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      Musician's Birthdays - Folk Music, Bluegrass and Old-Time Music, Country Blues, Acoustic Fingerstyle Guitarists, etc. and specific bibliographic source references for detailed information about the listed artists and groups. Not all of the listed books and magazines are completely indexed. I hope everyone finds something useful. Please send additions and/or corrections to:

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artist or group name birth date death date birthplace link to FolkLib Index entry d. death place Note 1: bibliography sources birth (maiden) name aka "also known as", pseudonyms this artist recorded under Note 2: (groups this artist was/is in) Note 2: see ... (artists that were in this group at one time or another) [reason for listing] {"Sing Out!" obituary article title} How to use the source references on these pages: for example, ~Adams, Bryan ,dg7,fo6,gl6 I feel it would serve no useful purpose to link all of the literally thousands of references to the book each one refers to, plus it would make it very difficult to edit these pages. Therefore, to make use of the above book references, append a "#" and each two letter code to the Bibliography page URL. For the above references, will link you to the bibliographical information about each book where the information for Bryan Adams can be found on the page listed. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- V Birth Death Birthplace (see #G Name Source(s) mm-dd-yyyy mm-dd-yyyy for U.S. state codes) ---------------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------------------- VA - |top/bottom of page - All "V" artists/groups|Copyright Notice| ~V.S.O.P. .... ,qv668 ~V-Roys The .... Index|,gx216-7,it310-1 ~V-3 .... ,7e795-4 ~Vacant Lot .... ,7e784 ~Vache, Allan 12-16-1953 Rahway, NJ Index|,4et441,6a1506 ~Vache, Allan & Chuck Hughes .... ,4et441 ~Vache, Warren Jr. 2-21-1951 Rahway, NJ Index ,ch569,gv1121-4,hy1143,iz671,mr2567,nt1273-4,nw1296,nx634,ov370-1,pf257,qv661 ,rc1237,ry642,rz742,3y1086,4et441,6a1506-7,6w1319 Warren Webster Vache Jr. ~Vache, Warren Sr. 11-27-1914 2-20-2005 city? ,nw1295-6,6a1506 d. Rahway, NJ ~Vaden, Tommy 6-15-1925 city? Index ~Vagabonds, The .... ,fz471,ln921-2 ~Vagrants, The .... ,ar426,8h503 ~Val & Pete .... ,ln922 ~Vai, Steve 6-06-1960 Carle Place, NY Index ,fo1036,mr2567,ta761,tb863,wp1025 ~Vaiana, Pierre - -1955 city? ,nw1296-7 ~Val Magyar .... ,hm165 ~Val, Joe 6-25-1926 6-11-1985 Everett, MA Index d. city? ,bk,by307,fq809-10,fu831,ge450,gj481,jw113,jx131 Joseph Valiente (or Joseph Valiante) ~Valdambrini, Oscar 5-11-1924 12-26-1997 Turin, Italy Index d. Rome, Italy ,cc329-30,ch569,dh447,mr2567,oi372,qv661,rc1237,wl447 ~Valdes, Bebo 10-09-1918 Quivican, Cuba Index ,gv1121-2,hy1144,nt1274,rz742 ~Valdes, Chucho 10-09-1941 Quivican, Cuba Index ,ch569,gv1122,hy1145,nt1274-5,nx634-5,nw1297,qv661-2,rc1237,rz742 Jesus Valdes ~Valdes, Miguelito 9-06-1912 11-09-1978 Havana, Cuba Index d. Bogota, Colombia ,6w1319-21 ~Valdes, Vicentico 1-10-1921 6-25-1995 Cayo Hueso district, Havana, Cuba Index d. New York, NY ,6w1321 ~Valdese Quartette .... ,ln922 ~Valdez, Carlos "Patato" 11-04-1926 12-04-2007 Los Sitios district, Havana, Cuba December 12-04-2007 Index d. Cleveland, OH ,cb276,ch570,dh447,pb276,qv662,rc1238,wl447,6w1321-2 Carlos M. Valdes-Galan ~Valdez, Cookie 12-15-1947 city? Index ~Valdez, Danny 4-27-1949 city?, CA Index|,bk ~Valdez, Luis 6-26-1940 Delano, CA Index|,bk ~Valdy 9-01-1945 Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Index|,ar426,az397,ba525 Paul Valdemar Horsdal ~Vale of Atholl Pipe Band, The .... ,pg476 ~Vale, Jerry 7-08-1932 5-18-2014 Bronx, NY ~Vale, Jerry 7-08-1930 (#la) Index d. Palm Desert, CA ,af1192,la464-5,6w1322-3 Genaro Louis Vitaliano ~Valance, Ricky 4-10-1939 Ynytsdou, South Wales ,mr2567 ~Valens, Ritchie 5-13-1941 2-03-1959 Pacoima, CA Index d. near Mason City (Clear Lake), IA ,af1192,ar426,ba525,bg571,bk,cx279,dg730,fo1036-7,fh339,fm397,ic771,id889-90 ,ie707,ij436-7,kx323,mr2567-8,ta761,tb863,wp1025-6,6w1323,8h504-5 Richard (Richie) Stephen Valenzuela ~Valente, Caterina 1-14-1931 Paris, France Index|,af1192,dh447,mr2568,wl447 ~Valente, Gary 6-26-1953 city? Index|,nx635 ~Valenti, Dino 10-07-1943 ,mr New York, NY Valenti, Dino 10-07-1937 ,sk