FolkLib Index
- UW Oshkosh Music Department Faculty Index
(last updated .03-18-2017)
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This page lists every known Faculty member in the
UW Oshkosh Music Department
since it was founded in 1952 by Roger P. Dennis, as well as all other
known Music Faculty
back to the founding of the School in 1871. The
primary sources of these names are the
Faculty home pages
created since 1998, and the Music Department Faculty lists published in the
annual Campus Directories.
Unfortunately, these sources do not always agree. There are some
Faculty since 1998 who were listed in a Directory, but no home page was
created for them by the Department, and some who had a home page, but
were never listed in any Directory. See the
Research Questions/Problems section of the
UW Oshkosh Music Department Sources page for details.
For those with no link, nothing else in known about them. It is
unknown whether they are
conductors or composers, so I do not
know on which page to install an entry for them. (?) - Can you
help identify for each listed Faculty, what instruments they played, what
vocal parts (SATB) they sang, or whether they were a conductor or a
* = If the first year they were listed in a Directory does not
agree, their start year was taken from the official
"Faculty and Academic Staff" lists published in the bi-annual
Undergraduate Bulletin.
UW Oshkosh Music Department History
- new 3-25-2009
photos and biographies from deleted Faculty home pages
Music Department Chairs
Classified Staff
Past Presidents and Chancellors
Degree Abbreviations
UW Oshkosh Music Department Gallery
- new 3-25-2009
(35 different photos, long load)
UW Oshkosh Music Department Sources
- new 3-25-2009
Campus Directories
Undergraduate Bulletins
Graduate Studies Bulletins
Quiver (yearbooks)
Other Source Books
UW Oshkosh Music Department Faculty Schools
- new 4-03-2009
(where Faculty received the Degrees listed here)
(UW Oshkosh Music Department Faculty Degrees)
- new 3-31-2009 - obsolete 4-06-2009 (obs.)
Degree Information
| A - B
- C - D
- E - F
- G - H
- I - J
- K - L
- M
| N - O
- P - Q
- R - S
- T - U
- V - W
- X - Y
- Z
- .
Joyce A. Andrews
(1990*-) (soprano)
M.M., University of Hawaii year?
// B.M., MacMurray College year?
// B.M., MacMurray College year?
- UB2007
- .
Jeri-Mae G. Astolfi
(2007-) (piano)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .
Bruce W. Atwell
(1998-) (french horn)
D.M.A., University of Cincinnati 1998
// M.M., UW-Milwaukee year?
// B.M., California State University-Northridge year?
- UB2007
- .
Klara Fenyo Bahcall (1988-)
- Klara Fenyo (1992)
- Klara F. Paris
(1988-1991) (violin, viola)
M.A., Bela Bartok Conservatory year?
// B.A., F. Leiszt Academy of Music year?
- UB2007
- .John Baldwin
(1968-1970) (percussion)
M.M.E., Wichita State University year?
// B.M.E., University of Wichita year?
- Q1969
- .Joey Bargsten-Yates
(1985) (?)
degrees?, schools?, years?
Betty Jane Bauer
(1954-1955) (piano)
(see Betty Jane Zwickey)
- .Carolyn Beck
(1987) (?)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .Roger Becker
(1971) (clarinet)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .Jon P. Beebe
(1985) (?)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .
Cheryl Bensman-Rowe
(1999-2000) (?)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .John Bercham
(2006) (?)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .Sylvia Berg
(1969) (piano)
M.M., ? year?
// B.M., ? year?
- Q1970
- .Mrs. E.L. Blakeslee
(1886-1896) (vocal music, grammar)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .Jacklin T. Bolton
(1965-1966) (?)
Ph.D., University of Michigan year?
// M.M., University of Indiana year?
// B.S., Juilliard School of Music year?
- Q1966
- .
Todd Borgerding
(1999-) (harpsichord)
Ph.D., University of Michigan year?
// M.A., University of Minnesota year?
// B.S., Mankato State University year?
