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- Historical Record Label Addresses (V)
(Record Company Addresses)
(last updated .08-02-2014)
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This page lists Historical Addresses for World-Wide
Record Labels beginning with the letter V.
address on this set of pages, unless you have personally verified with a
different source the label's current mailing address.
For complete details about this set of alphabetical
Record Label pages and the Source Codes used below, see the
Historical Record Label Addresses (Intro) page.
This is a work in progress.
32 of the 127 Sources of this information are complete.
Bibliography / List of Source Codes
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Installed Sources in Code Order
Not yet installed Sources in Code Order
| VA
| VC
| VE
| VI
| VJ
| VM
| VO
| VP
| VS
| VU
| V2
V Records Ltd.
-- St. Paul, MN
- V-Disc 1943-1949
{NHD48:xviii} [78]
- V-Tone
{CLR59:180/CLR60:167/CLR61:174} [45]
- Val Hill
{CLR60:164} [45]
- Val-Ue
{CLR60:164} [45]
- Vale
{CLR61:172} [45]
- Valex
{CLR59:178} [45]
- Valiant
{CLR60:164/CLR61:172} [45]
- Valinda
{CLR61:172} [45]
Valley Record Company
-- Brownsville, WI
- Valley
{CLR59:178/CLR60:164} [45]
- Valley of the Sun
-- P.O. Box 3004, Agoura, CA 91301 {NAM89:217}
- Valmor
{CLR60:164/CLR61:172} [45, LP]
- Valor
{CLR59:178} [45]
- Vamalco
{CLR59:178} [45]
- Van der Linden Recordings Company
-- 5331 S. Greenwood, Chicago, IL 60615 {MHB98:448/MHB02:484}
- Van Dyke
{NHD48:xviii} [78]
- Vandan
{CLR60:165/CLR61:172} [45]
- Vanessa
{CLR61:172} [45]
- Vanguard Records / Welk Music Group / Ranwood / Terra
[45, LP, CS, CD]
-- 154 W. 14th St., New York, NY {EJN60:523}
-- c/o Welk Record Group, 1299 Ocean Ave., Santa Monica, CA 90401
-- 1299 Ocean Ave., Suite 800, Santa Monica, CA 90401-1095
-- 2700 Pennsylvania Ave., Santa Monica, CA 90404-4000 {BRG00:75}
- Vanguard Twofers
- Vanity
{CLR60:165} [45]
- Vann
{CLR61:172} [45]
- Vanruss
{CLR61:172} [45]
- Varese Sarabande Records
-- 11846 Ventura Blvd., Suite 130, Studio City, CA 91604
- Variety
{NHD48:xviii} [78]
{CLR59:178/CLR60:165/CLR61:172-173} [45, LP]
- Varrick
-- 1 Camp St., Cambridge, MA 02140 {MHF98:894}
- (see:
Rounder) {NAM89:217}
- Varsity
{NHD48:xviii} [78]
- Vas-Kat Records
-- P.O. Box 1414, Hattiesburg, MS 39403-1414 {MHB98:449/MHB02:484}
- Vassar
{CLR60:165/CLR61:173} [45]
- Vay Kay
{CLR60:165} [45]
{CLR61:173} [45]
- Vee Eight
{CLR59:178} [45]
- Vee Tone
{CLR60:165} [45]
- Vee-Jay (Vee Jay)
(aka Vee Jay)
{CLR59:178/CLR60:165/CLR61:173} [45, LP]
-- 1449 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago 5, IL {EJN60:523/EJX66:307}
- Vee-Jay Limited Partnership
-- 8857 W. Olympic Blvd., Suite 200, Beverly Hills, CA 90211
- Veeda
{CLR59:178/CLR60:165} [45]
- Vega
{CLR59:178} [45]
- Vegas
{CLR60:165} [45]
- Veko
{CLR61:173} [45]
- Vel-Tone
{CLR59:178} [45]
- Vellez
{CLR60:165/CLR61:173} [45]
- Veltone
{CLR60:165} [45]
- Velveteen Records
-- 720 16th St., Suite 210, Denver, CO 80202 {MHT00:750}
- Velvetone
{NHD48:xviii} [78]
- Vem
{CLR60:165} [45]
- Vengeance
- Venice
{CLR59:178} [45]
- Vent Records
-- 4 S. 55th Pl., Birmingham, AL 35212 {MHB98:449/MHB02:485}
- Venture
{CLR59:178/CLR61:173} [45]
- (see:
Virgin / Venture) {NAM89:217}
Venus Records
-- Milwaukee, WI
{CLR59:178/CLR61:173} [45]
Vera Records
-- Milwaukee, WI
- Veritas