Valenti, Dino 11-07-1943 ,ij 11-16-1994 ,ar426,ij437-8,mr2568,sk299,7y425,8h503-4 d. Detroit, MI ,ij d. Santa Rosa, CA (Wikipedia) Chester Williams Powers, Jr. ~Valenti, John - - city? Index|,ba525 John LiVigni ~Valentin, Bobby 6-09-1941 Orocovis, Puerto Rico Index|,af1192-3,mr2568-9,6w1323-4 Roberto Valentin ~Valentin, Charlie 8-10-1932 11-27-1988 Mexico City, Mexico ,mr2569-70 d. city?, Puerto Rico ~Valentin, Dave 4-29-1952 Bronx, NY Index ,gv1122,iz671,mh199,nt1275,qv662,ry642,rz742-3,4et441 David Valentin ~Valentine, Cal 5-28-1937 1-01-1997 Dallas, TX Index|,6y352-3 d. Oakland, CA ~Valentine, Dickie 11-04-1929 5-06-1971 London, U.K. ,af1193,mr2570-1 d. city?, Wales Richard Brice ~Valentine, Jerry 9-14-1914 Chicago, IL Index ,dh448,qv662,rc1238,wl448 Gerald Valentine ~Valentine, Kid Thomas 2-03-1896 6-18-1987 Reserve, LA Index d. New Orleans, LA ,ch533,nw1297-8,nx635,ov372-3,rc1201,3y1086-7,6a1507-9 ~Valentine, Raymond "Syd" - -1908 - -1988 Indianapolis, IN ,nv334 d. Indianapolis, IN ~Valentino Band .... ,ar426 ~Valentino, Rudolph 5-06-1895 8-23-1926 Castellaneta, Puglia, Italy Index|,xq644 d. Rodolfo Alfonso Raffaello Pierre Filibert Guglielmi di Valentina d'Antonguolla ~Valentino, Sal 9-08-1942 San Francisco, CA Index|,mr2571 Sal Spampinato ~Valentinos .... ,mr2571 ~Valino, Joe 3-09-1929 Philadelphia, PA ,mr2571 ~Valla, Ray - - city? Index|,by307 ~Valladares, Dioris 8-14-1916 7-22-2001 San Pedro de Macoris, Dominican Republic Index d. city? ,6w1324 ~Vallee, Rudy 7-28-1901 7-03-1986 Island Pond, VT ~Vallee, Rudy 7-28-1901 7-03-1986 Island Point, VT (#oh) Index d. Los Andeles, CA ,af1193-4,la465,le301-2,mr2571-2,oh123-4,oq500-1,pa403-5,pn376-7,po511,pp747 ,pq516,uv1881-2,ze403-5,6w1324-5 Hubert Prior Vallee ~Vallejos, Fancisco - - city? Index|,bk ~Valley Band, The Ellen .... ,pg476 ~Valley Folk, The .... ,pg476 ~Valley of the Dolls .... ,mr2572,7t302 ~Valley Partners, The .... Index|,by307 ~Valley Ramblers .... Index|,by307 ~Valley, Fintan - - - - city? ,pg476 ~Valli, Frankie 5-03-1937 Newark, NJ Index ,az397,ba525,la465-6,mr2572,ta262-4,8h505-6 Francis Castelluccio ~Valoy, Cuco 1-05-1937 Manoguayabo, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republican Index ,mr2572-3,6w1325-6 ~Van & Schenck .... ,uv1883-4 ~Van Acker, Luc - - Tienen, Belgium ,7d709 ~Van Alstyne, Egbert 3-05-1882 7-09-1951 Chicago, IL Index|,uv1882-3 d. Chicago, IL Egbert Anson Van Alstyne ~Van Bergeyk, Ton 4-08-1953 city?, Netherlands Index|,bk,as588 ~Van Damme, Art 4-09-1920 2-15-2010 Norway, MI Index d. Roseville, CA ,dh448,dp301,oh298,pq517,uv1884,wl448,4et441 ~Van Day, David 11-28-1956 Brighton, Sussex, U.K. Index|,mr2573 ~Van de Geyn, Hein 7-18-1956 city? Index|,nx635 ~VanDenboom, Ron 5-17-1935 Milwaukee, WI Index Ronald Lawrence VanDenboom ~van der Geld, Tom 9-09-1947 Boston, MA ,4et441 ~Van Der Graaf Generator .... Index ,af1194,ar427,az397,bg571,fo1037,fw863-5,io880-2,mr2573-4,ta761-2,tb863-5 ,tc1025-7,td1096-8,te1600-2,tf503-4,tg1146-8,wp1026,6w1326 ~van Derrick, Johnny - - city? ,nw1298 ~Van der Westen, Eric - -1963 city? ,nw1298,6a1509 ~Van Duren .... ,ar427 ~Van Duser, Guy 7-09-1948 Rochester, NY Index|,bj,fq810 ~Van Dyke, Earl 7-08-1930 9-18-1992 Detroit, MI Index|,ij438,mr2574 d. Detroit, MI ~Van Dyke, Leroy 10-04-1929 Spring Fork, MO Index ,bm288,fl404-5,fu832-3,fz471-2,vx312 Leroy Frank Van Dyke ~Van Dyke, Louis 11-27-1941 Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands ,4et441 Louis van Dijk ~Van Dykes, The .... Index|,ba526,by307,mr2574 ~Van Eaton, Lon and Derrek .... Index|,ar427,az397,ba525 ~Van Enkhuizen, Joe - - - - city? ,nw1299,3y1087,6a1510 ~Van Eps, Fred 12-30-1878 11-22-1960 Somerville, NJ Index d. Burbank, CA ~Van Eps, George 8-07-1913 11-29-1998 Plainfield, NJ Index d. Newport Beach, CA ,af1194-5,cb276-7,cc330,ch571,dh448,dp301,gv1122-3,mr2574-5,nt1276,nv334 ,nx636,pb276-7,pf257,pp749,pq517,qv662,rc1239,uv1884-5,wl448,4et441,6w1326-7 ~Van Gelder, Rudy 11-02-1924 8-25-2016 Hackensack, NJ Index|,nt1276,nx636-7 d. Englewood Cliffs, NJ Rudolph Van Gelder ~Van Halen .... Index ,af1195,ar427,az398,ba526,bg572-3,dg732,fo1038-40,id890-2,kx323-4,mr2575-6 ,ta763-4,tb866,tg1148-50,wp1028-30,6w1327 ~Van Halen, Eddie 1-26-1957 Nijmegen, Netherlands Index|,mr2576 Edward Lodewijk van Halen ~Van Heusen, Jimmy 1-26-1913 2-06-1990 Syracuse, NY Index|,mr2576-7,6w1327-8 d. Rancho Mirge, CA ,mr2576-7,uv1885-7,6w1327-8,7y427-8 Edward Chester Babcock ~Van Horne, Randy 2-10-1924 9-26-2007 El Paso, TX Index d. Woodland Hills, CA ~Van Hove, Fred 2-19-1937 Antwerp, Belgium Index|,nt1277,nx637,3y1087-8 ~Van Kemenade, Paul 5-17-1957 Rotterdam, Netherlands Index|,pf257 ~Van Kriedt, David 6-19-1922 9-29-1994 Berkeley, CA Index|,dh448,wl448 d. Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia David N. Kreit ~Van Lake, Turk 6-15-1918 Boston, MA Index ,cb277,dh448-9,dp301,pb277,rc1239-40,wl448-9 Vanig Hovsepian ~Van Leer, Thijs 3-31-1948 Amsterdam, Netherlands Index|,ar427 ~Van Lier, Bart 6-14-1950 Haarlem, Netherlands Index|,pf257 ~Van Manen, Willem 9-03-1940 Amsterdam, Netherlands Index|,nx637,pf257,qv662 ~Van Meter, Sally 10-07-1956 Los Angeles, CA Index ,cx497,fh630,fq810-1,ge452,jw113,jx131 ~Van Pallandt, Frederick 5-14-1934 5-15-1994 city? ,ij438 Baron Frederick Jan Gustav Floris van Pallandt ~Van Ronk, Dave 6-30-1936 2-10-2002 Brooklyn, NY Index ,aa384-6,af1195-6,aq89,as585,av699,ax127,az398,ba527,bg573-4,bk,bn760-1 ,cx528,dg734,fh529,fo1041,fq811-2,gh413,ii472,iy624-6,iz671-2,mr2578,pp750 ,pq518,vx313,vy298-9,wa207-8,wp1030-1,6w1328,8h506-7 ~Van Roon, Marc - - - - city? ,6a1510 ~Van Rooyen, Ack 1-01-1930 city? Index|,nx637,qv662-3 ~Van Singel, Amy 10-10-1949 Chicago, IL Index ~Van Steeden, Peter 4-04-1904 1-03-1990 Amsterdam, Holland Van Steeden, Peter 4-13-1904 #uv Index|,uv1887-8 d. New Canaan, CT ~Van Straten, Alfred "Alf" 9-20-1905 12-04-1988 London, U.K. Index|,af1196,mr2578 d. London, U.K. ~Van Tassel, Susanna - - city? Index|,gx217,it311 ~van't Hof, Jasper 6-30-1947 Enschede, Overijssel, Netherlands ,nw1299,3y1088-9,4et441 ~Van Tieghem, David 4-21-1955 Washington, DC ,4by433,4bz170,7c611,7d709 ~Van Vliet, Toon 6-20-1922 11-05-1975 Rotterdam, Netherlands Index|,ch572,pf257 d. Zandvoort, Netherlands ~Van Walls, Harry 8-24-1918 2-24-1999 Millersboro, KY Index|,mr2579,6y353,7s342 d. Montreal, Quebec, Canada Harold Eugene Vann Walls ~Van Wey, Adelaide 1-24-1916 3-18-1968 Rosman, NC Index d. Brevard, NC ,au227-8,av227-8,bi57,bj65,vm227-8 Adelaide Elizabeth "Bebe" Silversteen ~Van Winkle Brothers .... Index|,by307 ~Van Zandt, Little Steven 11-22-1950 Boston, MA ~Van Zandt, Steven "Miami" 11-22-1950 Kingston, Jamaica (#pq) Index ,af1196,ar428,dg734,fo1041-2,mr2579,wp1031,6w1328-9 ~Van Zandt, Townes 3-07-1944 1-01-1997 Fort Worth, TX Index d. Nashville, TN ,af1196-7,az398-9,ba527,bn761-2,cx528,dg734,fh530,fo1042-3,fq812-3,fu833 ,fz472,ge453,gj482,gx217-8,ij438-9,it311-2,iy626-9,mr2579-80,tc1031-2 ,td1102-3,te1608-10,vy299,wa208,wp1031-2,6w1329,7y428 John Townes Van Zandt ~Van Zant, Johnny 2-27-1959 Jacksonville, FL Index|,ba527 John Roy Van Zant ~Van Zant, Ronnie 1-15-1949 10-20-1977 city? ,ij439-40 ~Van & Schenck .... Index|,xq645-51 ~Van, Billy B. 8-03-1878 11-16-1950 Pottstown, PA Index|,xq645 d. Newport, NH William Webster Van de Grift ~Van, Garwood 9-01-1910 4-25-1999 city?, NJ Index|,pa405,ze405 d. Las Vegas, NV ~Van, Gus 8-12-1886 3-12-1968 city? Index|,pp747,pq516,xq651-2 d. ? August Von Glahn ~Vanaver, Bill 9-01-1943 Minneapolis, MN Index|,aa386-7,bk ~Vanaver, Bill & Livia Drapkin .... Index|,aa386-7 ~Vance or Towers .... Index|,az397 ~Vance, Al - -1944? 6-15-2003 city? Index ~Vance, Clarice 3-14-1870 8-24-1961 Louisville, KY Index|,xq652-3 d. Napa, CA Clara Etta Black ~Vance, Dick 11-28-1915 7-31-1985 Mayfield, KY Index d. New York, NY ,cc330,dh448,dp301,nv334,qv663,rc1238,uv1888,wl448 Richard Thomas Vance ~Vance, Dudley - - city? Index|,bk ~Vance's Tennessee Breakdowners .... ,ln922 ~Vanda and Young .... ,mr2573,7y425-6 ~Vandalias, The .... ,7e784 ~VandeBerg, Tammy S. - -1974 city? Index ~Vandellas, The .... - (see: Martha Reeves & The Vandellas) ~Vander, Christian 2-21-1948 Nogent-sur-Marne, Val-de-Marne, France ,ar427 ~Vanderbilt, Gertrude - -1887 2-18-1960 Brooklyn, NY Index|,uv1888 d. New York, NY ~Vandermark, Ken 9-22-1964 Warwick, RI Index|,hy1145-6,nt1275-6,nx636 ,6a1510-1 ~Vanderpool, Dale 12-13-1953 8-19-2012 city? Index ~Vanderpool, Sylvia 5-29-1935 New York, NY Index|,dh448,sf150,wl448 ~Vandiver, Uncle Pen - -1869 - -1932 city? Index|,bk James Pendleton Vandiver ~Vandross, Luther 4-20-1951 New York, NY Index ,af1194,ba526,bg571-2,dg731,fn239-40,fo1037-8,id892-4,kx324,mr2574,pq517 ,wp1026-7,6w1326,7y426-7 Luther Ronzoni Vandross, Jr. ~Vandyke, Les 6-21-1931 Battersea, South London, U.K. ,7y427 John Worsley (aka Johnny Worth, John Worth) ~Vangelis 3-29-1943 Volos, Greece Index ,ar427,az397-7,ba526,bg572,dg731-2,fo1038,fw865-6,id894,io882-3,mr2575 ,ta762-3,tb865-6,tc1027-9,td1098-1100,te1602-5,tf505-6,wp1027-8 Evangelos Odysseas Papathanassiou ~Vanilla Fudge .... Index ,af1194-5,ar427,az398,ba526,bg573,dg732-3,fo1040-1,id894-5,kx324-5,mr2577 ,ta764,tb866-7,wp1030,6w1328,8h507-8,8i520-1 ~Vanilla Ice 10-31-1967 Dallas, TX Index|,dg733,7d709 Robert Matthew Van Winkle ~Vanilla, Cherry - (see: Cherry Vanilla) ~Vanity 1-04-1959 Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada Index|,dg733,mr2578 Denise Katrina Matthews (aka Denise Matthews-Smith or D.D. Winters) ~Vanity Fare .... ,mr2578 ~Vanity 6 .... Index|,dg733,mr2578 ~Vann, Joey 4-03-1943 2-28-1984 city? ,ij440 Joseph Canzano ~Vann, Mark 12-28-1962 3-04-2002 Rockville, MD Index d. Longmont, CO ~Vannelli, Gino 6-16-1952 Montreal, Quebec, Canada Index|,az398,ba526,dg733-4 ~Van't Hof, Jasper 6-30-1947 Enschede, Netherlands Index|,mr2578-9,nx638,qv663 ~Vanwarmer, Randy 3-30-1955 Indian Hills, CO Index|,ba527,mr2579 Randall Van Warmer ~Vapirov, Anatoly 11-24-1947 Berdyansk, Ukraine Index|,ch572,mr2580 ~Vapors, The .... Index ,ar428,ba527,mr2580,4by433-4,4bz170,7c611-2,7t302 ~Vapour Trails .... Index|,ar428,ba527 ~Varda, James - - ,vy320 ~Vardis .... ,ar428 ~Varese, Edgar 12-22-1883 11-06-1965 Paris, France Index d. New York, NY ,kv1431-3,vj1062-4,6x1068,8h508-9 Edgard Victor Achille Charles Varese ~Vargas, Wilfrido 4-24-1949 Altamira, Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic Index|,6w1329-30 ~Varner, Tom 6-17-1957 Morristown, NJ Index ,gv1123,hy1146-7,nt1277,nw1299-1300,nx638,qv663,ry642,rz743,3y1089-90,4et441 ~Varney, Jim 6-15-1949 2-10-2000 Lexington, KY Index James Varney, actor, comedian, aka Ernest P. Worrell ~Varney, Lowell - - city? Index|,bk,by307-8 ~Varro, Johnny 1-11-1930 Brooklyn, NY Index ,gv1123-4,nt1277-8,nx638,qv663,rz743 John Robert Varro ~Vartan, Sylvie 8-15-1944 Iskrets, Sofia Province, Kingdom of Bulgaria Index|,ba527-8 ~Vaselines, The .... Index|,tb867 ~Vasconcelos, Nana 8-02-1944 3-09-2016 Recife, Brazil Index d. Recife, Brazil ,ch573,gv1124,hy1147,mr2580,nt1278,nw1300,nx638-9,qv663-4,ry642-3,rz743 ,3y1090,4et441,6a1511,6w1330 Juvenal de Hollanda ~Vasquez, Andrew - - city? Index|,lo277 ~Vass Family, The .... ,ln922 ~Vassy, Kin 8-16-1943 6-23-1994 Carrollton, GA Index|,ij440 d. ? Charles Kindred Vassy ~Vaughan Brothers, The .... Index|,af1197-8,dg736-7,iz672 ~Vaughan Quartet & Associated groups ,ln923-30 ~Vaughan Williams, Ralph 10-12-1872 8-26-1958 Down Ampney, Gloucestershire, U.K. Index d. London, U.K. ,kv1435-7,vj1065-7,6x1068-81 ~Vaughan Combo, Ben .... ,4bz170,7c612,7d709-10,7e785-6 ~Vaughan, Frankie 2-03-1928 9-17-1999 Liverpool, Lancashire, U.K. Index|,af1197-8,mr2580-1 d. Oxford, Oxfordshire, U.K. Frank Abelson ~Vaughan, Jimmie 3-20-1951 Dallas, TX Index|,gh413,ii472,iz672-3,mr2581 ,6y353,7s342-3 ~Vaughan, Malcolm 3-22-1929 2-09-2010 Abercynon, Mid Glamorgan, South Wales Index|,mr2581 d. Eastbourne, East Sussex, U.K. Malcolm James Thomas ~Vaughan, Maurice John 5-10-1952 Chicago, IL ,6y353 ~Vaughan, Sarah 3-27-1924 4-03-1990 Newark, NJ Index d. Hidden Hills, CA ,af1198,cb277,cc330,ch573-4,dg735-6,dh449,dp301-2,gv1124-7,hy1147-50,iz673-7 ,la466-9,le301/3-5,mh199-200,mr2581-2,nt1278-81,nw1300-4,nx639,od489-96 ,oi518-9,pb277,pf257-8,qv664,ry643-4,rz743-7,sf150,uv1888-90,wd205-6,wl449 ,3y1090-4,4et442-3,6a1512-5,6w1332-3 Sarah Lois Vaughan ~Vaughan, Sarah & Billy Eckstine .... ,4et441 ~Vaughan, Sarah, Dinah Washington & Joe Williams .... ,4et441 ~Vaughan, Sarah & Count Basie .... .... ,4et441 ~Vaughan, Stevie Ray 10-03-1954 8-27-1990 Dallas, TX Index d. East Troy, WI ,af1198-9,cx281,dg736,fh341,fm398,fo1043,gh414,gt212-4,id895-6,ii474-5 ,ij440-2,iv179,iy629-31,iz677-8,kx325,mr2582-3,ta764-5,tb867-8,wp1032-3 ,vy298,6w1329,6y353-4 ~Vaughn, Billy 4-12-1931 9-26-1991 Glasgow, KY Index|,la469-70,pp752 d. Escondido, CA Richard Smith Vaughn ~Vaughn, Cecil - - - - city? ,ln930 ~Vaughn, Clifford - - - - city? ,ln930 ~Vaughn, Jimmy 3-20-1925 3-09-1991 Chicago, IL Index|,gh416,ii476,6y354 d. St. Louis, MO ~Vaughn, Maurice John 