FolkLib Index
- Wisconsin Session Work Discography
(last updated .12-05-2017)
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| On-Site Discographies
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| Wisconsin Session Players
Discography for current and past Wisconsin resident musicians who
are, or have been, a member of a Wisconsin recorded group, and/or have
done Session Work on somebody else's album, and/or appear on a Various
Artists Collection separate from any group they may be a member of, but
who have no known solo album. See
Wisconsin Discographies
for those musicians who have released at least one solo album. Other
possible links for these artists can be found on one of the following
- Wisconsin Folk Artists
- Wisconsin Session Players
Wisconsin Bluegrass Band Members
Name - moved - just this, with no titles,
indicates a Session Player who was formerly listed here, but who has
since released one or more solo albums.
"Member:", an artist's membership in groups is only listed
here if the specified groups they are in have at least one known
recording on which they appear.
Each name entry includes the known city or cities where the artist
lives or at one time lived in Wisconsin, or where the group is or was
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| Record Labels
Wisconsin Various Artists Collections (by Release Date)
| FolkLib Index - On-Site Discographies
Discographies for Wisconsin Musicians by Genre, Location, etc.
{A} = from my personal collection
{n} = see library for other sources
#? = I think an album exists in this format, LP, CS, or CD but I
haven't seen a copy, so I don't know what its catalog number is
? = I don't know whether or not an album exists in this format
| Wisconsin Folk Musicians
| Bluegrass Bands
- top / bottom of page
| ABC... Artist Selection
Aaholm, John
- city?
Adams, Kris
- Madison
Aigen, Kenny
- city?
Alberts, Marc
- Madison
Allen, Matt
- Green Lake
Alley, Christopher
- city?
Alley, John
- city?
Anderson, Chad
- city?
Anderson, Eric
- city?
- 2003 - Sharp Steel Pinafore
- by
Amelia Royko
(piano, rhodes, organ)
Anderson, Janel
- Lodi
Andraska, Eric
- Eau Claire
Andresen, Bob
- city?
- Andrews, Joyce
- "Classical"
Anich, Phillip
- city?
Appleby, Matt
- city?
Arndt, Gary
- Appleton
Austin, Dave
- Columbus, OH / Madison
- top / bottom of page
| ABC... Artist Selection
Baade, Christina
- Rhinelander / Madison
- Baer, Aaron
- "Folk"
Baer, Eric
- Oshkosh
Bagley, Kirsten
- Eau Claire
Baime, Peter
- Milwaukee
- 200? - Les Chansons du Crepuscule
- by
Robyn Pluer
Baker, Cory
- Fond du Lac
Baldursson, Siggi
- city?
- 1995 - I Don't Think So!
- by
- 1995 - Images of Our Land
- by
(talking drum, tenor drum, hand percussion)
- 1997 - The Aquarium Conspiracy
- by
Bradley Fish
(drums, percussion)
Studio Work
- 1997 - The Aquarium Conspiracy
- by
Bradley Fish
(producer, engineer)
Bartman, Peter
- Appleton
Beardsley, Scott
- Madison
- 2003 - Sharp Steel Pinafore
- by
Amelia Royko
(drums, percussion)
Beaumont, Andy
- Madison
Becker, Stefan
- Oshkosh
Becker, Steve
- Oshkosh
Bellin, Cletus (Clete)
- Door County / Kewaunee / Forestville
Berger, Bob
- Fond du Lac
Berntsen, Bertel
- city?
Berryman, Lou
- Appleton / Madison
Berryman, Peter Edward
- Philadelphia, PA / Appleton / Madison
Bethke, Kari
- city?
Betz, Carl
- city?
Bill, Brad
- city?
Bishop, Patti
- Madison
- 2003 - I Just Want To Be In The Band
- by
Bob Steeno
(background vocal)
Bittner, Mike
- city?
Blades, Ellie
- Oshkosh
Blohm, Theresa
- Neenah
Boeger, Christian
- city?
- 2003 - Sharp Steel Pinafore
- by
Amelia Royko
(bass guitar, lap steel guitar)
Boehm, Henry
- city?
