    Century Custom Records #22505, 1965, LP program booklet scan
    Century 22505

Sacred Heart Church -- any others? WANTED
      Founded 19??, current building built 19?? [Office: 1025 W. 5th Ave., Oshkosh, WI 54902 (19??-date)]
      The Church is located at 1020 W. 6th Ave., Oshkosh, WI 54902. On 7-14-2007 it merged with St. Vincent Church and a third parish (name?) and all were renamed. "Sacred Heart Church" is now called "Saint Jude the Apostle Parish - Knapp Street site".
  1. 1970 - 39218 - Sacred Heart Church Mixed Choir - Father David Bunkleman Jubilee Mass Celebration 6-14-1970
          Recorded: 6-14-1970
          Director: David L. Bowman; organ: Greg Check; soprano: Rose Collier, Cindy Pischke; alto: Doris Koch; baritone: Larry Bowman; solo: Eugene Myers
    Century Records #39218, LP front jacket scan
    Century 39218
    Century Records #39218, LP back jacket scan
    Century 39218
    Century Records #39218 Side A, LP label scan
    Century 39218-1
    Century Records #39218 Side B, LP label scan
    Century 39218-2
  2. 1974 - USR-6356 - Sacred Heart Church Mixed Choir - Sacred Music for All Seasons
          Recorded: date? at First Congregational Church, Oshkosh and the First United Methodist Church, Oshkosh
          Director: David L. Bowman; organ: Pamela Rescheske, Ray Thompson; flute: Carol Bowman; solos: Larry Bowman, Rose Collier, Kurt Kramer, Cindy Pischke
    United Sound Records #USR-6356, LP front jacket scan
    United Sound USR-6356
    United Sound Records #USR-6356, LP back jacket scan
    United Sound USR-6356
    United Sound Records #USR-6356 Side A, LP label scan
    United Sound USR-6356-1
    United Sound Records #USR-6356 Side B, LP label scan
    United Sound USR-6356-2
    United Sound Records #USR-6356 Side C, LP label scan
    United Sound USR-6356-3
    United Sound Records #USR-6356 Side D, LP label scan
    United Sound USR-6356-4

St. Vincent Church
      Founded 1868, current building built 1914 [Office: 1025 W. 5th Ave., Oshkosh, WI 54902 (1914-date)]
      The Church is located at 216 W. South Park Ave., Oshkosh, WI 54902. On 7-14-2007 it merged with Sacred Heart Church and a third parish (name?) and all were renamed. "St. Vincent Church" is now called "Saint Jude the Apostle Parish - St Vincent De Paul Site".
  1. 1965 - no # - St. Vincent's Men's Choir - 2nd record
          back jacket blank white, Recorded: June 1965
          Director: W.J. Schmid; organ: C.A. Schuster
    Century Records, LP front jacket scan
    Century no #
    Century Records Side A, LP label scan
    Century no #-1
    Century Records Side B, LP label scan
    Century no #-2

South Park Junior High School / South Park Middle School -- any others? WANTED
      Elementary School built 1903, Junior High School added 1940 [1551 Delaware St., Oshkosh, WI 54902]
  1. 1963 - 17104 (10") - 1963 Boys' Chorus, Male Chorus, Girls' Chorus and Girls' Triple Trio -- Merrill Lewis
          Recorded: date? at location?
  2. 1964 - 19746 (10") - Boys' Chorus, Male Chorus, Girls' Chorus and Triple Trio -- Merrill Lewis
          Recorded: date? at location?
  3. 1965 - 22348 (10") - 1965 Choirs -- Merrill Lewis
          Recorded: date? at location?
  4. 1966 - 24986 - South Park Junior High Choirs of 1966 -- Merrill Lewis
          Recorded: date? at location?
    1967 - unknown
  5. 1968 - 31296 - South Park Junior High Choirs - Voices of Spring 1968 -- Merrill Lewis
          Recorded: date? at location?
    Century Records #31296, 1968, LP front jacket scan
    Century 31296
    Century Records #31296, 1968, LP back jacket scan
    Century 31296
    Century Records #31296, 1968, LP label Side A scan
    Century 31296
    Century Records #31296, 1968, LP label Side B scan
    Century 31296
  6. 1969 - 34985 - Voices of Spring 1969 -- Merrill Lewis
          Recorded: date? at location?
  7. 1970 - 38790 - South Park Junior High School Choirs - Voices of Spring 1970
          Recorded: date? at location?
          Director: Merrill Lewis; piano: Jeanne Spychalia, Lea Raby; solo: Debbie Bunker
    Century Records #38790, LP front jacket scan
    Century 38790
    Century Records #38790, LP back jacket scan
    Century 38790
    Century Records #38790 Side A, LP label scan
    Century 38790-1
    Century Records #38790 Side B, LP label scan
    Century 38790-2
  8. 1971 - CFS-2620 - Voices of Spring 1971 -- Merrill Lewis
          Recorded: date? at location?
  9. 1972 - USR-4684 - South Park Junior High Choirs - Voices of Spring 1972
          Recorded: 6/05-06/1972 at ?
          Director: Merrill Lewis; piano: Debbie Zentner
    United Sound Records #USR-4684, LP front jacket scan
    United Sound USR-4684
    United Sound Records #USR-4684, LP back jacket scan
    United Sound USR-4684
    United Sound Records #USR-4684 Side A, LP label scan
    United Sound USR-4684-1
    United Sound Records #USR-4684 Side B, LP label scan
    United Sound USR-4684-2

