FolkLib Index - Historical Record Label Addresses (G)
          (Record Company Addresses)

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          This page lists Historical Addresses for World-Wide Record Labels beginning with the letter G.

      THESE ARE HISTORICAL ADDRESSES! Do NOT send anything to any address on this set of pages, unless you have personally verified with a different source the label's current mailing address.
      For complete details about this set of alphabetical Record Label pages and the Source Codes used below, see the Historical Record Label Addresses (Intro) page. This is a work in progress.   32 of the 127 Sources of this information are complete.

| Bibliography / List of Source Codes | Your Corrections, Suggestions and Additions |
| Total number of Labels | What's New? |
| A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M |
| N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z |
| 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 |

    G |   ABC... Label Selection   |   Sources in Date Order   |   Genres   |   top of page   |
       |   Installed Sources in Code Order   |   Not yet installed Sources in Code Order   |

    | GA | GB | GE | GH | GI | GL | GM | GN | GO | GP | GR | GU | GW | GY |

  1. G&G {CLR59:141} [45]
  2. G-Clef {CLR65:155} [45]
  3. G-Note {CLR63:139} [45]
  4. G.A.R.P. {CLR65:155} [45]
  5. G.E.M. Entertainment Management -- 14431 Ventura Blvd., #195, Sherman Oaks, CA 91423 {MAB94:96}
  6. G.H.B. Jazz Foundation -- 1206 Decatur St., New Orleans, LA 70116 {MAB94:96}
  7. G.I. {CLR65:155} [45]
  8. G.M.E. {CLR65:155} [45]
  9. G.S.P. {CLR62:144/CLR63:141} [45]
  10. G.T.O. {CLR66:179} [45]
  11. Gable {CLR60:129} [45]
  12. Gadfly Records -- P.O. Box 5231, Burlington, VT 05402 {MHF98:893}
  13. Gael-Linn Records -- 26 Merrion Square, Dublin 2, Ireland {CMG00:335/IMG05:422}
  14. Gaia -- 121 W. 27th St., New York, NY 10001 {NAM89:212/AMG92:1141}
  15. Gaiety {CLR65:155/CLR66:179} [45]
  16. Gail {CLR67:171} [45]
  17. Gait {CLR61:134/CLR65:155} [45]
  18. Gaity {CLR59:141/CLR60:129} [45]
  19. Gala {CLR59:141/CLR60:129/CLR61:134 /CLR62:142} [45]
  20. Galahad {CLR61:134/CLR62:142/CLR63:139 /CLR65:155} [45]
  21. Galaxie {CLR64:127} [45]
  22. Galaxy {CLR60:129/CLR63:139/CLR64:127 /CLR65:155/CLR66:179/CLR67:171} [45] {RSN83:xxii} {MGJ98:1332}
  23. Galiko {CLR63:139/CLR64:127/CLR66:179} [45]
  24. Gallant {CLR59:141/CLR60:129/CLR62:142 /CLR66:179/CLR67:171} [45, LP]
  25. Gallantry {CLR65:155} [45]
  26. Gallery {CLR66:179} [45]
  27. Galliant {CLR59:141} [45]
  28. Gallio {CLR65:155/CLR66:179} [45]
  29. Gallo {CLR63:139} [45]
  30. Gama {CLR67:171} [45]
  31. Gambit {CLR62:142/CLR63:139} [45]
  32. Gamble {CLR66:179/CLR67:171} [45] {RSN83:xxii}
  33. Game Time {CLR65:155} [45]
  34. Gamma -- 389 St. Paul St. W., Montreal 1, Quebec, Canada {FMS76:5}
  35. Gamut {CLR61:134} [45]
  36. Gan {CLR65:155} [45]