Bollerud, Bruce
- Madison
Bossert, Mary
- city?
Bourne, Damon
- city?
Bromfield, O'Brian
- city?
Brothers, Rick
- city?
Bryant, Michael
- city?
Budde, Joe
- city?
Bunson, Tanya
- city?
Buss, Dick
- city?
Buxman, Peter
- Oshkosh
Byrne, Larry
- Milwaukee
- 2000 - Damn Good Reason To Play the Blues
- by
Jay Stulo
- top / bottom of page
| ABC... Artist Selection
Cabrera, Orlando
- Madison
Cailliet, Claude
- city?
Cain, Daniel
- city?
Carper, Dave
- city?
Chaudoir, Marianne
- Oshkosh
Chiames, John
- city?
Chusid, Barbara
- Madison
Cloyd, Katherine
- Oshkosh
Cobb, Dan
- Madison
Cochran, Ron
- Neenah
- Collins, Turner
- moved
Conarchy, Jacque
- Wauwatosa
Cooper, Jon
- Madison
Cornelius, Karen
- Madison
Cove, Steve
- Lincoln, U.K. / Greenwood (2001-2003)
Cowley, David
- Oshkosh
Cox, Tom
- Madison
Craft, Carolyn
- city?
Cregor, Nick
- city?
- 2002 - Kitty's Revenge
- by
Asher Gray
(guitar, piano)
- Croft, Mark
- moved
Curran, Brad
- Fond du Lac / grad. UW Oshkosh 1989. B.M.E. / Oshkosh
Cutts, Geoff
- Waupaca
Cyr, Tom
- city?
- top / bottom of page
| ABC... Artist Selection
Daly, Brian
- city?
- 2003 - Sharp Steel Pinafore
- by
Amelia Royko
(electric guitar)
Damrow, Mary
- Oshkosh
Damrow, Mike
- Oshkosh
Dance, Dan
- Milwaukee
Davis, Ron
- city?
- 1995 - The Heart of Wisconsin
- by
Steve Hazell
Davis, Tina
- city?
Dawson, Terry
- Appleton
- .2005 - Fourteen Roads
(CD: LR-0501) {A}
Loud Reef Music, Neenah, Recorded at
The Cove Studio, Neenah, WI, Fall 2004
by Terry Dawson &
Doug Wheeler
Blues Toads, Wolverine Willy & the (aka "Wolverine Willy")
Celtic Knot
- 1992/2000 - Close to Home
- by
Steve Hazell
- 1997/2000 - For the Wild Ones
- by
Steve Hazell
(guitar, concertina, vocals)
- 2000 - Good Day to be Alive
- by
Barbara Hoffman
(concertina, vocals)
- 2004 - Hour Before the Making of the Dew
- by
Doug Wheeler
(percussion, concertina, vocals)
Debbink, David
- Appleton
DeFranee, Carol
- city?
DeFranee, Eunice
- city?
DeFranee, Janet
- city?
Delaney-Potthoff, Maggie
- Madison
Delaney-Potthoff, Sims
- Madison
Delgado, Dave
- Madison
DeMay, Chris
- Madison
Demel, Sue
- Elkhorn / Chicago, IL
Denk, Jim
- city?
DePasse, Brad
- Appleton
Deuel, Ryan
- Waupaca
Devon, Joedy
- city?
Dhein, Bob
- Sherwood
Diener, Dawn
- Oshkosh
Dietrich, Kurt
- Ripon
Doherty, Jim
- city?
Dotseth, Keri
- city?
Dowling, Martin
- Madison
Downey, Pat
- Madison
Drake, Shawn
- Pleasant Prairie / Oshkosh
Driscoll, John
- city?
- top / bottom of page
| ABC... Artist Selection
Ebel, Joe
Eckels, Jeff
- Madison
Edwards, Erik J.
- city?
Ehrhardt, Jim
- Neenah
Elias, Julie Allison (aka Julie Slyzelia)
- Appleton / Neenah
Elizabeth-Nagel, Ann
- Milwaukee
Emery, Theresa
- Fond du Lac?
