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FolkLib Index - Wisconsin World Folk Musicians

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      This page lists links for current and past Wisconsin-based World Folk musicians. The artists/groups listed here primarily play Folk Music from non-U.S. countries. Those who play Irish, Scottish and Celtic music, and who have performed at Irish Fest in Milwaukee, are listed separately on the Wisconsin Irish Fest Artists page.

  1. .Africa->West Trio, The - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Band photo from liner notes ( FolkLib Index) [Madison-Appleton-Berea, OH]
          (Ryan Korb, Jamie Ryan, Josh Ryan)
          The "->" in the band's name is actually a graphical right arrow not displayable on this text only Web site.
  2. .Alevizos, Ted - Discog ( FolkLib Index) - (see also: Joan Baez) [Milwaukee (grad. Marquette year?.)]
          (Other than a single appearance in a trio with Joan Baez in 1960, he primarily plays music of Greece)
  3. .Calicanto - Discog ( no known recordings), Page ( Real People's Music) [Active: 1996-] [Madison]
          (Laura Fuentes with Orlando Cabrera, Raquel Gonzalez Paraiso, Victor Pichardo, Robert Schoville, and members who have never lived in Wisconsin, Patricio Acevedo, Pedro Villagra) - (former members: Gabriella Luna, Elizabeth Morris, Josue Pizarro)
  4. .Cuicani - Discog ( no known recordings), Page ( Portal Wisconsin) ( Author ?) [Active: 1987-] [Madison]
          (Francisco Lopez, Raquel G. Paraiso, Enrique Rueda 1995-)
  5. .Die Spiel Meisters
  6. .Dorf Kapelle - "Concert/Community/Marching Bands"
  7. .Edelweiss Stars - Discog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 1950-] [Switzerland / New Glarus]
  8. .Fuentes, Laura - Page ( Yuris Fuentes / alternate) ( Real People's Music) ( CD Baby), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: Calicanto 1996-1997, MadiSalsa 19??-1997, Paraguas 19??-1997, Sotavento 19??-1997) [Santiago, Chile ?-1973 / Madison 1973-1997 / grad. UW-Madison year? / Santiago, Chile 1997-]
  9. .Goongoo Peas - Discog ( no known recordings), Page ( Wis. DPI [Archive]) [Madison]
          (Sonia Valle, ?)
  10. Inti Raymi - Page ( ) [Active: 19??-] [Green Bay]
  11. .Klezmer Band, The (Active: 19??-) [Appleton]
          (Tanya Bunson, Jeff Hill, Chris Murray, Gloria Wendt)
  12. .Kweku Ananse & The Sweet Vibrations - Page ( Joan Gruber [Archive]) [Madison]
          (Shawn Barry, K. Constant Gaba, Tim Gruber, Lisa O'Connor, Nicky Sund, Nii van Brucekonuah, Djam Vivie, Mark Wiley)
  13. .Malo Selo - Discog ( no known recordings), Page ( Dave Kantor) [Madison]
          (Sara Bruins, Doug Code, Michael Kuharski, Dave Kantor)
  14. .Milwaukee Liederkranz Chorus - "Choirs"
  15. .Nazca - Page ( Jaime Fernández Cabrera) [Green Bay / Peru]
          (Erique Camac, Fredy (Freddy) Choque, Sidgar Choque, Aldo Rodriguez, Fabrisio (Fabrizion) Tedeschini)
          (I was told at Appleton's Octoberfest, where I bought their CD's, that one member of this Peruvian group lived in Green Bay at one time.)
  16. .Nord Musikk - Discog ( no known recordings) [Active: 19??-] [Madison]
          (Inna Larsen, Jeff Larsen)
  17. .One Drum - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Author ?) [Milwaukee]
          (Roman Edirisinghe, Jahmes Tony Finlayson, "Doc" Jeff Green, Holly Haebig, Andy Lopas, Cecilio "Papa" Negron, Jr., Julio Pabon, David Stocker, Nick Symes, David Wake) - (former member: Sharav Hadeen)
  18. .Oshkosh Rhythm Ensemble - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Author ?) ( [Oshkosh]
          (Robin Cardell, Ariana ?, Chris ?, Cindy ?, Jay ?, Joel ?, Katie ?, Spencer ?) - (former member: Sarah ?)
  19. .Paraguas - Discog ( FolkLib Index) [Madison]