5-10-1952 Chicago, IL Index|,gh417,ii476-7,mr2581 ~Vaughn, Tom 10-14-1936 Benton, KY Index|,cc330,4et442 Thomas Wade Vaughn (aka Father Tom Vaughn) ~Vaz, Francois R. 6-19-1931 Paris, France Index|,cc330 ~Vazquez, Roland 7-04-1951 city? ,4et444 VE - |top/bottom of page|Copyright Notice| ~Veal, C.V. 10-04-1926 Bobo, MS Index Clay V. Veal ~Veal, Reginald 11-05-1963 Chicago, IL Index|,qv664,ry644 ~Vee, Bobby 4-30-1943 10-24-2016 Fargo, ND Index ,af1199,ar428,bg574,by308,dg737,fo1043-4,id896-7,kx326,mr2583-4,wp1033 ,6w1334 Robert Thomas Velline ~Vega, Al (piano) 6-22-1921 12-02-2011 Worcester, MA Index d. Boston, MA ,4by434,4bz170,4et444,7c612,7d710 Aram Vagramian ~Vega, Alan (vocals) 6-23-1938 7-16-2016 Brooklyn, NY Index d. New York, NY Boruch Alan Bermowitz ~Vega, Carlos 12-07-1957 4-06-1998 city?, Cuba ,ij442 ~Vega, Suzanne 7-11-1959 Santa Monica, CA ~Vega, Suzanne not 8-12-1959 New York, NY (,id897) Index ,af1199-1200,cx282,dg738,fh341,fm399,fo1044,fq814,ic777,id897,iy631-3 ,kx326,mr2584,pt140-165,ta765,tb868,tg1150-2,vy299,wp1033-4,4bz170,4ac600-4 ,6w1335,7c612-3,7d700-1,7e786,7t302,7y428-9 ~Vega, Tata 10-07-1951 Queens, NY Index|,ar428,ba528,mr2584-5 Carmen Rosa Vega ~Vega, Tony 7-13-1957 Salinas, Puerto Rico Index|,mr2585,6w1335 ~Vegetarian Meat .... ,7e786 ~Vehar, Persis - -1937 New Salem, NY Index Persis Parshall Vehar ~Veidt, Conrad 1-22-1893 4-03-1943 Berlin, Germany Index|,xq653 d. Hollywood, CA Hans Walter Konrad Weidt ~Veil .... ,7d711 ~Veillon, Jean-Michel - - city? Index|,fh1101 ~Vejtables, The .... ,mr2585,sk303 ~Velebny, Karel 3-17-1931 3-07-1989 Prague, Czechoslovakia Index|,ch575,pf258,rc1243 d. Prague, Czechoslovakia ~Velez, Glen - -1949 city?, TX Index|,nw1304-5,3y1095,4et444 ~Velez, Lupe 7-18-1908 12-13-1944 San Luis Potosí, Mexico Index|,xq653 d. Glendale, CA María Guadalupe Villalobos Vélez ~Velez, Martha 8-25-1945 New York, NY Index|,ar428,az399 Martha Carmen Josephine Hernandez Rosario de Velez ~Velocity Girl .... ,7e786-7 ~Velona, Anthony 11-16-1920 1-31-1986 Jersey City, NJ Index|,pp753,pq519 d. Inglewood, CA ~Veloso, Caetano 8-07-1942 Santo Amaro da Purificacao, Bahia, Brazil Index|,dg738 Caetano Emanuel Viana Teles Veloso ~Velvelettes .... ,mr2585 ~Velvet Crush7-8 .... ,7e78 ~Velvet Elvis .... ,7c613 ~Velvet Fogg .... ,ar428 ~Velvet Monkeys .... ,7d711 ~Velvet Opera .... ,ar429,mr2585 ~Velvet Underground, The .... Index ,af1200,ar429,az399-400,ba528,bg574-5,dg738-9,fo1044-6,id898,kx326-7 ,mr2586-7,ta765-6,tb868-70,tg1152-4,wp1034-5,4by434-5,4bz170-1,7c613-4 ,7d711-2,7e788-9,8h509-10,8i521-3 Rough Guide to The Velvet Underground ~Velvets .... ,mr2586 ~Velvett Fogg .... ,mr2586 ~Venables, Ralph G.V. - -1914 - -2003 Oxford, U.K. Index d. Tilford, Surrey, U.K. ~Venet, Nik 12-03-1936 1-02-1998 city? ,ij442,mr2587 Nikolas Kostantinos Venetoulis ~Venson, "Playboy" 1-04-1913 2-24-1985 Belzoni, MS Index d. Chicago, IL Tenner Venson ~Ventura, Carol 3-03-1937 city? Index|,cb277,pb277,4et444 ~Ventura, Charlie 12-02-1916 1-17-1992 Philadelphia, PA Index d. Pleasantville, NJ ,af1200,cb277,cc330,dh449,dp302,gv1127-8,mr2587,nt1281-2,nv334-5,nw1305 ,oh309,pb277,qv664-5,ry644-5,rz747,uv1890,wl449,3y1095,4et443-4,6a1515 Charles Venturo ~Ventura, Charlie & Charlie Kennedy .... ,4et444 ~Ventura, Ray 4-16-1908 3-30-1979 Paris, France Index|,ch575,pf259,rc1243 d. Palma de Mallorca, Spain Raymond Ventura ~Ventures, The .... Index ,af1200,ar429,az400,ba528,bg575-6,bw273,cx283,dg739,fh343,fh1069,fm401 ,fo1046,ic780,id898-9 ,ie713,la470,mr2587-8,ta766-8,wp1035-6 ~Venus & The Razor Blades .... ,ar429,4by435,4bz171,7c614 ~Venus, Vik 9-15-1928 3-08-1994 city? ,ij442 ~Venuta, Benay 1-27-1911 9-01-1995 San Franciscom CA Index|,uv1891 d. New York, NY ~Venuti, Joe 9-16-1894 8-14-1978 Lecco, Italy (#qv) ~Venuti, Joe 9-16-1898 8-14-1978 Philadelphia, PA (#pf) ~Venuti, Joe - -1900 8-14-1978 Lecco, Italy (#oi) ~Venuti, Joe 9-16-1903 8-14-1978 Philadelphia, PA ~Venuti, Joe 9-16-1904 8-14-1978 Philadelphia, PA (#oh) ~Venuti, Joe 9-01-1904 * * "born at sea while Italian immigrant parents enroute to U.S." (#uv) Index d. Seattle, WA ,af1201,bi19,bj27,cb277,cc330-1,ch575-6,dh449-50,dp302,gv1128-30,hy1150-1 ,iz678-9,le305-6,mh200,mr2588-9,nt1282-3,nv335,nw1306-7,oh160-1,oi520-1 ,os9-15,pa406-7,pb277,pf259,pn379,po514,pp753,pq520,qv665,rc1243-4,ry645 ,rz747-9,sf150,uv1891-2,wd206,wl449-10,ze406-7,3y1096-7,4et444,6a1515-6 Giuseppe Venuti ~Venuti, Joe & Dave McKenna .... ,4et444 ~Venuti, Joe & Earl Hines .... ,4et444 ~Venuti, Joe & Eddie Lang .... ,4et444 ~Venuti, Joe & George Barnes .... ,4et444 ~Venuti, Joe & Louis Prima .... ,4et444 ~Venuti, Joe & Marian McPartland.... ,4et444 ~Venuti, Joe & Zoot Sims .... ,4et444 ~Venuto, Joseph 6-20-1929 Bronx, NY Index|,dh450,dp302,rc1244,wl450 ~Vera-Ellen - -1926 Norwood, OH Index|,uv1893 d. Los Angeles, CA Vera Ellen Westmeier Rohe ~Vera, Billy 5-28-1944 Riverside, CA Index|,dg739-40 William Patrick McCord (aka William McCord Jr.) ~Verbeke, Geert - -1948 Kortrijk, Belgium ,hm165 ~Verbeke, Harry - - city? ,nw1307,3y1097 ~Verch, April 4-07-1978 Pembroke (Ottawa Valley), Ontario, Canada Index April Dawn Verch ~Verckys - -1944 Kinshasa, Zaire ,af1201,mr2589 Kiamuangana Matesa (Muleta?) ~Verdi, Giuseppe 10-10-1813 1-27-1901 Le Roncole, Italy Index d. Milan, Italy ,gr1801-4,vj1068-70,6x1081-1102 Fortrunino Francesco Verdi ~Vereen, Ben 10-10-1946 Miami, FL Index|,cs1956 Benjamin Augustus Middleton ~Vergari, Madeline - - - - city? ,4et445 ~Verheyen, Carl - - - - city? ,4et445 Carl William Verheyen ~Verity Band, The .... ,ar429 ~Verlaines, The .... ,7c615,7d713,7e789--90 ~Verlaine, Tom 12-13-1949 Morris, NJ Index ,ba529,dg740,mr2589,4by435-6,4bz171,7c614-5,7d712-3,7t302-3 Thomas Miller ~Vern and Ray .... Index|,bk,by308,jx131 ~Vernon & Harwell .... ,ln930-1 ~Vernon Girls .... ,mr2589-90 ~Vernon, Bill 7-04-1937 11-20-1996 city? Index d. Rocky Mount, VA ~Vernon, David & The Dixie Rebels .... Index|,by308 ~Vernon, Mike 11-20-1944 Harrow, Middlesex, U.K. Index|,ar429,mr2590,6y354-5,7s343-4 Michael William Hugh Vernon ~Vernon, Milli - - - - city? ,4et445 ~VerPlanck, Billy 4-30-1930 Norwalk, CT Index ,dh450,nw1307,qv665,wl450,4et444,6a1516 John Fenno VerPlanck (or Billy Ver Planck) ~VerPlanck, Marlene 11-11-1933 Newark, NJ Index ,gv1130,mr2590,nt1283-4,qv665,rz749,4et444-5 Marlene Paula VerPlanck (or Marlene Ver Planck) ~Verrell, Ronnie 2-21-1926 Rochester, Kent, U.K. ,mr2590-1 ~Verrett, Harrison 2-27-1907 10- -1965 city? ,ij442 ~Versus .... ,7e790 ~Vertigo .... ,7e790-1 ~Verto .... ,ar430 ~Veruca Salt .... Index|,tb870,7e791 ~Verve, The .... Index,tb870-1,tg1154-6,wp1036,7e791 ~Verve Pipe, The .... ,7e792 ~Very Special Envoy .... ,4et445 ~Very Things .... ,mr2592,7t303 ~Vesala, Edward 2-15-1945 Mantyharju, Finland Index ,ar430,cc331,mr2592,nw1308-9,3y1097-9,4et445,6a1517-8 Martti Vesala ~Vesey, John - - - - city? ,pg476 ~Vest, Billy - - - - city? ,ln931 aka Bob Vest ~Vestal, Scott 5-08-1962 city? Index|,jw113,jx131 ~Vestine, Henry 12-25-1944 10-21-1997 city? ,ij442-3 ~Veyron-Lacroix, Robert - - city? Index|,bk VI - |top/bottom of page|Copyright Notice| ~Viale, Jean-Louis 1-22-1933 Paris, France Index|,cb277,pb277 ~Vian, Patrick 4 12 1942 Angoulême, France ,ar430 ~Viardot-Garcia, Pauline 7-18-1821 5-18-1910 Paris, France Index|,pr103-109 d. Paris, France Pauline Garcia ~Vibrating Egg .... ,7d713 ~Vibrations .... ,mr2592 ~Vibration Society, The .... ,4et445 ~Vibrators, The .... Index ,ar430,ba529,dg740,4by436-7,4bz171,7c615-6,7d713-4 ~Vicari, Andrea - - - - city? ,6a1518 ~Vice Squad .... ,mr2592-3,4by437,4bz171,7c616,7t303 ~Viceroys .... ,mr2593 ~Vicious, Sid - (see: ) ~Vick, Harold Edward 4-03-1936 11-13-1987 Rocky Mount, NC Index d. New York, NY ,cb277,cc331,gv1131,hy1151-2,nt1284,pb277,qv665,rc1246,ry646,rz749,4et445 ~Vickers, Mike 4-18-1940 Southampton, Hampshire, U.K. ,ar430 Michael Vickers ~Victoria, Tomas Luis de - -1548 8-20-1611 Avila, Spain Index d. Madrid, Spain ,qd766,vj1072-3,6x1102-4 ~Victoria, Vesta 11-26-1873 4-07-1951 Leeds, Yorkshire, U.K. Index|,xq653-5 d. Hampstead, U.K. Victoria Lawrence ~Victory Four, The .... ,ln931 ~Vidacovich, "Pinky" Irving 9-14-1904 7-25-1966 Bura, LA ,nv334 d. New Orleanses. LA ~Vidalias, The .... Index|,gx218,it312-3,7e792 ~Vidaurrie, Rita - - city? Index|,bk ~Video All Stars, The .... ,4et445 ~Vidlin Vos & Peter Urwin .... ,pg476 ~Vidovic, Ana 11-08-1980 Karlovac, near Zagreb, Croatia Index ~Vienna Art Orchestra & Choir, The .... Index ,nt1284-6,nw1309-11,3y1099-1100,4et445,6a1518-22 ~Vienna Clarinet Connection .... Index|,iz679 ~Vierne, Louis 10-08-1870 6-02-1937 Poitiers, Vienne, France Index|,cs1962,gr1809-10 d. Paris, France ,cs1962,gr1809-10,kv1445,vj1073-4 Louis Victor Jules Vierne "died while playing his 1,750th recital at Notre-Dame" (#cs) ~Vieuxtemps, Henri 2-17-1820 6-06-1881 Verviers, Belgium Index d. Mustapha, Algiers ,gr1810,vj1074,6x1104 Henri Francois Joseph Vieuxtemps [classical music composer, his Concerto #4 is my favorite violin work] ~Vig, Butch 12-08-1957 Viroqua, WI Index|,iv157 Bryan Vigorson ~Vig, Tommy 7-14-1938 Budapest, Hungary Index ,cb277,cc331,pb277,pq521,qv665,4et445 ~Vigil, Charles 4-09-1917 Arroyo Hondo, NM Index ~Vigil, Cleofes - -1917 6-16-1992 city?, NM Index|,bi44,bj52 d. San Cristobal, NM {Folk Artist and Farmer} ~Vigliatura, Jack - -1975 9-08-1996 city? ,ij445 ~Vigneault, Gilles - - city? Index|,bk ~Vignola, Frank 12-30-1965 West Islip, NY Index|,hy1152,qv665,6a1522 ~Vigrass and Osborne .... Index|,ar430,az400 ~Viklicky, Emil 11-23-1948 Olomouc, Czechoslovakia Index|,pf259 ~Villa-Lobos, Heitor 3-05-1887 11-17-1959 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Index d. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil ,cs1964-5,gr1811-3,kv1446-7,vj1074-6,6x1104-6 ~Village .... ,mr2593 ~Village Boys, The .... ,ln931-2 ~Village Green .... ,pg476 ~Village People .... Index ,az400,bg576,dg740,fo1046-7,id899-900,kx327-8,mr2593-4,wp1036-7 ~Village Singers, The .... Index|,jx131 ~Village Stompers, The .... ,4et445 ~Villegas - - - - city? ,4et445 Enrique Mono Villegas ~Villiers, George 8-29-1948 Jersey, Channel Islands, U.K. Index ~Vincent, Darrin 12-27-1969 city? Index ~Vincent, Gene 2-11-1935 1--12-1971 Norfolk, VA Index ,af1201-2,ar430,az400,bg576-76,dg740-1,fo1047-8,id900-1,ij445-6,kx328 ,le306-7,mr2594,ta768-9,tb871-2,tg1156-8,wp1037-8,8h511 Eugene Vincent Craddock ~Vincent, Holly Beth - - - - Chicago, IL ,7e792-3 see also Holly and the Italians ~Vincent, Jenny Wells 4-22-1913 Northfield, MN Index|,au228,bk Deborah Jeannette Hill ~Vincent, Johnny 10-03-1927 2-04-2000 Button Ridge, MO Index|,7s345 d. Queen City, MO Johnny Lee Vincent ~Vincent, Johnny 10-18-1940 10-05-2014 Laurel, MS Index|,mr2594,6y355,7s345 John Vincent Imbragulio ~Vincent, Monroe 12-09-1919 4- -1982 Woodville, MS ,mr2594-5,6y355,7s345 d. Oakland, CA ~Vincent, Rhonda 7-13-1962 Kirksville, MO Index ,by309,cx497,fh630,ge456,gj485,jw113,jx131-2 ~Vincent, Ron 10-18-1951 Warwick, RI ,qv666 ~Vincent, Vinnie - - city? ,mr2595 Vinnie Cusano ~Vincent, Walter - - city? Index|,bk ~Vincent-Wilson, Joyce 12-14-1946 Detroit, MI Index ~Vinci, Mark Albert 1-26-1960 Xenia, OH ,qv666 ~Vinegar Joe .... ,ar430,mr2595 ~Vinding, Mads 12-07-1948 Copenhagen, Denmark ,qv666 ~Vines, The .... Index|,tg1158-9 ~Vingerhoeds, Vera 12-20-1952 Breda, Netherlands Index|,pf259 ~Vinkeloe, Biggi - - - - city? ,6a1522 ~Vinnegar, Leroy 7-13-1928 city? Index ,cb277-8,cc331,dh450,gv1131-2,hy1153-4,iz679,mh200,mr2595,nt1286,nw1311-1 ,pb277-8,qv666,rc1248,ry646,rz749,sf150,wl450,3y1100-1,4et445 ~Vinson, Eddie "Cleanhead" 12-18-1917 7-02-1988 Houston, TX Index d. Los Angeles, CA ,af1202,ar430,cc331,ch580-3,cs1967,dh450,dp302,fh902,gh417,gv1132-3,hy1154 ,ii477,ij446,iz679-80,le307-8,mr2595-6,nt1286-7,nv335-6,qv666,rc1248,ry646-7 ,rz749-50,wl450,3y1101,4et445,6a1522-3,6y355-6,7s345-6 ~Vinson, Eddie & Jimmy Witherspoon .... ,4et445 ~Vinson, Mose 8-17-1917 11-16-2002 Holly Springs, MS ~Vinson, Mose 6-02-1917 11-23-2002 Holly Springs, MS Index|,gh418,ii478,6y356-7 d. Memphis, TN ~Vinson, Walter 2-02-1901 4-22-1975 Bolton, MS Index d. Chicago, IL ,gh418,ii478-9,mr2596,6y357,7s346 Walter Jacobs Vinson ~Vinton, Bobby 4-16-1935 Canonsburg, PA Index ,af1202,dg741,id901-2,la470-1,mr2596,pp756 Stanley Robert Vinton, Jr. ~Vintskevich, Leonid 4-01-1949 Kursk, Russia ,qv667 ~Viola, Al 6-16-1919 Brooklyn, NY Index|,cc331-2,qv667,rc1248,4et445 Alfonso Lafred Viola ~Violent Femmes .... Index ,cx284,dg741-2,em2596,fh344,fm40,fw772-3,io892,iv163,mr2596-7,tb872-3 ,wp1038,4by437,4bz171-2,7c616-7,7d714-5,7e793,7t303-4 ~Violinski .... ,ar431,mr2597 ~Viotti, Giovanni 5-12-1755 3-03-1824 Fontanetto da Po, Italy Index d. London, U.K. ,qd770,vj1076-7,6x1106 Giovanni Battista Viotti ~Vipers, The .... ,af1202,4by437-8,4bz172,7c617,7d715 ~Vipers Skiffle Group .... Index|,mr2597,vy299-300 ~VIPs .... ,mr2598 ~Virgin Prunes .... Index ,mr2598,tb873,4by438,4bz172,7c617,7d715-6,7t304-5 ~Virginia Boys .... Index|,bk,vx313 ~Virginia-Carolina