  37. Gar-Lo {CLR61:134} [45]
  38. Garden Variety Productions -- P.O. Box 7005, Eugene, OR 97401 {FAD00:59}
  39. Gardena {CLR60:129/CLR61:134/CLR62:142 /CLR63:139} [45]
  40. Garex {CLR63:139/CLR64:127} [45]
  41. Garlin {CLR60:130} [45]
  42. Garpax {CLR62:142/CLR63:139/CLR64:127 /CLR65:155} [45, LP]
  43. Garrett {CLR63:139/CLR64:127/CLR65:155 /CLR66:179} [45, LP]
  44. Garrison {CLR66:179/CLR67:171} [45]
  45. Gaslight {CLR62:142} [45]
  46. Gasp {CLR62:142} [45]
  47. Gass {CLR63:139} [45]
  48. Gateway {CLR60:130/CLR63:139/CLR64:127 /CLR65:155/CLR66:179/CLR67:171} [45, LP] {FMS76:5} {RSN83:xxii}
  49. Gator {CLR60:130} [45]
  50. Gay {CLR60:130} [45]
  51. Gaye {CLR61:134/CLR64:127/CLR66:179 /CLR67:171} [45]
  52. Gayla {CLR59:141} [45]
  53. Gaylo {CLR61:134} [45]
  54. Gaylord {CLR62:142/CLR63:139} [45]
  55. Gaytan {CLR65:155} [45]
  56. Gazelle Records / Storyville / Silkheart Records -- P.O. Box 527, Mansfield Center, CT 06250 {NFM91:150/MAB94:98} {MGJ98:1332}
  57. GBS Records {CLR59:141} [LP] -- 38 Music Square E., #216, Nashville, TN 37201 {MAB94:98}
  58. GE-EF {CLR62:142} [45]
  59. Ge Ge {CLR65:155} [45]
  60. Gear {CLR66:179} [45]
  61. Gedinson's {CLR61:134/CLR62:142} [45]
  62. Gee {CLR59:141/CLR60:130/CLR61:134-135 /CLR62:142} [45, LP] -- New York, NY {MLG02:194-195}
  63. Gee Bee {CLR61:135} [45]
  64. Gee Clef {CLR61:135} [45]
  65. Geffen / DGC Records -- 9130 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90069-6197 {NAM89:212/MAB94:98/MHF98:893/MHL98:517/MHR98:666} {RSN83:xxii} - (see: Interscope) {MHT00:749}
  66. Gem {CLR60:130} [45] {NHD48:xvii} [78]
  67. Gemcor {CLR65:155/CLR66:179} [45]
  68. Gemini Records / Taurus Records {CLR61:135/CLR62:142/CLR63:139 /CLR65:155/CLR67:171} [45] -- Postboks 96, 1381 Vettre, Norway {IAJ104301:111}
  69. Gemini Hall {RSN83:xxii}
  70. Gend {CLR63:139} [45]
  71. Geneni {CLR66:179} [45]
  72. Gene Norman Presents {CLR60:130/CLR61:135/CLR62:142-143} [45, LP] - (see also: GNP Crescendo Records
  73. General {CLR66:179} [45] {NHD48:xvii} [78]
  74. General American {CLR64:127/CLR65:155/CLR66:179 /CLR67:171} [45]
  75. General Artist {CLR64:127} [45]
  76. General Electric {CLR66:180} [LP]
  77. General International {CLR65:155/CLR66:180} [45]
  78. Generation {RSN83:xxii}
  79. Generic Records Inc. -- 433 Limestone Rd., Ridgefield, CT 06877 {MAB94:98}
  80. GENES Compact Disc Company -- P.O. Box 7778, Silver Spring, MD 20907 {MAB94:98}
  81. Genesis {CLR67:171} [45] {RSN83:xxii}
  82. Geneva {CLR65:155} [45]
  83. Genie {CLR59:141/CLR60:130/CLR61:135 /CLR65:155/CLR66:180} [45]
  84. Genius Records -- P.O. Box 481052, Los Angeles, CA 90048 {MAB94:98}
  85. Gennett -- address ?, Richmond, IN 1917-1930 {JZE05:224} {NHD48:xvii} [78] {MGJ98:1332} {CMR04:17-19,44} [78]
  86. A Gentle Wind -- P.O. Box 3103, Albany, NY 12203 {MHF98:893}
  87. Genuine {CLR67:171} [45]
  88. Geordie -- 165 W. 74th St., New York, NY 10023 {FMS76:5}
