FolkLib Index - Historical Record Label Addresses (I)
          (Record Company Addresses)

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          This page lists Historical Addresses for World-Wide Record Labels beginning with the letter I.

      THESE ARE HISTORICAL ADDRESSES! Do NOT send anything to any address on this set of pages, unless you have personally verified with a different source the label's current mailing address.
      For complete details about this set of alphabetical Record Label pages and the Source Codes used below, see the Historical Record Label Addresses (Intro) page. This is a work in progress.   32 of the 127 Sources of this information are complete.

| Bibliography / List of Source Codes | Your Corrections, Suggestions and Additions |
| Total number of Labels | What's New? |
| A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M |
| N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z |
| 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 |

    I |   ABC... Label Selection   |   Sources in Date Order   |   Genres   |   top of page   |
       |   Installed Sources in Code Order   |   Not yet installed Sources in Code Order   |

    | IA | IB | IC | ID | IG | IM | IN | IO | IP | IR | IS | IT | IV |

  1. I-Nezz {CLR61:139} [45]
  2. I-Z {CLR62:147} [45]
  3. I.K.E. {CLR63:143} [45]
  4. I.P. {CLR66:184} [45]
  5. I.P.G. {CLR63:144/CLR64:130} [45]
  6. I.R.S. Records -- city?, state? {MLG02:206-208}
  7. I.T. Records / Blues in School Programs -- 3533 S. Calumet Ave., Chicago, IL 60653 {MHB98:445/MHB02:481}
  8. IAJRC International Association of Jazz Record Collectors {MGJ98:1333}
  9. Ibis {CLR65:160} [45]
  10. Ice Blue {CLR63:143} [45]
  11. Icebergg Records -- Milwaukee, WI
  12. Icehouse Records -- 1981 Fletcher Creek Dr., Memphis, TN 38133 {MHB98:445/MHB02:481}
  13. Ichiban Records -- 3991 Royal Dr. NW., Kennesaw, GA 30144 {MHB98:445/MHB02:481} -- P.O. Box 724677, Atlanta, GA 31139-1677 {MHL98:517/MHR98:666/MHS99:347}
  14. Icon {CLR62:146} [45]
  15. ICP (Instant Composers Pool) -- address ?, city? 19677 [LP, CD] {JZE05:303}
  16. Ideal {CLR64:130/CLR65:160/CLR66:184 /CLR67:175} [45]
  17. IGL {CLR65:160/CLR66:184/CLR67:175} [45]
  18. Igloo {CLR59:145/CLR61:138} [45]
  19. Iguana {CLR65:160/CLR67:175} [45]
  20. Image {CLR60:133/CLR61:138/CLR62:146 /CLR65:160} [45]
  21. Imco {CLR61:138} [45]
  22. IMG / King Records -- 1900 Elm Hill Pike, Nashville, TN 37210 {MHB98:445/MHB02:481}
  23. Immediate {CLR67:175} [45] {MLG02:201-203}
  24. Impact {CLR60:133/CLR61:138/CLR62:146 /CLR65:160/CLR66:184/CLR67:175} [45]
  25. Impact Sound {CLR67:175} [45]
  26. Impala {CLR59:145/CLR60:133/CLR63:143 /CLR64:130} [45]
  27. Imperial {NHD48:xvii} [78] {CLR59:145-146/CLR60:133/CLR61:138 /CLR62:146-147/CLR63:143-144/CLR64:130-131 /CLR65:160-161/CLR66:184-186/CLR67:175-176} [45, EP, LP] -- 6425 Brooklyn Blvd., Los Angeles 28, CA {EJN60:522} -- 1586 N. La Brea, Hollywood 28, CA {EJX66:306} {RSN83:xxii} {MGB96:383/MGB03:705} {MLG02:203-205}