- UB2007
- .Marie Breed
(1995) (?)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .John A. Breese
(1923-1952) (?)
degree?, Western Conservatory of Music, Chicago 1917
// B.S., New York University 1929
// M.A.M.E., New York University year?
schools?, years?
- .
Karl Brock
(1965-1981) (tenor)
// M.M., UW-Madison year?
// B.M., University of Kansas year?
- UB1981
- .
Colin Brown
(1996-1998) (?)
C.P.D., Northwestern University year?
// M.M., Northwestern University year?
// B.S.M.E., Duquesne University
- Source
- .Willis E. Buettner
(1959-1983) (bassoon)
M.M., Northwestern University year?
// B.S., UW-Milwaukee year?
- UB1983
- .Mary A. Burroughs
(1985-1986) (?)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .
Mihoko Burton
(2003) (flute)
- (see also:
Mihoko Watanabe)
- .
Allen K. Butcher
(1971-1994) (trumpet, keyboards, guitar)
[d. 1-22-2006]
M.M., UW-Madison year?
// B.M.E., Morningside College year?
- UB1991
- .Stanton Carey
(1977) (?)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .Gary D. Case
(1979-1982) (percussion)
M.M.Ed., North Texas State University year?
// B.S., Idaho State University year?
- UB1983
- .
Rose Chancler
(2000-200?) (piano)
D.M.A., Eastman School of Music year?
// M.M., B.M., University of Texas at Austin year?
- Source
- .
Carl E. Chapman
(1981-) (choral director, tenor)
D.M.A., University of Illinois year?
// M.M., Wisconsin Conservatory of Music year?
// B.M.E., Northwestern University year?
- UB2007
- .
James E. Chaudoir
(1984-) (composer)
D.M.A., University of Maryland year?
// M.M., University of Maryland year?
// B.M., Louisiana State University year?
- UB2007
- .
Marianne Chaudoir
(1990-2002) (organ, piano)
M.M., ? year?
// B.M., ? year?
- Source
- .
Chmura-Moore, Dylan Thomas
(2009-) (trombone, conductor)
degree?, New England Conservatory, Boston, MA, year?
// degree?, New England Conservatory, Boston, MA, year?
- .
Julia Chybowski
(2008-) (pedal harp, folk harp, Renaissance harp)
Ph.D., UW-Madison 2008
// M.A., UW-Madison year?
// B.M., school year?
- .Edmund F. Cionek
(1978) (?)
M.M., University of Michigan year?
// B.S., Ball State University year?
- UB1979
- .
Alice Clark
(1998-1999) (?)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .Miss Anna S. Clark
(1874-1878) (instrumental and vocal music)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .Clark, Harriet E.
(1882-1910) (reading, elocution, rhetoric, voice culture)
degrees?, schools?, years?
[she didn't start teaching voice culture until 1888)
- .Nelson T. Cleary
(1967-1968) (viola)
M.A., University of Minnesota year?
// B.M., Oberlin College year?
- Q1969
- .Miss Mary A. Clemens (Mrs. Mary Clemens Goddard)
(1893-1897) (piano, instrumental music, voice culture)
(m. H.N. Goddard 12/1895)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .
Rose T. Collier
(1989) (piano)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .
Charles Combe
(1994 - 3-04-2009) (guitar)
[d. 3-04-2009]
M.M., UW-Madison 1996
// B.M., UW-Madison 1994
- Source
- .Edward Corpus
(2005-2006) (?)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .
David B. Cowley
(1987-2009) (cello)
D.M.A., Florida State University year?
// M.M., Emporia State University year?
// B.M., Eastman School of Music year?
- UB2007
- .Raymond H. Culp
(1955) (?)
M.S., UW-Madison 1951
- .Hannah P. Cundiff
(1908-1918) (director of music)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .
Alvin J. Curtis
(1964-1986) (director, clarinet)
Ed.D., Colorado State College year?
// M.S., UW-Madison year?
// B.S., WSU-Platteville year?
- UB1987
- .(Anna) Irene Curtis
(1909-1912) (assistant in music)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .Kim Dahlk
(1987) (?)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .
Cara Davis
(2008-) (?)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .Roger P. Dennis
(1952-1985, 1987-1991) (?)
Ph.D., Michigan State University year?
// M.A., UW-Madison 1950
// B.A., St. Norbert College year?
- UB1983
- .M. Curtis Dickson, Jr.
(1969-1971) (?)
M.M., ? year?
// B.M. ? year?
- Q1970
- .Robert L. Donahue
(1964-1966) (?)
A.Mus.D., Cornell University year?
// M.M., UW-Madison year?
// B.M., University of Illinois year?
- Q1966
- .Adelyn S. Downing
(1903-1905) (musical director, vocal music)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .
David Dunning
(2007-) (trombone)
M.M. UW-Stevens Point year?
Mrs. Carrie McNutt Edwards
(see Miss Carrie E. McNutt)
- .Mary Eisenreich
(1968) (clarinet)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .Nancy Emery
(1982-1986?) (?)
M.A., Claremont Mens College year?
// B.M., Lawrence University year?
- UB1987
- .Mary Lebow Eriksen
(1966-1968) (?)
Ed.D., Wayne State University year?
// M.A., Columbia University year?
// B.S., Kansas State University year?
- Q1969
- .
Daniel Fee
(2002-2004,2009-) (?)
degrees?, schools?, years?
Klara Fenyo
(see Klara Fenyo Bahcall)
- .Mary Lee S. Field
(1967) (percussion)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .Barbara Folb
(1990-1991) (?)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .
Karen J. Fournier
(2002-2004) (?)
Ph.D., University of Western Ontario year?
// M.A., University of Western Ontario year?
// B.A., University of Ottawa year?
- UB2005
- .Donald M. Fouse
(1963-1964) (?)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .
Kay T. Gainacopulos
(1982-) (saxophone, clarinet)
D.M.A., Indiana University year?
// M.M., Peabody Institute 1962
// B.M.E., Lawrence University 1961
- UB2007
- .
Andre J. Gaskins
(2009-) (cello, conductor)
Ph.D., Indiana Univ. year?
- .Daniel Geeting
(1978-1979) (?)
D.M.A., University of Oregon year?
// M.M., University of Southern California year?
// B.A., California State University at Fresno year?
- UB1979
- .Joyce Geeting
(1978-1979) (?)
D.M.A., University of Oregon year?
// M.A., Washington State University year?
// B.A., University of Washington year?
- UB1979
- .Pamela Gere
(1989) (?)
degrees?, schools?, years?
Mrs. Mary Clemens Goddard
(see Miss Mary A. Clemens)
- .
Kimberly Golden
(1998-1999) (?)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .
Everett L. Goodwin
(1982-2003) (violin, viola)
M.F.A., Carnegie Mellon University year?
// B.M., UW-Madison year?
- UB1983
- .Robert Graham
(1871-1881) (director of model school, vocal music, reading,
conductor of institutes)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .
Sharon L. Gray
(1992-1997) (conductor)
D.M.E., University of Cincinnati year?
// C.P.M., ? year?
// M.A., Spalding College year?
// B.M., Nazareth College year?
// B.A., Ursuline College year?
- Source,
- .
Geraldine S. Grine
(1969-1979) (conductor, clarinet)
M.M., ? year?
// B.M. ? year?
- Q1970
- .
James L. Grine
(1966-2003) (flute)
D.M.A., UW-Madison year?
// M.M., Northwestern University year?
// B.M., Western Michigan University year?
- UB2001
- .
Jaime Guiscafre
(1986-1993) (classical guitar)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .
Andrea J. Gullickson
(1994-2005) (oboe)
D.M.A., University of Iowa year?
// M.M., Northwestern University year?
// B.M., Michigan State University year?
- UB2005
- .
Michael Hale
(19??-1998) (trumpet, flugelhorn, percussion, vocals)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .
Barbara Harbach
(1997-2000) (organ, harpsichord, composer)
degree?, Pennsylvania State University year?
// degree?, Yale University year?
// degree?, Eastman School of Music year?