  89. George {CLR61:135/CLR62:143} [45]
  90. Georgetowne {CLR67:171} [45]
  91. Georgette {CLR62:143/CLR63:139} [45]
  92. Georgian {CLR59:141} [45]
  93. GES {CLR59:141} [45]
  94. Get Hip Recordings Inc. -- P.O. Box 666, Canonsburg, PA 15317 {MAB94:99}
  95. Get It {CLR66:180} [45]
  96. Getit {CLR66:180} [45]
  97. GHB (George Buck) {CLR66:180/CLR67:171} [LP] {MGJ98:1332}
  98. GHP -- Box 311, Cuxhaven 219, West Germany {FMS76:5}
  99. GI {NHD48:xvii} [78]
  100. Giant Records (TN) {CLR66:180/CLR67:171} [45] -- 45 Music Square W., Nashville, TN 37203 {MAB94:99} -- 1514 South St., Nashville, TN 37212 {MHC97:540/MHL98:517/MHR98:666}
  101. Giant Records (CA) -- 8900 Wilshire Blvd., #200, Beverly Hills, CA 90211 {MAB94:99}
  102. Giant Records (NY) -- 75 Rockefeller Plaza, 21st Floor, New York, NY 10019 {MAB94:99}
  103. Giant Star {CLR66:180} [45]
  104. Gibbs Records -- Milwaukee, WI
  105. Joe Gibbs {RSN83:xxii}
  106. Gibralter {CLR59:141} [45]
  107. Gibson {CLR60:130/CLR61:135/CLR65:155} [45]
  108. Gift {CLR61:135/CLR62:143/CLR63:139} [45]
  109. Gigantic -- 618 S. Broadway, #A, Redondo Beach, CA 90277 {MAB94:100}
  110. Gigi {CLR59:141} [45]
  111. Gigolo {CLR65:155} [45]
  112. Gil {CLR60:130} [45]
  113. Gilda {CLR65:155} [45]
  114. Gillette {CLR60:130/CLR63:139} [45]
  115. Ginchee {CLR59:141} [45]
  116. Gina {CLR63:139/CLR64:127} [45]
  117. Gini {CLR60:130} [45]
  118. Ginny {CLR66:180} [45]
  119. Gira {CLR59:141} [45]
  120. Git {CLR63:139} [45]
  121. Gizmo {CLR60:130/CLR61:135} [45]
  122. Glad {CLR60:130} [45]
  123. Glad Hamp (Glad-Hamp) {CLR61:135/CLR62:143/CLR64:127 /CLR65:155/CLR66:180/CLR67:171-172} [45, EP, LP] -- 165 W. 46th St., New York, NY {EJX66:306}
  124. Glades {CLR59:141} [45]
  125. Gladwynne {CLR65:155} [LP]
  126. Glasco {CLR67:172} [45]
  127. Glaser {CLR61:135} [45]
  128. Glass Piano {CLR64:127} [45]
  129. Glee {CLR60:130/CLR61:135/CLR62:143} [45]
  130. Glen {CLR59:141/CLR63:139/CLR66:180 /CLR67:172} [45]
  131. Glenco {CLR62:143/CLR63:139} [45]
  132. Glendale {CLR60:130/CLR61:135} [45] {RSN83:xxii}
  133. Glenden {CLR64:127} [45]
  134. Glenmar {CLR65:155} [45]
  135. Glenn {CLR59:142/CLR60:130/CLR61:135 /CLR63:139/CLR64:127/CLR65:155 /CLR66:180/CLR67:172} [45]
  136. Glenolden {CLR67:172} [45]
  137. Glitch Records -- P.O. Box 4429, Austin, TX 78765 {MAB94:101}
  138. Glo {CLR59:142/CLR66:180} [45]
  139. Global {CLR59:142/CLR60:130} [45]
  140. Global Pacific -- 589 First St., W., Sonoma, CA 95476 {NAM89:212} -- 270 Perkins St., Sonoma, CA 95476 {MAB94:101}
  141. Global Village Music -- 245 W. 29th St., Room 402, New York, NY 10001-5438 {MHB98:445/FAD00:58/MHB02:481}
              Declaring bankruptcy sometime after 2002, Michael Schlesinger stopped paying all his artists royalties about 1993, and all CD re-issues and iTunes downloads on this label of original cassettes are unauthorized by the artists.
