FolkLib Index
- Historical Record Label Addresses (Search)
(Record Company Addresses)
(last updated .04-17-2015)
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"", which indexed my site from 1999 until 3-31-2014, is DOA. The
following is a new partial* index/search feature available from
* partial = only 500 of my 1,000+ pages can be searched for FREE. This
site sells nothing and earns no income from anyone for anything. I cannot
afford to pay $249 per month to have the rest of my site indexed with
this company. I can find no company other than
that will allow everyone to search every page at my site.
Also, because I cannot afford $249 per month, I am not allowed to
see what you search for. So I can't make any improvements to my site based on
your searching.
- Like Atomz, SwifType supports string searches, i.e. "RCA Victor" without
the quotes, finds every occurance of "RCA" and "Victor" everywhere. With the
quotes, it only finds the two words together in the order specified within the
- Unlike Atomz, so far, I have found no way that I can, for this specific
search page, search ONLY the pages within the
"" directory.
- Strange ... during the test phase of this new search, although I did a
total of just 5 tests, the search "analytics data" page had logged 14
searches!? 4-17-2015: SwifType logging "feature"? still does not work. I just
did one (1) search and it logged that I did 8 searches.
Search 500 random FolkLib pages with SwifType
Search the entire FolkLib domain with Google
Add your search term following the text ""
Note: this searches possibly previous versions of FolkLib pages that
have been indexed by Google and does not search this domain directly.
Newly installed pages or recently updated information will not be
searchable for a month or more until Google re-indexes this domain.
Spelling Consistency
I have tried to be very consistent in the format of all addresses that
include city, state, province or country. Using the official USPS
2-letter U.S. state codes, searching
every alphabetical page
for " CO " or " NH " (in double quotes as shown) will find every
entry for each particular state. Every Canadian Province and non-U.S.
country is completely spelled out, with no abbreviations or USPS codes,
like NB or ON. To save futile searches, here are the only non-U.S. ones
which have at least one entry here.
- Provinces:
Alberta, British Colombia, Ontario, Quebec
- Countries:
Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France,
Germany (& West Germany), Hungary, India, Ireland (& Northern Ireland),
Italy, Japan, The Netherlands, Norway, Scotland, South Africa, Spain,
Sweden, Switzerland, U.K., Wales
For consistency of searching, the following country designations as
listed in books have been modified:
(Co.) (Company / County [Ireland])
so they won't show up in searches for " CO " (Colorado)
(Fl.) (Floor)
so it won't show up in searches for " FL " (Florida)
(Ct.) (Court)
so it won't show up in searches for " CT " (Connecticut)
(American) (USA)
(Australian) (Australia)
(Belgian) (Belgium)
(British) (U.K.)
(Canadian) (Canada)
(Dutch) (Netherlands)
(England) (U.K.)
(English) (U.K.)
(French) (France)
(German) (Germany)
(Holland) (Netherlands)
(Indian) (India)
(Irish) (Ireland)
(South African) (South Africa)
(Spanish) (Spain)
(Swedish) (Sweden)
(Swiss) (Switzerland)
Selection by Label Name A-Z
Please send additions and/or corrections to Doug Henkle:
P.O. Box 331, Ripon, WI 54971-0331
Copyright © 2010 -
Douglas H. Henkle, All Rights Reserved.