- Source
She received a D.M.A. from one of these, but I am not absolutely sure
which one. She was not listed in any
Undergraduate Bulletins while she was here.
- .
John Harmon
(1992-1996) (piano, composer)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .
Amy Hartman (flute)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .
Beverly S. Hassel
(1965-2005) (piano)
M.M., UW-Madison year?
// B.M., UW-Madison year?
- UB2005
- .Ray Haux
(1966-1987) (violin)
M.A., University of Missouri year?
// B.M. Bradley University year?
- UB1987
- .Miss Martha E. Hazard
(1871-1875) (drawing, penmanship, music, calisthenics)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .Harold Heep
(1979-1980) (?)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .Rebecca Hein
(1988-1989) (?)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .
Emily Helvering
(2006-) (oboe)
D.M.A. University of Iowa 2002
// M.M. Baylor University 1998
// B.M. Arkansas State University 1996
Joanne Hess
(see Joanne Peterson)
- .Grace Heward
(1896-1903) (vocal music)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .Thomas N. Hiebert
(1984) (?)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .Nancy G. Hinant
(1974-1978) (?)
M.M.E., Indiana University year?
// B.M.E. Therapy, Indiana University year?
- UB1979
- .
Frank Hoffmeister
(1987-) (tenor)
M.M., New England Conservatory of Music year?
// B.S., Ithaca College year?
- UB2007
- .Debra J. Hogan
(1984) (?)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .
Florence A. Hollenbeck
(1950-1965) (organ)
degree?, Northwestern University year?
// degree?, Carroll College year?
// degree?, Lawrence University year?
- Q1966
- .Claire Holsten
(1969) (?)
Diploma - Hochschule for Music year?
- Q1970
- .Mary S. Howe
(1889-1891) (piano, instrumental music)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .Gene Hunn
(1987-1989) (?)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .Scott Hunsberger
(1989, 1991-1994) (?)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .Michael Hutton
(1988-1989) (?)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .Julie G. Idoine
(1969) (?)
M.M., ? year?
// B.M. ? year?
- Q1970
- .
John A. Imobersteg
(1999*-) (?)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- UB2007
- .
Charles F. Isaacson
(1978-2009) (trombone)
D.M.A., University of Illinois year?
// M.M., University of Illinois year?
// B.M., Depauw University year?
- UB2007
- .
Jessica Israels
(2009-) (soprano, director)
M.M., school?, year?
// B.A., school?, year?
- .David C. Jacobsen
(1972) (?)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .
Eloise "Ellie" Jenkins
(1997-1998) (french horn)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .Allen Johnson
(1985) (?)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .Karen Johnson
(1968) (organ)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .Delores R. Justice
(1984-1987) (?)
M.S., University of Illinois year?
// B.S., Eastern Illinois University year?
- UB1987
- .
Eli Kalman
(2006-) (piano)
D.M.A., UW-Madison year?
// M.M., UW-Madison year?
// B.M., Academy of Music "G. Dima" in Cluj, Romania year?
- .
Nancy Kaphaem
(1995-2003) (cello)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .Maribeth M. Kirchhoff
(1967-1968) (mezzo-soprano)
M.M., American Conservatory of Music year?
// B.M., Lawrence University year?
- Q1969
- .Janice J. Klemish
(1964-1984) (?)
Ph.D., UW-Madison year?
// M.M., Northwestern University year?
// B.M., Lawrence University year?
- UB1983
- .James D. Kohn
(1963-1994) (piano)
Ph.D., University of Iowa year?
// M.M., Roosevelt University (Chicago Musical College) year?
// B.M., Roosevelt University (Chicago Musical College) year?
- UB1991
- ..
Nathan Krueger
(2002-200?) (baritone)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .Raymond R. Kuutti
(1965-1966) (?)
M.M., Boston University year?
// B.S., University of Minnesota year?
- Q1966
- .
Soo-Jin Kwoun
(2003-2004) (?)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .Rebecca A. Lange
(1983-1987) (?)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .Nancy Lepien
(1991-1994) (?)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .
Julie Leschke
(1999-2001) (piano)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .
Leigh-Ann Lethco (?)