              I wouldn't have known all this if all three sources had not had different ZIP codes (1001, 10001, 10011), causing me to search the Web for the correct one, 10001.
              MHB98 misprint: 1001, MHB02 misprint: 10011
  142. Globe {NHD48:xvii} [78] {CLR59:142} [45] -- P.O. Box 5523, Mill Valley, CA 94942 {MAB94:101}
  143. Globe Star {CLR60:130} [45]
  144. Glodis {CLR61:135} [45]
  145. Gloria {NHD48:xvii} [78] {CLR67:172} [45]
  146. Glory {CLR59:142/CLR60:130} [45]
  147. Glover {CLR59:142/CLR60:130/CLR64:127} [45]
  148. Glow-Hill {CLR59:142} [45]
  149. GM Recordings Inc. {CLR66:180} [45] -- 167 Dudley Rd., Newton Center, MA 02159 {MAB94:101} {MGJ98:1332}
  150. GMA {CLR64:126} [45]
  151. GMC {CLR66:180/CLR67:172} [45]
  152. GME {CLR62:143} [45]
  153. GNP Crescendo Records (aka GNP-Crescendo) {CLR59:142/CLR63:139/CLR64:127 /CLR65:155-156/CLR66:180/CLR67:172} [45, LP] -- 9165 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles 69, CA {EJX66:306} {RSN83:xxii} -- 8400 Sunset Blvd., #4A, Los Angeles, CA 90069 {MAB94:101} -- 8480-A Sunset Blvd., West Hollywood, CA 90069 {MHL98:517/MHS99:347} - (see also: Crescendo and Gene Norman Presents) {MGJ98:1332}
  154. GNP (Gene Norman Presents) -- 8600 Lookout Mountain Ave., Hollywood 6, CA {EJN60:522}
  155. Go {CLR60:130/CLR61:135/CLR66:180} [45]
  156. Go Go {CLR65:156/CLR66:180/CLR67:172} [45]
  157. Go-Gee {CLR61:135} [45]
  158. Go-Go {CLR66:181} [45]
  159. Go Jazz Records -- Madison, WI
  160. Goad {CLR62:143} [LP]
  161. Goal {CLR62:143} [45]
  162. Godsdog Records -- 520 Washington Blvd., Marina del Rey, CA 90292 {MAB94:102}
  163. Gold Records -- Stevens Point, WI
  164. Gold {CLR59:142/CLR60:130/CLR63:139 /CLR64:127} [45]
  165. Gold Arrow {CLR62:143/CLR63:139} [45]
  166. Gold Castle -- 3575 Cahuenga Blvd. W. #470, Los Angeles, CA 90068 {NAM89:212} -- 3575 Cahuenga Blvd. W. #435, Los Angeles, CA 90068 {NFM91:150}
  167. Gold Coin {CLR65:156} [45]
  168. Gold Eagle {CLR61:135/CLR62:143} [45]
  169. Gold Leaf {CLR62:143/CLR63:140} [45]
  170. Gold Mind {RSN83:xxii}
  171. Gold Spun {CLR61:135} [45]
  172. Gold Standard {CLR67:172} [45]
  173. Gold Star Records -- Appleton, WI {CLR67:172} [45]
  174. Gold Tone {CLR62:143} [45]
  175. Gold Wax {CLR64:127} [45]
  176. Goldband Records {CLR59:142/CLR60:130/CLR61:135 /CLR63:140/CLR64:127} [45] -- P.O. Box 1485, Lake Charles, LA 70602 {FMS76:5/MHB98:445/MHB02:481}
  177. Goldcrest {CLR61:135} [45]
  178. Golden {CLR59:142/CLR61:135/CLR62:143 /CLR63:140/CLR64:127/CLR65:156 /CLR66:180} [LP]
  179. Golden Artists {CLR65:156} [45]
  180. Golden Beam {CLR66:180} [45]