Engle, Josh
- Oshkosh
- 2006 - Inspiracy
- by
Joe Grier
(keyboards, Hammond B-3 organ)
Escamilla, Ed
- Berlin
Espinoza, Ramie (Rami)
- Fond du Lac?
Evans, Evil
- Beaver Dam / city?
- top / bottom of page
| ABC... Artist Selection
Fallow, Dave
- city?
Felts, Chris
- Shawano / Oshkosh
Finkenstaedt-Quinn, Solaire
- Eau Claire
Finseth, Leonard
- city?
Foley, Blair
- Menomonie
Forster, John
- city?
Foth, Charlotte
- city?
Fox, Dave
- city?
Frahm, Barb
- city?
Fraioli, Anne
- Madison
Freiberg, Phil
- city?
Fry, Ben
- city?
Furillo, Frank
- city?
- top / bottom of page
| ABC... Artist Selection
Gaines, Mary
- Madison
Ganser, Judy
- city?
Gayton, David M.
- city?
George, Rich
- city?
Gephart, Mike
- city?
Giacobassi, Mike
- city?
Gianino, Michael "Mig"
- city?
Gibson, John
- Oshkosh / Appleton / Fond du Lac
Gilmour, Anna
- city?
Gilmour, Ian
- city?
- Gleason, Neal
- (see: Neil Gleason)
Gleason, Neil
- Waupun
Goode, Tom
- city?
Gould, Timm
- Marshalltown, IA / Madison
Green, Randy
- Cottage Grove / Madison
Greenwood, Ernest
- Oshkosh
Grier, Nate (Nathan)
- Oshkosh
Griffin-Grimes, Kristeen
- Princeton / Seattle, WA
Grimes, Phil
- Princeton / Seattle, WA
Grine, James
- Oshkosh
Griseto, Nick
- city?
Gruber, Timothy
- city?
Guernsey, Jonnie
- Milwaukee
Gullickson, Kari
- Chippewa Falls
Gunderson, Eric
- city?
Gungor, Mark
- Oshkosh
- top / bottom of page
| ABC... Artist Selection
Hafermann, Gene
- Mazomanie / grad. UW-Madison year?.
Hahn, Bruce
- Fond du Lac
Haines, Mark
- Madison
Hall, Scott
- Madison
Hansen, Jim
- city?
Hart, Brian
- St. Louis, MO / Madison
- 2002 - Kitty's Revenge
- by
Asher Gray
(button accordion)
Hassel, Beverly
- Oshkosh
Hastil, Paul
- city?
Hazell, Molly
- Oshkosh
Hazell, Vivian
- Oshkosh
Heath, Mike
- Appleton
Heenan, Paulie
- city?
- 2003 - Sharp Steel Pinafore
- by
Amelia Royko
(electric guitars)
Helleloid, Siri
- Eau Claire
Heller, Mark
- city?
Hembree, Mark
Hescher, Johann
- Oshkosh
Hinkel, Andy
- Janesville
Hoecherl, Randy
- Madison
Hoffmann, Mike
- Madison
Hoffman, Sarah
- Menomonie
Hoida, Fred
- city?
Hopkins, Carol Lee
- Milwaukee
Horngren, Lisa
- city?
Hull, Lou (Lori)
- Appleton
Hynes, Phat "Pat"
- city?
- top / bottom of page
| ABC... Artist Selection
Jacobson, Bob
- Madison
Jahn, Juanita
- Ripon
Jahn, Ray
- Ripon
Jeffrey, Jim
- city?
Jerabek, Danny
(released his first solo CD in 2002)
Jerabek, Dave
- Oshkosh
Jerabek, Joe
- Casco
Jerabek, Michelle
- West Bend / Fond du Lac / Oshkosh
Jeske-Dermody, Susan
- city?
Johnson, Amy
- Oshkosh / grad. UW Oshkosh 12/2003 B.M.
Johnson, Katrina
- city?
Johnson, Steve
- city?
Johnson, Victor "Chico"
- city?