D.M.E., Louisiana State University year?
// M.M., Ohio University year?
// B.M.E., Ohio University year?
- .Gail Lewis
(1988-1989) (?)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .Mrs. Meta M. Libis
(1897-1898) (piano, instrumental music)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .Hope H. Linton
(1962-1963) (?)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .Stanley S. Linton
(1952-1984) (conductor)
Ed.D., Columbia University 1952
// M.M., Northwestern University year?
// B.S., Central Missouri State University, Warrenberg year?
- UB1983
- .
Kenneth L. Liske
(1999-) (choral director, handbell director)
Ph.D., Louisiana State University year?
// M.M., Bowling Green State University year?
// M.M., Heidelberg College year?
- UB2007
- .
Nancy M. Lloyd
(1974-2000) (soprano, alto)
M.M.E., Indiana University year?
// B.M.E., Indiana University year?
- UB1999
- .
Timothy Lovelace
(1998-2000) (piano)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .
David W. Luce
(2002-200?) (?)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .
Joan Luce
(1969-1998) (viola)
Ph.D., University of Michigan year?
// M.M., M.M., University of Cincinnati year?
- UB1991
- .
Kim Marheine
(1988-1991, 1993) (?)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .
Ed Martin
(2007-) (composer)
D.M.A., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign year?
// M.M., University of Texas at Austin year?
// B.M., University of Florida year?
- .
Lucia Matos
(2003-2007) (conductor)
D.M.A., University of Iowa 2003
// M.A., University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA M.A.
// B.M., Campinas State University, Campinas-SP, Brazil 1996
- UB2007
- .Paul T. Mazzacano
(1974-1978) (?)
M.M.E., DePaul University, Chicago year?
// B.M.E., DePaul University, Chicago year?
- UB1979
- .Ronald McCreery
(1972-1977) (?)
M.M., Kent State University year?
- .
Payton MacDonald
(2001-2005) (percussion, marimba)
D.M.A., Eastman School of Music year?
// M.M., Eastman School of Music year?
// B.F.A., University of Michigan year?
- UB2003
- .Geri McKee
(1976) (?)
M.M., University of Oregon year?
// B.M., Southern Illinois University year?
- UB1979
- .Donald R. McNew
(1949-1951) (?)
M.M.E., Chicago Musical College
- .Miss Carrie E. McNutt (Mrs. Carrie McNutt Edwards)
(1878-1886) (vocal and instrumental music,
assistant in preparatory grades)
(m. R. H. Edwards 1885)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .
Heather McWilliams
(2004-) (tuba)
D.M.E., UW-Madison 2003
// M.M., UW-Madison 2000
// B.A., Queensland Conservatorium of Music (Australia) 1992
- .
Robert L. "Rob" McWilliams
(1996-) (piano, trumpet, flugelhorn)
Ph.D., University of Minnesota year?
// M.M., Florida State University year?
// B.M.E., University of Melbourne year?
- UB2007
- WWMw1998
- .
Walter E. "Wally" Messner
(1976-) (pedal steel guitar, Dobro)
M.S.T., UW Oshkosh year?
// B.M.E., UW Oshkosh year?
- UB2007
- .
Jeffery Meyer
(2002) (piano)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .
Matthew Miller
(2009-) (classical guitar)
A.A. UW-Marinette year?
// B.M. UW-Whitewater year?
// M.S. UW-Milwaukee year?
- .John M. Minniear
(1966-1991, 1994-1995) (french horn, conductor)
Ph.D., North Texas State University year?
// M.A., Baylor University year?
// B.A., Baylor University year?
- UB1999
- .Jessie B. Monroe
(1911-1912) (music)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .Barbara C. Moore
(1906-1908) (vocal music)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .Lois E. Munger
(1918-1919) (music)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .William A. Myers
(1967-1969) (cello)
M.M., Yale University year?
// M.S., Hartt College of Music year?
// B.M., Boston University year?
- Q1969
- .
Andrew Naumann
(1995-1997) (?)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .Thomas E. Neice
(1962-1978) (trumpet, conductor)
Ed.D., University of Illinois year?