  28. Imperial (U.K.) {NHD48:xvii} [78] {CMR04:31,44} [78]
  29. Imperial (Germany) {NHD48:xvii} [78]
  30. Imperial (Ireland) {CMR04:31,44} [78]
  31. Impex {CLR66:186} [45]
  32. Important {CLR67:176} [45] -- 149-03 Guy R. Brewster Blvd., Jamaica, NY 11434 {NAM89:212}
  33. Impra {CLR63:144} [45]
  34. Impression {CLR65:161/CLR66:186/CLR67:176} [45]
  35. Imprint Records -- 209 10th Ave. S, #500, Nashville, TN 37203 {MHC97:540}
  36. Improvising Artists {MGJ98:1333}
  37. Impulse! Records {CLR61:139/CLR62:147/CLR63:144 /CLR64:131/CLR65:161/CLR66:186 /CLR67:176} [45, LP] -- 1330 6th Ave., New York 19, NY {EJX66:306} {RSN83:xxii} -- 555 W. 57th St., 10th Floor, New York, NY 10019 {MHL98:518/MHR98:666/MHS99:347} {MGJ98:1333}
  38. IMR Records -- Madison, WI
  39. In {CLR64:131/CLR67:176} [45, LP] {MLG02:205-206}
  40. In Arts {CLR67:176} [45]
  41. In Crowd {CLR67:176} [45]
  42. In-Fidelity {RSN83:xxii}
  43. In-Sound {CLR67:176} [45]
  44. Inca {CLR67:176} [45]
  45. Increase {RSN83:xxii}
  46. Incredible {CLR65:161} [45]
  47. Incus {MGJ98:1333}
  48. Independence {CLR67:176} [45]
  49. Independent {CLR60:133} [45]
  50. Index {CLR63:144/CLR67:176} [45]
  51. India Navigation {RSN83:xxii} {MGJ98:1333}
  52. Indian Head {CLR66:186} [45]
  53. Indian House Records / Indian House Recordings -- P.O. Box 472, Taos, NM 87571 {FMS76:5/FAD00:58} {RSN83:xxii}
  54. Indigo {CLR60:134/CLR61:139/CLR62:147} [45]
  55. Indigo Recordings -- 31-39 Camden Rd., London, NW1 9LF U.K. {MHB98:445/MHB02:481}
  56. Indio {CLR61:139} [45]
  57. Inette {CLR63:144/CLR64:131} [45]
  58. Inferno {CLR59:146/CLR61:139/CLR67:176} [45]
  59. Infinite {CLR65:161/CLR66:186} [45]
  60. Infinity Records {CLR61:139/CLR62:147/CLR64:131} [45] -- 10 E. 53rd. St., New York, NY 10022 {CMA80:416} {RSN83:xxii}
  61. Initial {CLR64:131} [45]
  62. Ink {CLR63:144} [45]
  63. Inland West {CLR64:131} [45]
  64. Inner {CLR65:161} [45]
  65. Inner City {RSN83:xxii} {MGJ98:1333}
  66. Inner Glow {CLR63:144/CLR64:131} [45]
  67. Inner-Soul {CLR66:186} [45]
  68. Innis {CLR64:131} [45]
  69. Innovative Communications -- c/o Chameleon Music Group, 3355 W. El Segundo, Hawthorne, CA 90250 {NAM89:212/AMG92:1141}
  70. Inside Sounds / Memphis Archives -- P.O. Box 171283, Memphis, TN 38187 {MHB98:445/MHB02:481}
  71. Insight Records (Hindsight) -- Burbank, CA
  72. Insignia {CLR63:144} [45]
  73. Instant {CLR61:139/CLR62:147/CLR63:144 /CLR64:131/CLR65:161/CLR66:186 /CLR67:176} [45, LP]
  74. Instant Learning {CLR62:147} [45]
  75. Instro {CLR59:146} [45]
  76. Integra {CLR67:176} [45]
  77. Integrity Music {CLR64:131} [45] -- P.O. Box 2285, Huntington Beach, CA 92647 {MHB98:445/MHB02:481}
  78. Interlude {CLR59:146/CLR65:161} [LP]