- 2000 - Damn Good Reason To Play the Blues
- by
Jay Stulo
Jones, Ron
- Milwaukee
Jost, Chris
- Newton
Jost, Gerry
- Newton
Judy, Michael
- city?
- Julian, Susan
- moved
Junemann, Kevin
- city?
- top / bottom of page
| ABC... Artist Selection
Kaiser, Dominick
- Oshkosh
Kaiser, Kristina
- Oshkosh
Kaphaem, Nancy
- Fond du Lac / Appleton / Oshkosh
- 2001 - A Long Way To Go
- by
Dorothy Zerbe
- 2006 - Rooted & Free
- by
Dorothy Zerbe
Kaphaem, Todd C.
- Appleton / grad. Appleton East High School 1982
/ grad. UW-Eau Claire year? / Oshkosh
- 2003 - Verdi Requiem
- by
Oshkosh Chamber Singers
(tenor soloist)
Kaplan, Bruce
- city?
- 2000 - Song Food
- by
Claudia Russell
(mandolin, electric guitar)
Kasprzak, Steve
- city?
- 2004 - Quietly There
- by
Tracy Comer
Katz, Stu
- West Bend/Chicago, IL
- 1970 - The Rubaiyat
- by Dorothy Ashby
- 1984 - The Real Bud Freeman
- by Bud Freeman
Kautz, Greg
- Menasha
- 1991 - The Gift
- by
Gloria Hays (mandolin)
- 2000 - Good Day to be Alive
- by
Barbara Hoffman (banjo)
Keeley, Ken
- Cottage Grove
- 2002 - Burn Up the Sun
- by
Shauna Wells
Kehl, Bill
- Princeton / Neshkoro
Kehl, Fawn
- Princeton
- 1989 - I'm Gonna Reach!
- by
Tom Pease
- 1984 - Womansong
- by
Gerri Gribi
- 1996 - The Womansong Collection
- by
Gerri Gribi
Keller, Steve
- city?
Kelly, Danis
- Amarillo, TX / Philadelphia, PA / Cleveland, OH / Orlando, FL
/ UW-Madison Faculty 1977-1990 / Milwaukee
Kennedy, Darryl
- Milwaukee
- 1998 - Christmas Presence
- by
Larry Theiss
(flute, recorder, percussion, synthesizer)
- 1999 - Traditional and Original
- by
Theiss and O'Connor
- 2001 - Christmas in the Country
- by
Larry Theiss
Keyzer, Rod
- city?
- 1995 - The Heart of Wisconsin
- by
Steve Hazell
Kidd, Dale
- Madison
Kilgas, Andy
- Oshkosh
- 2000 - Songs of Grace
- by
Grace Chapel Oshkosh Worship Team
- 1994 - Come Home
- by
Matt Hoffland
Kilian, Ken
- city?
- 2003 - Standards
- by
Michelle DuVall and Doug Brown
Kimbrel, Paul
- city?
- 1999 - Twenty Different Tries
- by
Amy Curl
Klagstad, Jason
- Fort Atkinson
- 1975 - Cardboard Box
- by
Bill Camplin
(electric guitar)
- 1993 - Flying Home
- by
Bill Camplin
(Stratocaster guitar, acoustic guitar, Dobro)
Klarkowski, Kevin
- city?
Klecker, Deb "Sedona"
- city?
(aka Sedona, Deb Ewing, Deb Spoerl)
- 1999 - Near Life Experience
- by
Kenn Fox
- 1999 - Epiphany
- by
Kenn Fox
Kleiber, Steve
- city?
- - ?
- by
- - ?
- by
- - ?
- by
- - ?
- by
Klein, Eldon
- Newton
Knopp, Kevin
- Waupaca
Knupfer, Peter B.
- Milwaukee / Muskegon, MI
Koepke, Gary (aka "Ghost")
- Appleton
Kohler, Brian
- city?
- 2002 - From These Lips
- by
Elizabeth (Betsy) Larson
(acoustic guitar)
Konowalski, Craig
- city?