// M.M., University of Illinois year?
// B.S., Western Illinois University year?
- UB1987
- .Delorus Netzel
(1966-1970) (?)
B.M. ? year?
- Q1967
- .Constance Nisbet
(1971) (flute)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .
Dmitri Novgorodsky
(2000-2001) (piano)
M.A., Yale University year?
// M.M., Yale University year?
// M.M., Moscow State University year?
- UB2001
- .Margaret E. Olsgard
(1946) (?)
M.A., University of Minnesota year?
// degree?, school? year?
- .
Kathleen Otterson
(1995-2000) (mezzo-soprano)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .
Anthony P. Padilla
(1995-1996) (piano)
M.M., Eastman School of Music year?
// B.M., Northern Illinois University year?
- UB1997
- .Judith Palac
(1977-1980) (?)
M.M., University of Michigan year?
// B.M., University of Michigan year?
- UB1979
Klara F. Paris
(see Klara Fenyo Bahcall)
- .
Henri B. Pensis
(1965-1994) (violin, oboe, conductor) [b. 3-18-1927 Luxembourg]
M.M., Northwestern University year?
// B.M., Northwestern University year?
- UB1991
- WWMw1994,1996
- .
Linda Pereksta
(2009-) (flute)
degree?, University of Iowa, year?
// degree?, Peabody Conservatory of Music, year?
// degree?, Florida State University, year?
- .
Joanne Peterson
- Joanne Hess
(1976-1989) (organ, piano, conductor)
M.S.T., UW Oshkosh year?
// B.A., Dana College year?
- UB1979
- .Florine E. Pew
(1957-1977) (?)
[d. 5-16-2001]
M.M., Northwestern University year?
// B.S., Ohio University year?
- Q1969
- .Dennis N. Pitcock
(1985-1986) (?)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .Gene J. Pollart
(1971-1974) (?)
- .
Harold B. Porter
(1964-1989) (baritone, conductor)
[d. 6-08-2000]
D.M.A., University of Arizona year?
// M.A., University of Arizona year?
// B.M.E., College of Emporia year?
- UB1987
- .
Bryan Post
(2001) (?)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .
Susan Powell
(1999) (percussion)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .Judith A. Prochnow
(1966-1969) (piano, harpsichord, violin)
M.M., UW-Madison year?
// B.M., UW-Madison year?
- Q1969
- .Bruce A. Prueter
(1968-1972) (?)
M.S., University of Illinois year?
// B.S., Indiana University year?
- Q1969
- .
Elizabeth Pupeter
(1997-1998) (?)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .Jeannine Remy
(1990-1991) (?)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .Carol Richardson
(1988) (?)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .Robert A. Ritsema
(1965-1966) (?)
M.M., University of Michigan year?
// B.A., Hope College year?
- Q1966
- .Judith S. Rizer
(1990-1991) (?)
M.S., University of Nebraska year?
// B.M.E., Kearney State College year?
- UB1991
- .
Marty Robinson
(2004-) (trumpet, flugelhorn, piano)
D.M.A., Florida State University year?
// M.M., Eastman School of Music year?
// B.M., Lawrence University year?
- UB2007
- .Alice H. Ropes
(1912-1917) (associate in music)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .Lila May Rose
(1921-1946) (music)
B.S.M.E., Teachers College, Columbia University 1929
// A.B., Colorado State College 1920
- .
Jacob Roseman
(2000) (flute)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .
Carol Rosing
(2006-) (bassoon, contrabassoon)
M.M., Manhattan School of Music year?
// B.M., UW-Madison year?
- .Mary Suzanne Roy
(1965-1978) (soprano)
M.M., University of Michigan year?
// B.M., University of Michigan year?
- Q1969
- .
Andrew Sachen
(2009-) (double bass)
M.M., Manhattan School of Music, year?
// B.A., Capital University, year?
- .Jacquelyn Sandene
(1989-1993) (?)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .David Sawall
(1997) (?)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .
George W. "Sandy" Schaefer
(1983-1987, 1992-1998) (drums, percussion)
D.M.A., Arizona State University 1994
// M.M., University of Colorado 1975
// B.S.M.E., Indiana State University 1970
- .Heidi Schafhauser-Schmitz
(1994-1996) (?)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .
Steve Schani
(2007-) (viola)
degree?, UW Oshkosh, year?
- .Pamela J. Schimek
(1984) (?)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .Milton M. Schimke
(1966-1968) (saxophone)
Ed.D., Colorado State College year?
// M.A., Colorado State College year?
// B.S., Minot State College year?
- Q1969
- .
Nancy Schmalz
(1999-2001) (flute, piano, harpsichord)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .
Peter Schmalz
(1992-1996) (french horn)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .Yda Lou Schultz
(1955) (?)
M.A., Columbia University 1951
- .Ruth A. Seeburger
(1968-1969) (piano)
M.M., Northwestern University year?
// B.M.E., Michigan State University year?
- Q1969
- .Maud Shamel
(1905-1906) (music)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .
Alison Shaw
(2004-) (percussion, marimba)
D.M.A., University of Michigan School of Music year?
// M.M., University of Michigan School of Music year?
// B.M., University of Arizona year?
- .
Carmen Elizabeth Shaw
(1970-2004) (piano)
M.M., Illinois Wesleyan University year?
// B.A., Concordia College year?
// A.A., Waldorf College year?
- UB1979
- .Carl Smith
(1989) (?)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .Nellie L. Smith
(1891-1893) (piano, instrumental music)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .Paul A. Smoker
(1968-1970) (trumpet)
M.F.A., University of Iowa year?
// M.A., University of Iowa year?
// B.M., University of Iowa year?
- Q1970
- .
Randall Sorensen
(1999-2004) (trumpet)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .Rebecca A. Spurlock
(1997*?-) (?)
[in the Music Department 1988-1992]
Ph.D., Ohio State University year?
// M.B.A., Ohio State University year?
// M.A., Tata Institute of Social Science year?
// B.S., Bangalore University year?
- UB2003
- .Marian Sung
(1973) (?)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .
Keith A. Sweger
(1988-1992) (bassoon)
M.M., Bowling Green State University year?
// B.S., Lebanon Valley College year?
- UB1991
- .Ernest W. Teie
(1972-1976) (?)
Ph.D., University of Minnesota year?
// M.M., University of Montana year?
// B.A., Concordia College year?
- UB1979
- .Michael J. Thiele
(1981-1988) (piano)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .H. Jay Thompson
(1964) (organ)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .
Sarah Thrush
(2005-2006) (pedal harp, piano)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .Geraldine Tucker
(1974) (?)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .Gerrie J. Vogt
(1969-1971) (trombone, baritone saxophone, tuba)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .Jon Vorisek
(1962-1963) (?)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .William L. Waggoner
(1969-1970) (trombone)
Ed.D., ? year?
// M.A., ? year?
// B.S. ? year?
- Q1970
- .Todd Waldecker
(1992-1993) (?)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .Betty Ann Walker
(1967) (piano)
M.S., ? year?
// B.M. ? year?
- Q1968
- .JoDelle Waller
(1977-1978) (?)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .
Esther Wang
(1997-1998) (piano)
D.M.A., University of Cincinnati year?
// M.M., University of Cincinnati year?
// B.A., Baylor University year?
- UB1999
- .
Jun Wang
(1995-2001) (conductor)
M.M., Western Michigan University year?
// B.A., Shanghai University year?
- UB2001
- .
Mihoko Watanabe
(2003*-2007) (flute)
- (see also:
Mihoko Burton)
Ph.D., University of Michigan year?
// M.M., Eastman School of Music year?
// B.M., Musashino Music Academy year?
- UB2007
- .William C. Wharton
(1970-1971) (cello)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .
Christina Wilkes-Walton
(2000-2001) (percussion)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .Helen Glenn Williams
(1916-1920) (music)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .
Carol Winborne
(1971 - 9-08-2002) (piano)
[d. 9-08-2002]
M.M., Illinois Wesleyan University year?