    1973 - unknown
    1974 - unknown
    1975 - unknown
  10. 1976 - USR-9337 - South Park Middle School Choirs - Voices of Spring 76
          Recorded: 6/01-02/1976 at location?
          Director: Merrill Lewis; piano: Sandy Kasper, MarJean Schroeder; soprano: Ann Reschenberg; claves: Chris Jungwirth, Doug Probst; guitar: Dawn Heisler; kaluba: Amy Lemkuil, Chuck Steinert; tambourine: Gordon LeDioyt, Laural Zwicky
    United Sound Records #USR-9337, LP front jacket scan
    United Sound USR-9337
    United Sound Records #USR-9337, LP back jacket scan
    United Sound USR-9337
    United Sound Records #USR-9337 Side A, LP label scan
    United Sound USR-9337-1
    United Sound Records #USR-9337 Side B, LP label scan
    United Sound USR-9337-2
    United Sound Records #USR-9337, LP front jacket scan
    United Sound USR-9337
    United Sound Records #USR-9337, LP front jacket scan
    United Sound USR-9337

Trinity Lutheran Church -- any others? WANTED
      Founded 19??, building built 19?? [370 Bowen St., Oshkosh, WI 54901]
  1. 1976 - USR-8747 - Trinity Lutheran Children's Choir - The Lord Is My Shepherd
          Recorded: 2/1976
          Director, piano: Donald G. Sasse; soloists: Amy Brunow, Susan Draves, Susan Jones, John Rehberger, Jennifer Shields
    United Sound Records #USR-8747, LP front jacket scan
    United Sound USR-8747
    United Sound Records #USR-8747, LP back jacket scan
    United Sound USR-8747
    United Sound Records #USR-8747 Side A, LP label scan
    United Sound USR-8747-1
    United Sound Records #USR-8747 Side B, LP label scan
    United Sound USR-8747-2

Webster Stanley Junior High School
      Webster Stanley Middle School built 1955 [915 Hazel St., Oshkosh, WI 54901-4057]
  1. 1973 - USR-5651 - Webster Stanley Bands - Follies Concert 1973
          back jacket blank white, Recorded: date? at location?
          Conductor: Reginald W. Goeke
    United Sound Records #USR-5651, 1973, LP front jacket scan
    United Sound USR-5651
    United Sound Records #USR-5651, 1973, LP label Side A scan
    United Sound USR-5651
    United Sound Records #USR-5651, 1973, LP label Side B scan
    United Sound USR-5651

Webster Stanley Junior High School / Perry Tipler Junior High School -- any others? WANTED
      Perry Tipler Middle School built 1967 [325 S. Eagle St., Oshkosh, WI 54902]
  1. 1972 - 40495 - Webster Stanley Junior High School Choir and Orchestra / Perry Tipler Junior High School Choir and Orchestra - Sacred Concert
          Recorded: 3-15-1972 at First Congregational Church, Oshkosh
          Webster Stanley Choir Director: Shirley Brabender; Orchestra Director: LeRoy Wolters; Perry Tipler Choir Director: Alfred Mayer; Orchestra Director: Maxine Averbeck; organ: Ray Thompson; and the Oshkosh Senior High School Chancel Brass
    Century Records #40495, LP front jacket scan
    Century 40495
    Century Records #40495, LP back jacket scan
    Century 40495
    Century Records #40495 Side A, LP label scan
    Century 40495-1
    Century Records #40495 Side B, LP label scan
    Century 40495-2

Webster Stanley Junior High School / Roosevelt Junior High School / Merrill Junior High School / South Park Junior High School
  1. 1964 - 20209 - Oshkosh Junior High School - Band-O-Rama 1964
          scan found on the Web, LP or jackets & labels scans wanted
    Century Records 20209, LP front jacket scan
    Century 20209
    Recorded 5-12-1964 (location?)
    Selections by:
    Webster Stanley Junior High School (Director: Leroy Walter),
    Roosevelt Junior High School (Director: Roger Lalk)
    Merrill Junior High School (Director: Roger Lalk) and
    South Park Junior High School (Directors: Richard Holzer and Fred Schroeder)

What's New?
      This is a list of new titles added or changes made to this page. Press the BACK button [or ALT/left arrow key] to return to the top of the page.

    1964 - 20209 - Webster/Roosevelt/Merrill/South Park Junior High Schools - Band-O-Rama 1964
    1965 - 22505 - The Rotary - Y.M.C.A. Choir
    1965 - no # - First Evangelical United Brethren Church Senior Choir
    1974 - USR-7612 - UW Oshkosh Choir and Symphony Orchestra -- (Note: the page it is on is new as of today.)
    1973 - USR-5651 - Webster Stanley Bands
    1963 - 10207-8 - Lourdes Catholic High School 1962-63 -- new Lourdes title, the only one ever released by this school
    Oshkosh Junior Theatre Production - Kismet -- Added catalog number and scans
    First Congregational Church 2004
    First Congregational Church 2009
    From the liner notes, added all named Directors, accompanists, and vocal & instrumental soloists.
    Moved all "Recorded:" dates here from the George F. Johnston Discography page.
    St. Vincent 1965 - no #
    South Park 1972 - USR-4684

Known links to this page:

Please send additions and/or corrections to Doug Henkle:
P.O. Box 331, Ripon, WI 54971-0331

Copyright © 2010 - 2024 Douglas H. Henkle, All Rights Reserved.