- 1987 - Beneath the Northern Sky
- by
Fred Alley
Korb, Ryan
- Billings, MT / Appleton / grad. Lawrence U. 1995
/ Stevens Point
Kostka, Chuck
- Kewaunee
Kovach, Ron
- city?
Kraynik, Ralph
- city?
Kreger, Scott
- city?
Kreitlow, Candace (Candy)
- Madison / Mazomanie
Kreitzer, Mark
- Madison / Minneapolis, MN
Krisher, Keith
- Appleton
Kroening, Doug
- city?
- 2000 - Damn Good Reason To Play the Blues
- by
Jay Stulo
Kroenke, Angie (Angela)
- Shawano / Ashland
Kroenke, Joel
- Shawano
Krull, Jeanine
- city?
- top / bottom of page
| ABC... Artist Selection
Lakatos, Joe
- city?
Lamar, Mark
- city?
Lamoreau, Janet
- city?
Laramie, Jeff
- city?
Larkin, Sheila
- city?
Larson, Holly
- Oshkosh
Laurino, Pasquale
- city?
- 200? - Les Chansons du Crepuscule
- by
Robyn Pluer
Lavine, Karl
- city?
LeClair, Jon-Paul
- Oshkosh
LeFevre, James
- De Pere
Lehner, Nate
- Oshkosh
Lemons, Chad
- city?
- 1999 - Twenty Different Tries
- by
Amy Curl
Leschke, Peter
- city?
Levandowski, Paul
- Fond du Lac
- 2001 - Affections Old & True
- by
Sara Roltgen
- 2003 - Another Season Comes Along
- by
Shady Grove
Lewis, Shiloh
- Knapp
Litjens, Joe
- Fond du Lac
Little, Jennifer
- Springfield, IL / WI?
Lord, Bryce
- city?
Lorentz, Rob
- 1993 - Flying Home
- by
Bill Camplin
also appears on
- 1997 - Scuppernong Creek
- by
Blue Eagle
(on one track recorded in 1987)
Lorenz, Bob
- Oshkosh
Lorenz, Scott
- Oshkosh
- Lorkovic, Radoslav
Losiniecki, John
- Newton
Lovelace, Timothy
- Oshkosh
Lucas, Mike
- city?
Luce, Joan
- San Francisco, CA / Cincinnati, OH / Russellville, AR
/ Oshkosh
Lutzow, Leah
- city?
- top / bottom of page
| ABC... Artist Selection
Mahler, Stephanie
- Eau Claire
Mankowski, Forrest "Woody"
- Green Bay / Appleton / New York, NY / Appleton
Marceil, Joe
- Marshall
Marnocha, Rob
- city?
Martin, Bob
- city?
Martin, Mark
- Oshkosh
Martin, Philip
- city?
Mathes, Mike
- city?
Mattoon, Matt
- Oshkosh
McCabe, Devin
- Milwaukee
- 2002 - Kitty's Revenge
- by
Asher Gray
(fiddle, concertina)
McCarthy, Jimmy
- city?
McCarthy, Michael
- city?
McGinnis, Lisa
- city?
McGlynn, Jim
- city?
McKenzie, Mike
- Oshkosh
Mertens, Andy
- Oshkosh / Appleton / Oshkosh
Messner, Wally
- Fond du Lac / Oshkosh
Miller, Andy
- city?
Miller, Brian
- city?
Miller, Craig
- Milwaukee
Miller, Leah
- city?
- Mitchell, Jeff
- moved
Mooney, Chris
- city?
- 1985 - The Lines are Open
- by
Jym Mooney
(acoustic bass, electric bass, vocals)
Moran, Pat
- Fort Atkinson
Mormino, Len
- Madison
Mueller, Glen
- city?
Murphy, Robert
- city?
Murray, Chris
- Duluth, MN / Omaha, NE / Minneapolis, MN / Appleton
Myers, Ray
- city?
- top / bottom of page
| ABC... Artist Selection
Nath, Andrew
- Everly, IA / Madison
- Nathans, Aaron
- moved
Nehring, Mitch
- Oshkosh
Nejedlo, Gary
- Maribel
NeSmith, Steve
- Appleton
Newton, Bob
- Madison
Ness, Jim
- Madison
Nesseth, Crysten
- Cameron
Newhouser, Jim
- city?