  79. Intern {CLR63:144} [45]
  80. International {CLR59:146/CLR60:134/CLR64:131} [45, LP]
  81. International Allied {CLR65:161} [LP]
  82. International Artists Records -- Richland Center, WI {CLR62:147/CLR64:131/CLR65:161 /CLR66:186/CLR67:176-177} [45]
  83. International Award {CLR65:161} [45]
  84. International Guild {CLR60:134} [45]
  85. International Marketing Group -- 1900 Elm Hill Pike, Nashville, TN 37210 {MHC97:540}
          For labels: Deluxe, Hollywood, ING, Richmond, Starday, King
  86. International Sound {CLR62:147} [45]
  87. Internationale {CLR63:144} [45]
  88. Internationals {CLR63:144} [45]
  89. Interphon {CLR64:131/CLR65:161} [45, LP] {MLG02:206}
  90. Interscope / Geffen / A&M Records -- 10900 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1230, Los Angeles, CA 90024 {MHR98:666/MHS99:348/MHT00:749}
  91. Intersound Entertainment -- 3200 W. End Ave., Suite 500, Nashville, TN 37203 {MHC97:540}
  92. Intersound / Branson Entertainment -- P.O. Box 1724, Roswell, GA 30077 {MHR98:666}
  93. Interstate Music Ltd. -- P.O. Box 2285, Huntington Beach, CA 92647 {MHB98:445/MHB02:481}
  94. Interzone {RSN83:xxii}
  95. Intrepid Records {FMS76:5}
  96. Intrastate {CLR59:146} [45]
  97. Intro - (see: Aladdin) {EJN60:522}
  98. Invader {CLR65:161} [45]
  99. Invicta {CLR62:147/CLR63:144/CLR65:161} [45]
  100. Invictus {RSN83:xxii}
  101. Invincible Records {CLR66:186} [45] -- P.O. Box 13054, Phoenix, AZ 85002 {NAM89:212}
  102. Iola {CLR62:147} [45]
  103. Ion Records -- Madison, WI
  104. Iona Records {CLR61:139} [45] -- 27-29 Carnoustie Place, Scotland Street, Glasgow G5 8PH Scotland {MHF98:893/CMG00:335}
  105. Ionic {CLR67:177} [45]
  106. IPS {CLR59:146/CLR60:134} [45]
  107. IRC {CLR62:147/CLR66:186} [45]
  108. Iris Records {CLR61:139} [45] -- P.O. Box 422, Port Washington, NY 11050 {MHB98:445/MHB02:481}
  109. Irish Fest -- Milwaukee, WI
  110. Irma -- P.O. Box 100, Brighton, MI 48116 {FMS76:5}
  111. Iron Horse {RSN83:xxii}
  112. Iroqrafts -- Ohswegon, Ontario, Canada {FMS76:5}
  113. Irral {CLR63:144/CLR64:131} [45]
  114. Irvanne {CLR59:146} [45]
  115. Island Records {CLR64:131} [45] -- 444 Madison, Ave., New York, NY 10022 {CMA80:416} {RSN83:xxii} -- 825 8th Ave., 24th Floor, New York, NY 10019 {MHC97:540/MHR98:666} {MLG02:208-212}
  116. Island / Ze {CLR60:134} [45] {RSN83:xxii}
  117. Island Exchange Music -- Washington Island, WI
  118. It {CLR66:186/CLR67:177} [45]
  119. It's Only a Record Records -- Milwaukee, WI
  120. Italdisc {CLR59:146} [45]
  121. Itzy {CLR66:186} [45]
  122. Ivanhoe {CLR65:161/CLR67:177} [45]
  123. Ivory {CLR60:134/CLR61:139} [45]  
  124. Ivory World {RSN83:xxii}
Your Corrections, Suggestions and Additions
Please send additions and/or corrections to Doug Henkle:
P.O. Box 331, Ripon, WI 54971-0331

Copyright © 2010 - 2024 Douglas H. Henkle, All Rights Reserved.