// B.M., St. Andrew's Presbyterian College year?
- UB1979
- .
Bruce Wise
(1967-1996) (harpsichord, composer)
D.M.A., University of Michigan year?
// B.A., Wayne State University year?
- UB1991
- .
LeRoy A. Wolter
(1969-1971) (Director, alto saxophone, clarinet)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .Yun-Yan Lenna Xie
(1987-1989) (?)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .Karen Yonovitz
(1979-1980) (?)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .
Rolv B. Yttrehus
(1969-1976) (composer)
M.M., University of Michigan year?
// B.S., ? year?
// Diploma ? year?
- Q1970
- .David J. Zeff
(1956-1982) (violin, orchestra Director)
M.M., UW-Madison year?
// B.S., University of Minnesota year?
// B.A., University of Minnesota year?
- UB1981
- .Ingwelde Zeff
(1956-1957) (?)
degrees?, schools?, years?
- .Betty Jane Zwickey
- Betty Jane Bauer
(1954-1955) (piano)
M.M., UW-Madison 1950
Note: There are 222 different names listed above, but
there are only 216 different people. This is because of the following
aliases, which are not numbered above.
- .Betty Jane Bauer
(Betty Jane Zwickey)
- .Mrs. Carrie McNutt Edwards
(Miss Carrie E. McNutt)
- .Mrs. Mary Clemens Goddard
(Miss Mary A. Clemens)
- .Klara Fenyo
(Klara Fenyo Bahcall)
- .Joanne Hess
(Joanne Peterson)
- .Klara F. Paris
(Klara Fenyo Bahcall)
The following Faculty were listed in
The First Half Century of the Oshkosh Normal School
in alphabetical order, and they are included above. Their duplicate entry
here is listed in the order of their start year.
- .Miss Martha E. Hazard
(1871-1875) (drawing, penmanship, music, calisthenics)
- .Robert Graham
(1871-1881) (director of model school, music, reading,
conductor of institutes)
- .Miss Anna S. Clark
(1874-1878) (instrumental and vocal music)
- .Carrie E. McNutt
(1878-1886) (vocal and instrumental music,
assistant in preparatory grades)
(m. R. H. Edwards 1885)
- .Mrs. E.L. Blakeslee
(1886-1896) (vocal music, grammar)
- .Mary S. Howe
(1889-1891) (piano, instrumental music)
- .Nellie L. Smith
(1891-1893) (piano, instrumental music)
- .Mary A. Clemens
(1893-1897) (piano, instrumental music, voice culture)
(m. H.N. Goddard 12/1895)
- .Grace Heward
(1896-1903) (vocal music)
- .Mrs. Meta M. Libis
(1897-1898) (piano, instrumental music)
- .Adelyn S. Downing
(1903-1905) (musical director, vocal music)
- .Maud Shamel
(1905-1906) (music)
- .Barbara C. Moore
(1906-1908) (vocal music)
- .Hannah M. Cundiff
(1908-1918) (director of music)
- .(Anna) Irene Curtis
(1909-1912) (assistant in music)
- .Jessie B. Monroe
(1911-1912) (music)
- .Alice H. Ropes
(1912-1917) (associate in music)
- .Helen Glenn Williams
(1916-1920) (music)
- .Lois E. Munger
(1918-1919) (music)
- .Lila M. Rose
(1921-) (music)
Degree Information
This page lists all known Graduate and Undergraduate Degrees of
every current and former member of the
UW Oshkosh Music Department. If known, it includes the year
each Degree was granted. See the
UW Oshkosh Music Department Faculty Schools page for a list of all
Colleges and Universities listed on this page. See the
UW Oshkosh Music Department Schools page for the meaning of all the
Degree abbreviations listed above.
| Source links:
- UByyyy:
Undergraduate Bulletins
- Qyyyy:
Quiver (yearbooks)
Known links to this page:
Please send additions and/or corrections to Doug Henkle:
P.O. Box 331, Ripon, WI 54971-0331
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Douglas H. Henkle, All Rights Reserved.