  181. Golden Crest {CLR59:142/CLR60:130/CLR61:135 /CLR62:143/CLR63:140/CLR64:127} [45, LP] -- 220 Broadway, Huntington Station, NY 11746 {EJN60:522/EJX66:306/FMS76:5}
  182. Golden Crown {CLR65:156} [45]
  183. Golden Eagle {CLR63:140/CLR64:127} [45]
  184. Golden Echo Recording -- Appleton, WI
  185. Golden Gate {CLR60:130/CLR66:180} [45, EP]
  186. Golden Gateway {CLR63:140} [45]
  187. Golden Guinea {FMS76:5}
  188. Golden Jubilee {CLR59:142} [45]
  189. Golden Leaf {CLR60:130/CLR61:135} [45]
  190. Golden Melody {CLR61:135} [45]
  191. Golden Oak Music -- Oshkosh, WI
  192. Golden Ring {CLR63:140/CLR64:127} [45, LP]
  193. Golden Rule {CLR60:130/CLR65:156} [45]
  194. Golden State {CLR65:156} [45]
  195. Golden Voice {CLR67:172} [45]
  196. Golden Voyage - (see: Awakening) {NAM89:212}
  197. Golden Wing {CLR63:140} [45]
  198. Golden World {CLR62:143/CLR63:140/CLR64:128 /CLR65:156/CLR66:180} [45, LP]
  199. Goldie {CLR62:143} [45]
  200. Goldisc {CLR60:130/CLR61:135/CLR62:143} [45]
  201. Goldstar {CLR67:172} [45]
  202. Goldust {CLR62:143/CLR64:128/CLR67:172} [45]
  203. Goldwax Records {CLR63:140/CLR64:128/CLR65:156 /CLR66:180/CLR67:172} [45] -- P.O. Box 270655, Nashville, TN 37277-0665 {MHB98:445/MHB02:481}
  204. Goliath {CLR62:143/CLR63:140} [45]
  205. Gone {CLR59:142/CLR60:130-131/CLR61:135-136 /CLR62:143/CLR63:140/CLR64:128} [45, EP, LP]
  206. Gong {CLR67:172} [45]
  207. Gong Sounds Inc. -- 3000 Biscayne Blvd., #400, Miami, FL 33137 {MAB94:102}
  208. Good Home Grown Music -- P.O. Box 1246, Franklin, TN 37065 {BRG00:75}
  209. Good Luck {CLR64:128} [45]
  210. Good News {RSN83:xxii}
  211. Good Sound {CLR61:136/CLR62:143} [45]
  212. Good Time Jazz {CLR59:142/CLR60:131/CLR61:136 /CLR63:140/CLR64:128/CLR66:180 /CLR67:172} [45, LP] - (see: Contemporary) {EJN60:522/EJX66:306} {RSN83:xxii} {MGJ98:1332}
  213. Goodtime {CLR66:180} [45]
  214. Goody Dist. by French RCA {FMS76:5}
          [dead end reference, there is no "French RCA" entry in the book]
  215. Goodyear - (see: Columbia / Goodyear)
  216. Goral Records -- Green Bay, WI
  217. Gordy {CLR62:143/CLR63:140/CLR64:128 /CLR65:156/CLR66:180-181/CLR67:172} [45, LP] {RSN83:xxii}
  218. Gorham {CLR60:131} [45]
  219. Gospel {CLR59:142/CLR60:131/CLR61:136 /CLR62:143/CLR63:140/CLR64:128 /CLR65:156-157/CLR66:181} [45, LP]
  220. Gospel Corner {CLR65:157} [45]
  221. Gospel Gems {CLR62:143} [EP]
  222. Gospel Jubilee {CLR59:142} [45]
  223. Gospel Time {CLR61:136} [45]
  224. Gospel Voice {CLR59:142} [EP]
  225. Goth {CLR60:131} [45]
  226. Gothic {CLR61:136} [45]
  227. Gourd Music -- Felton, CA
  228. Gowen {CLR62:143} [45]
  229. Goyle {CLR66:181} [45]
  230. GP {CLR65:157} [45]
  231. GP Productions -- 362 3rd Ave., #1B, New York, NY 10016 {MAB94:102}