          (Laura Fuentes, Jose Pizarro, Enrique Rueda)
  20. .Pommersche Spaldeel Freistadt (Spaldeel = playing group) - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Craig Tews / alternate) ( Wisconsin Arts Board), Wis. Festivals ( OTMCF) [Active: 1976-] [Mequon]
          (see also: Pommersche Tanzdeel Freistadt -- Tanzdeel = dance group)
          (Carol Bandow, Karen Krieg, Gina Lauer, Mindy Michalski, Beth Phillips, George Radtke, Kira Raduege, Craig Tews, Gail Tews, Liesl Thomas, Chuck Walsh, Edie Whitten, Mark Williamsen, Jeff Wolf)
  21. .Rasa - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Author ?) ( Wikipedia) [Music of India] [San Francisco, CA / Sister Bay]
          (Hans Christian, Kim Waters)
  22. .Reptile Palace Orchestra - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Northside/Omnium Records) ( Beeftone Music) ( Seth Blair [Archive]), Orders ( NorthSide Buyers Service) ( Seth Blair [Archive]), Bookings [Madison]
          (Siggytrygur Baldursson, Biff Blumfumgagnge Seth Blair, Bill Feeny, Timm Gould, Robert Schoville) - (former members: Doug Code, Anna Vogel)
  23. .Sotavento - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( SRO Artists) ( Yuris Fuentes), Bookings, Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 1981-] [Madison]
          (Orlando Cabrera, Raquel Gonzalez Paraiso, Jaime Guiscafre, Laura Lentz, Francisco Lopez, Mario Mendoza) - (former members: Anne Fraioli, Laura Fuentes)
  24. .Spiel Meisters, Die - Page ( FdLMusicians) [Waupun.]
          (Don Kehrmeyer, ?) - (former member: Carl Neuman)
  25. .Swiss Alphorns [Active: 19??-] [New Glarus]
  26. .Szaszka - Page ( Doug Code) [Active: 1996-] [Madison]
          (Sara Bruins, Doug Code, Nienke Oomes)
  27. .Tri Bratovchedki Singers - Discog ( no known recordings), Page ( Thomas Dettinger) [Madison]
          (Dan Garvin, Debbie Kmetz, Nancy Yugo)
  28. .University of Wisconsin (Madison) Russian Folk Orchestra - Page ( Victor Gorodinsky) [Active: 1997-] [Madison]
  29. .Vale Todo (salsa band) - Page ( [Active: 19??-] [Appleton]
  30. .Vatra [Tamburitza band] [Active: 1991-] [Milwaukee]
          (Ivo Gretic, Boris Kuzmanovic, Dave Pozgaj, Chris Ulm, Ryan Werner)
  31. .Xiong, Joe Bee - Page ( Wisconsin Arts Board), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Eau Claire]
  32. .Yid Vicious - Discog ( FolkLib Index) ( Ari Davidow), Info ( Ari Davidow), Page ( Jonathan Pollack) ( Uvulittle Records #1 / #2 / #3 / #4) - CD Baby #1 - #2 [Active: 1995-] [Madison]
          (Matt Appleby, Geoff Brady, Kia Karlen, Melissa Reiser, Greg Smith, David Spies, Daithi Wolfe) - (former members: Dave Austin, Christina Baade, Timm Gould, Bob Jacobson, Jonathan Pollack, Mike Pollay, Bill Solomon)
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| By Genre, etc. | Barbershop | Bluegrass: Bands / Members | Classical |
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      | Big Bands | Choirs/Choruses | Churches / Schools | Session Players |
      | Concert/Community/Marching Bands | Gospel / Contemporary Christian |
      | Dance | Opera | Pop/Rock | Hip hop | Punk | R&B | Soul | World Folk |
      | Handbell Choirs | Spoken Word - Comedians, Storytellers, etc. |
      | Non-Performers - Composers, Songwriters, Conductors, Choir Directors |
      | Song Books, Sheet Music and Compositions by Wisconsin Composers |
      | Solo Instrumentalists - Concertina | Guitar | Harp | Organ | Piano |
| Music Faculty - Wisconsin Conservatory of Music |
      | UW Oshkosh - Lawrence University |
| By Location (Cities) - Oshkosh |
| By Location (Counties) - Ashland | Bayfield | Door |

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Please send additions and/or corrections to Doug Henkle:
P.O. Box 331, Ripon, WI 54971-0331

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