Ng, Alan
- Madison
Nicholson, John
- city?
Nonn, Marv
- city?
Norenberg, Edie
- Oshkosh
Norman, Pete
- city?
- top / bottom of page
| ABC... Artist Selection
- O'Brien, Erin
- moved
O'Connor, Lin
- Milwaukee
Oates, Brian
- Oshkosh
Olkowski, Joe
- city?
- 1985 - The Lines are Open
- by
Jym Mooney
(12-string guitar, harmonica, vocals)
Olson, Elizabeth
- city?
Ormsbee, Gary
- Oshkosh
Otte, Angie (Angela)
(Angela Roltgen)
- Fond du Lac / Van Dyne
Otte, Tom
- Fond du Lac / Van Dyne
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| ABC... Artist Selection
Palan, Nate
- Janesville
Panosh, Craig
- city?
- 2000 - Damn Good Reason To Play the Blues
- by
Jay Stulo
- 2002 - Gone Crazy
- by
Jay Stulo
Panosh, Spencer
- Manitowoc
Park, Mary
- Ripon
Pearce, Kate
- Newton
Perrone, Paul
- Madison / Honolulu, HI
Peterson, Dan
- city?
Peterson, Steve
- city?
Phillips, Amy
- Luxemburg / Oshkosh
Plourde, Dan
- Madison
- Pluer, Robyn
- moved
Podrug, Robbie
- city?
Pollack, Jonathan
- Cleveland, OH / Madison
Pollay, Mike
- Milwaukee / Madison
Powers, Mark
- Oshkosh / Minneapolis, MN / Oshkosh
Pregeant, Brad
- city?
Prokash, Mike
- city?
Puro, Scott
- Twin Lakes / Oshkosh
- 2008 - The Tale of an Underdog
- by
Tony Memmel
(acoustic guitar)
Various Artists Collections
- top / bottom of page
| ABC... Artist Selection
Rego, Shannon
- Ripon
Reifsteck, Dennis
- Madison
Reiser, Cheri (Cheri Bricco)
- city?
Reiser, Paul
- city?
Rennert, Sue
- Oshkosh
Renzelman, Brek
- city?
Richardson, Elizabeth
- city?
Richeson, Dane
- Appleton
Roberts, Jeff
- Oshkosh
- Rockow, Corinne
- moved
Roller, Pete
- Madison
- 1989 - Rocky Mountain College
- by
(bass, vocals)
Roller, Peter
- Springfield, NJ / Milwaukee
Rospenda, Mike
- Milwaukee / Appleton / Grand Chute
- 1998 - Poverty Gulch
[as a member of Pickin' Up Speed]
2229 Roselawn Dr., Grand Chute 54914
Rucks, Terry
- Oshkosh
Rudolph, Scott
- Appleton
Ryan, Jamie
- Madison
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| ABC... Artist Selection
Sampson, Rick
- Eau Claire
Sanders, Carrie
- Milwaukee
Sandlin, Bob
- Appleton / Manitowish Waters
Sauers, Dean
- New London
Schell, Derek
- city?
Schiedermayer, Ryan
- city?
Schripsema, Andrea
- city?
- Oshkosh
Schuh, Holly Trimborn
- city?
Schultz, Burdean
- Oshkosh
Schwartz, Geoff
- city?
Sebranek, Dan
- Coon Valley
Segnitz, Eric
- Oshkosh
Sergo, Cal
- Redgranite
Setlow, Charlie
- city?
Shepherd, Dennis
- city?
Shepherd, Rob
- city?
Sherman, Scott
- Oshkosh
Siebert, Bill
- city?
Skogan, Dave Billy
- city?
- 2003 - Sharp Steel Pinafore
- by
Amelia Royko
(drums, percussion)
Smeall, Ben
- Green Bay
Smith, Lynn Patrick
- Madison
Smudde, Jay
- Appleton
Sohm, Merrick
- city?