  232. GPC {CLR67:172} [45]
  233. Grace {CLR61:136} [45]
  234. Graduate {RSN83:xxii}
  235. Graf {CLR62:143} [45]
  236. Grafton {NHD48:xvii} [78]
  237. Graham {CLR63:140} [45]
  238. Gramavision -- 260 W. Broadway, New York, NY 10013 {NAM89:212/AMG92:1141} {MGJ98:1332}
  239. Gramavision Records -- 33 Katonah Ave., Katonah, NY 10536 {MAB94:102}
  240. Gramercy {CLR61:136/CLR62:143} [45]
  241. Gramo {CLR63:140} [45]
  242. Gramophone Recording -- Winona, MN {CLR65:157} [45, LP]
  243. Gramophone HMV (France) {NHD48:xvii} [78]
  244. Gramophone HMV (Germany) {NHD48:xvii} [78]
  245. Gramophone HMV (Spain) {NHD48:xvii} [78]
  246. Grand {NHD48:xvii} [78] {CLR59:142/CLR63:140} [45]
  247. Grand Award {CLR59:143/CLR60:131/CLR61:136 /CLR62:143/CLR66:181} [45, LP] -- 8 Kingsland Ave., Harrison, NJ {EJN60:522} -- 1501 Broadway, New York 36, NY {EJX66:306}
  248. Grand Opera House -- Oshkosh, WI
  249. Grand Prix {CLR64:128} [45]
  250. Grand Slam {CLR59:143} [LP]
  251. Grand Staff {CLR63:140} [45]
  252. Granite {CLR60:131/CLR61:136} [45] {RSN83:xxii}
  253. Grapevine {RSN83:xxii}
  254. Graphic Arts {CLR63:140} [45]
  255. Grass Mountain {RSN83:xxii}
  256. Grass Recording and Sound -- 700 Arbor Pl., Del Rey Oaks, CA 93940 {MAB94:103}
  257. Grass Roots -- 18873 SW Aloha Court, Aloha, OR 97005 {FMS76:5}
  258. Grate {CLR59:143} [45]
  259. Grateful Dead {RSN83:xxii}
  260. GRC {CLR59:143} [45]
  261. Great {CLR59:143/CLR62:143/CLR63:140 /CLR64:128/CLR65:157/CLR67:172-173} [45]
  262. Great American Music Hall -- 859 O'Farrell St., San Francisco, CA 94109 {MHF98:893}
  263. Great Jones (a subsidiary of Island Records) -- 14 E. 4th St., New York, NY 10012 {MAB94:103}
  264. Great Lakes Records -- Sheboygan, WI {CLR63:140/CLR67:173} [45]
  265. Great Northwest Music Company, The {RSN83:xxii} -- P.O. Box 4740, Seattle, WA 98104 {MAB94:103}
  266. Great Scott {CLR63:140} [45]
  267. Great Southern Records / Great Southern Record Company -- P.O. Box 13977, New Orleans, LA 70185 {MAB94:103/MHB98:445/MHB02:481}
  268. Grecophon {CLR64:128/CLR65:157/CLR66:181 /CLR67:173} [45, LP] {RSN83:xxii}
  269. Grecophone {CLR64:128} [45]
  270. Green Apple Folk Music Society -- Appleton, WI
  271. Green Ivy {CLR63:140} [45]
  272. Green Linnet Records / Xenophile Records {RSN83:xxii} -- 70 Turner Hill Rd., New Canaan, CT 06840 {NAM89:212/MAB94:103} -- 43 Beaver Brook Rd., Danbury, CT 06810 {NFM91:150/MHC97:540/MHF98:893/CMG00:335/FAD00:56} -- Danbury, CT {IMG05:422}
  273. Green Monkey -- P.O. Box 31983, Seattle, WA 98103 {MAB94:104}
  274. Green Sea {CLR66:181} [45]
  275. Greenhays Records -- Port Washington, NY