{CLR61:173} [45]
- Verna
{CLR61:173} [45]
- Vernon
{CLR60:165} [45]
- Verro
{CLR60:165} [45]
- Versailles
{CLR59:178} [45]
- Versatile
{CLR59:178/CLR60:165/CLR61:173} [45]
Versicolor Music
-- Shorewood, WI
- Vertex
- (see:
JVC) {MHR98:666}
- Vertigo
- Verus
{CLR60:165} [45]
Verve Records
{CLR59:178-180/CLR60:165-167/CLR61:173-174} [45, EP, LP]
-- 451 N. Canon Dr., Beverly Hills, CA {EJN60:523}
-- 1540 Broadway, New York 36, NY {EJX66:307}
-- 825 Eighth Ave., 26th Floor, New York, NY 10019
- Verve and Verve/Forecast
-- c/o Polygram, 810 7th Ave., New York, NY 10014 {NAM89:217}
- Vertigo
- Vest
{CLR60:167} [45]
- Vestapol
-- 1 Camp St., Cambridge, MA 02140 {MHF98:894}
- Vesuvius
{CLR59:180/CLR60:167/CLR61:174} [45, LP]
- Vetco
-- 5825 Vine St., Cincinnati, OH 45261 {FMS76:7}
- Vi-Way
{CLR61:174} [45]
- Vibra
{CLR61:174} [45]
- Vibration
- Vibro
{CLR59:180/CLR61:174} [45]
- Vica
{CLR59:180} [45]
- Viceroots Records
-- 547 W. 27th St., 6th Floor, New York, NY 10001 {MHB98:449/MHB02:485}
- Victo
-- city?, ?, Canada {MGJ98:1340}
- Victor
- (see:
RCA) {NAM89:217} {CMR04:25-26,44} [78]
{NHD48:xviii} [78]
- Victor (Canada)
{CMR04:28,44} [78]
- Victor Special
{NHD48:xviii} [78]
- Viechi
-- P.O. Box 169, Cheswold, DE 19936 {FMS76:7}
- Vik-Tro
{CLR61:174} [45]
- Viking
{CLR59:180/CLR61:174} [45]
- Villa Yore
{CLR61:174} [45]
- Village Thing
- (see:
Saydisc) {FMS76:7}
- Vim
{CLR59:180/CLR60:167} [45]
- Vin
{CLR59:180/CLR60:167} [45]
- Vinea
{CLR59:180} [45]
- Vinyl Vendors
-- 1800 S. Robertson Blvd. No 279, Los Angeles, CA 90035 {MGC97:590}
- Virgelle
{CLR61:174} [45]
- Virgin Records
-- 1790 Broadway, 20th Floor, New York, NY 10019 {MHC97:541}
-- 338 N. Foothill Rd., Beverly Hills, CA 90210
- Virgin / Venture
-- 9247 Alden Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90210 {NAM89:217}
- Virgin Front Line
- Virgin International
- Virginia
{NHD48:xviii} [78]
- Virgo
{CLR59:180/CLR61:174} [45]
- Virnon
{CLR60:167} [45]
- Virtue
{CLR60:167} [45]
- Viscount
{CLR59:180} [45]
- Vision
{CLR60:167} [45]
- Vista
{CLR59:180} [45]
- Vistone
{CLR59:180} [45]
- Vita
{CLR59:180/CLR60:167} [45]
- Vital
{CLR60:167} [45]
- Vital Body
-- P.O. Box 1067, Manhasset, NY 11030 {NAM89:217}
- Vital Music
-- 2591 Pomona Blvd., Chino, CA 91710 {MHB98:449/MHB02:485}
MHB02 misprint: missing city/state
- Vito
{CLR60:167} [45]
- Viv
{CLR59:180/CLR61:174} [45]
- Viva
{CLR59:180/CLR60:167} [45]
-- 12 Slough Ln., London, NW9 U.K. {FMS76:7}
VM Records
-- Menomonee Falls, WI
Vocalion Records (Decca)
{NHD48:xviii} [78]
{CLR59:180/CLR60:167/CLR61:174} [LP]
- (see:
Decca) {EJX66:307}
{CMR04:12-13,44} [78]
- Vogue
{NHD48:xviii} [78]
{CLR61:174} [45]
-- city?, France {MGJ98:1340}
- Vogue International
{CLR60:167} [45]
- Volcano
{CLR59:180} [45]
- Volt
{CLR61:174} [45]
- Von
{CLR61:174} [45]
- Voss
{CLR59:180} [45]
- Vox
{NHD48:xviii} [78]
{CLR59:180/CLR60:167} [LP]
- Voxx Records
- (see:
Bomp / Voxx Records {MAB94:40}
- Voyager Music
-- P.O. Box 24733, Tempe, AZ 85282 {NAM89:217}
- Voyager Records
-- 424 35th Ave., Seattle, WA 98122 {FMS76:7}
{CLR61:174} [45]
- Vulco
{CLR59:180/CLR61:174} [45]
- V2 Records
-- 14 E. 4th St., New York, NY 10012 {MHT00:750}
Your Corrections, Suggestions and Additions
Please send additions and/or corrections to Doug Henkle:
P.O. Box 331, Ripon, WI 54971-0331
Copyright © 2010 -
Douglas H. Henkle, All Rights Reserved.