Solomon, Bill
- St. Louis, MO / Madison
Soucie, Kevin
- city?
Span, Vic
- city?
Sparks, Bob
- city?
Spyzer, Gary Joe
- city?
Stallsmith, David
- city?
Stanton, Francis
- Madison
Staron, Su
- Green Bay
Steeno, Lisa
- Madison
Steward, Mark
- Madison
Stillman, Bonnie
- Markesan / ? (east coast)
Stokka, Rebekah
- Chippewa Falls
Stoll, Jon
- city?
Straw, Chris
- Fox Point
Sweger, Keith
- Aberdeen, SD / grad. UW-Madison 1990 D.M.A. / UW Oshkosh 1988-1992
/ Muncie, IN (Ball State University)
Swifka, Mary
- New London
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| ABC... Artist Selection
Taplin, Tim
- city?
Taylor, Tony
- city?
Terres, Maria
- Madison
Thiel, Greg
- Appleton
Thiel, Tom
- Appleton
Thomas, Chuck
- Green Bay
Thompson, Clyde / New Orleans, LA
- city?
Thompson, Kate
- Ridgeland
Tisdale, Dave
- city?
Tisdale, Kathy
- city?
Tomashek, Molly
- city?
Tomashek, Scott
- city?
Tomtschik, Emil Gustav
- city?
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| ABC... Artist Selection
- top / bottom of page
| ABC... Artist Selection
Vajgrt, Ron
- Oshkosh
Vajgrt, Sandy
- Oshkosh
Vande Zande, John
- Fond du Lac
Vander Velden, Butch
- city?
Vande Slunt, Kyle
- Fond du Lac / Oshkosh
Van Ryzin, Jason
- Oshkosh
Verner, Jeff
- Oshkosh
Vig, Butch
- city?
Villoth, Saji
- city?
Vlahakis, Mike
- city?
- 2000 - Damn Good Reason To Play the Blues
- by
Jay Stulo
(organ, piano, synth)
- 2002 - Gone Crazy
- by
Jay Stulo
(piano, organ)
Voelker, Jeff
- city?
Voelker, Jimmy
- city?
- top / bottom of page
| ABC... Artist Selection
Wagner, Charley
- Waupun
Wagoner, Chris
- Madison
Wallenfang, Ellen
- Niagara
- 2003 - I Just Want To Be In The Band
- by
Bob Steeno
Waller, Jim
- city?
Warigi, Gabriel
- city?
Weber, Michael
- Brookfield
Weeth, Bob
- La Crosse
- 1985 - The Lines are Open
- by
Jym Mooney
Weisenbeck, Lucy
- Eau Claire
Weisto, Sandy
- Milwaukee
Weithe, Hartmut
- Madison
Weitzel, Bob
- Appleton / Tomah 1992-1999 / Middleton 1999-2012
Wendt, Linda
- Janesville
Wendt, Phillip
- Janesville / ?
Wernecke, Chuck
- Newton
Wernerehl, Becky (Rebecca)
- city?
Wernerehl, Bob
- city?
Westbrook, Ty
- city?
Westover, Todd
- city?
- Wheeler, Doug
- moved
Wheeler, Marti
- Appleton
Whitehead, Mike
- city?
Whitty, Brian
- city?
- Wiegel, Richard
- moved
Wilfahrt, Jim
- Oshkosh
Williams, David Paul
- Kenosha / Oshkosh
- Winch, Sam
- moved
Winkels, Max
- city?
Wise, Bruce
- Oshkosh
Wittmann, Joseph P.
- Kaukauna
Wolfe, Daithi
- Ann Arbor, MI / Madison
Wolter, Rick
- city?
Wondrash, Marty
- Bonduel
Wood, Juli
- Milwaukee
- 200? - Les Chansons du Crepuscule
- by
Robyn Pluer
Woodward, Sue
- Newton
Worden, Duane
- city?
- 2002 - Road To Mountains
- by
Greg Winkler
(keyboard, harmonica, percussion, backing vocals)
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Douglas H. Henkle, All Rights Reserved.