  276. Greensleeves {RSN83:xxii}
  277. Greentrax -- Cockenzie Business Park, Edimburgh Rd., Cockenzie, East Lothian EH32 0HL Scotland {CMG00:335}
  278. Greenwich {CLR59:143} [45]
  279. Gregar {CLR67:173} [45]
  280. Gregg {CLR67:173} [45]
  281. Gregmark {CLR61:136/CLR62:144/CLR63:140} [45]
  282. Gregory {CLR63:140/CLR64:128/CLR66:181 /CLR67:173} [45]
  283. Grenadier {CLR64:128} [45]
  284. Grenadilla {RSN83:xxii}
  285. Grey Cliff {CLR59:143} [45]
  286. Grey Gull {NHD48:xvii} [78] {CMR04:19-20,44} [78]
  287. Grog {CLR66:181} [45]
  288. Grooms {CLR62:144} [45]
  289. Groove {CLR61:136/CLR62:144/CLR63:140-141 /CLR64:128/CLR65:157} [45] - (see: RCA Victor) {EJX66:306}
  290. Groove Merchant {RSN83:xxii}
  291. Groove Tip Recordings Ltd. -- P.O. Box 13361, Arlington, VA 22219 {MAB94:104}
  292. Groovemaster {CLR64:128} [45]
  293. Groovesburg Joys -- Milwaukee, WI
  294. Groovesville {CLR65:157/CLR66:181/CLR67:173} [45]
  295. Groovy {CLR65:157/CLR66:181/CLR67:173} [45]
  296. Gross {CLR67:173} [45]
  297. Group {CLR63:141/CLR64:128} [45]
  298. GRP Recording Company / GRP Records (Grusin Rosen Productions) 1978- {JZE05:249} -- 555 W. 57th St., 10th Floor, New York, NY 10019 {MAB94:104/MHL98:517/MHR98:665/MHS99:347} {MGJ98:1332}
  299. GRT Records -- Nashville, TN
  300. Gryphon {RSN83:xxii}
  301. Guaranteed {CLR59:143/CLR60:131/CLR61:136} [45, LP]
  302. Guardsman {NHD48:xvii} [78]
  303. Guest {CLR62:144} [45]
  304. Guest Star {CLR66:181} [45]
  305. Guillotine {CLR65:157/CLR66:181/CLR67:173} [45]
  306. Guitar {CLR59:143/CLR62:144} [45]
  307. Guitar Player Productions -- 348 N. Santa Cruz Ave., Los Gatros, CA 95030 {FMS76:5}
  308. Guitar Player Records {RSN83:xxii}
  309. Guitar Recordings -- 10 Midland Ave., Port Chester, NY 10573 {MAB94:105}
  310. Guitar World {RSN83:xxii}
  311. Guitarsville {CLR64:128/CLR66:181/CLR67:173} [45]
  312. Gulf {CLR60:131/CLR61:136} [45]
  313. Gulf Reef {CLR62:144} [45]
  314. Gum {CLR62:144} [45]
  315. Gun {CLR67:173} [45]
  316. Gunsmoke Records -- 2623 Roosevelt Hwy., Suite D-3, College Park, GA 30337 {MHB98:445/MHB02:481}
  317. Gusto Records {CLR63:141} [45] - (see: King / Gusto / Federal)
  318. Guy {CLR61:136} [45]
  319. Guyden {CLR59:143/CLR60:131/CLR61:136 /CLR62:144/CLR63:141/CLR64:128 /CLR65:157/CLR66:181/CLR67:173} [45, LP]
  320. Gwenn {CLR63:141} [45]
  321. Gypsy {CLR67:173} [45]
  322. Gypsy Moth Records -- P.O. Box 1285, New Haven, CT 06505 {MHF98:893}  
  323. Gyro {CLR60:131} [45]
Your Corrections, Suggestions and Additions
Please send additions and/or corrections to Doug Henkle:
P.O. Box 331, Ripon, WI 54971-0331

Copyright © 2010 - 2024 Douglas H. Henkle, All Rights Reserved.