Buddies .... Index|,bk ~Virginia Dandies, The .... ,ln932 ~Virginia Drifters, The .... Index|,by309 ~Virginia Gentlemen, The .... Index|,by309 ~Virginia Male Quartet .... ,ln932 ~Virginia Mountain Boys, The .... Index|,by309 ~Virginia Mountaineers .... Index|,bk ~Virginia Rail .... Index|,by309 ~Virginia Ramblers, The .... ,ln931 ~Virginia Squires .... Index|,by309,mr2598,jw113,jx132,vy300 ~Virtues .... ,mr2599 ~Visage .... Index ,af1202-3,ar431,mr2599,ta769-70,tb873-4,4by438,4bz172,7c618,7d716,7t305 ~Visby Big Band .... ,3y1101 ~Visconti, Tony 4-24-1944 Brooklyn, NY ,af1203,mr2599 ~Viscounts .... ,mr2599-2600 ~Visibelli, Giulio - - - - city? ,6a1523 ~Vision .... ,4et445 ~Visitor 2035 .... ,ar431 ~Visitors, The .... Index|,hy1154-5,4et445 ~Visor,CarringtonLivingstonJr 5-14-1934 Washington, DC Index|,cb278,pb278 ~Vital Dub .... ,ar431 ~Vitale, Joe 4-02-1949 Canton, OH ,ar431 Joseph Anthony Vitale ~Vitamin Z .... ,4bz172,7c618 ~Vitesse .... ,ar431 ~Vitous, Miroslav 12-06-1947 Prague, Czechoslovakia Index ,ar431,cc331,gv1133-4,iz680,mh200-1,mr2600,nt1288,qv667,rc1250,ry647-8,rz751 ,wd207-8,3y1102,4et445,6a1523 Miroslav Ladislav Vitous ~Vitro, Roseanna 2-28-1951 Hot Springs, AR ~Vitro, Roseanna 2-28-1954 Hot Springs, AR (#hy#la) Index ,gv1134,hy1155,la471-2,nt1288,qv667,rz751-2,4et446 ~Viva Saturn .... ,7e793-4 ~Vivabeat .... ,4by438,4bz172,7c618 ~Vivaldi, Antonio 3-04-1678 7-28-1741 Venice, Italy Index d. Vienna, Austria ,cs1970-1,qd771,vj1077,6x1106-20 Antonio Lucio Vivaldi ~Vivino, Jerry 1-08-1954 Paterson, NJ Index|,iz680 ~Vixen .... Index|,fo1048,mr2600,ta770,tb874,wp1038 ~Vizzutti, Allen 9-13-1952 Missoula, MT ,4et446 VL - |top/bottom of page|Copyright Notice| ~Vlady 2-02-1929 Bilbao, Spain Index|,dh450-1,wl450-1 Wladimiro Bas Zabache ~Vlatkovich, Michael Pierre 5-04-1951 St. Louis, MO ,qv667 ~Vloeimans, Eric 3-24-1963 Huizen, Netherlands ,6a1523-4 VO - |top/bottom of page|Copyright Notice| ~Vocal Jazz Incorporated .... ,4et446 ~Voelker, Fred 5-04-1887 city? Index ~Voelker, Jerry 1-22- city? Index ~Voelz, Susan - - - - city? ,7e794 ~Voerkel, Urs 4-10-1949 9-11-1999 Zürich, Switzerland ,nw1314,3y1102-2 d. city? ~Vogel, Janet 6-10-1942 2-21-1980 city? ,ij445-6 ~Vogel, Vic 8-03-1935 Montreal, Quebec, Canada Index|,ch583-4,pf259,qv667 Victor Stefan Vogel ~Vogues, The .... Index|,dg742,mr2600 ~Voice .... ,mr2600 ~Voice Farm .... ,4by438-9,7c618-9,7d717 ~Voice of the Beehive .... Index ,mr2600-1,ta770,tb874-5,7d717,7t305 ~Voice Squad, The .... Index|,fh1101,fq814-5 ~Voices of Bluegrass, The .... Index|,by310 ~Voices of East Harlem .... ,ar431 ~Voivod (Voivoid) .... ,mr2601,7d717,7e794-5 ~Vola, Francois - -1953 Nice, France Index|,by309 ~Volcano Suns .... ,7c619,7d717-8 ~Volebeats, The .... Index|,gx218-9,it313 ~Volk, Carl - -1953 Ann Arbor, MI Index ~Vollenweider, Andreas 10-04-1953 Zurich, Switzerland Index ,ab193,ai90,cs1978,cx567,dg742,fh1249,mr2601,4et446 ~Volman, Mark 4-19-1944 Los Angeles, CA Index ~Volo Bogtrotters, The .... Index|,gx219,it313-4 ~Volumes .... ,mr2601 ~Volunteers, The .... Index|,az400-1 ~Voluptuous Horror of Karen Black... ,7e795 ~Von Allmen, Dean 6-09-1925 Rover, Oregon County, MO Index|,qh203-4 ~Von Battle, Joe 4-03-1915 3-27-1973 Macon, GA ,mr2601,6y357,7s346 d. Detroit, MI ~von Christierson, Frank - -1900 - -1996 city? Index d. city? ~Von Deyen, Adelbert 10-25-1953 Suderbrarup, Germany ,ar431 ~Von Ohlen, John (Baron) 5-13-1941 Indianapolis, IN Index ,cc331,ch584,mr2601-2,qv668,rc1252,va518,4et446 ~von Paradis, Maria Theresia 5-15-1759 2-01-1824 Vienna, Austria Index|,pr57-61 d. Vienna, Austria ~von Reuter, Florizel 1-21-1890 5-10-1985 Davenport, IA Index|,nb323 Florizel Reuter at Davenport, IA ~von Schlippenbach, Alex 4-07-1938 Berlin, Germany Index ,cc332,mq2203,nt1288-90,qv668 Alexander von Schlippenbach ~von Schmidt, Eric "Rick" 5-29-1930 2-02-2007 Westport, CT Index ,as594,az401,ba531,bk,fq815,8h511,4et446 ~Von Sneidern, Chris - - Syracuse, NY ,7e795 ~Von Tilzer, Albert 3-29-1878 10-01-1956 Indianapolis, IN ,mr2602,7y429 d. Los Angeles, CA Albert Gumm ~Von Tilzer, Harry 7-08-1872 1-10-1946 Detroit, MI ,mr2602-3,7y429-30 d. New York, NY Harry Gumm ~von Trapp, Elizabeth - -1955 city?, VT Index ~Voo Doo Quartet .... ,4by439 ~Voorman, Klaus 4-29-1943 Berlin, Germany ,mr2603 ~Vorisek, Jan 5-11-1791 11-19-1825 Vamberk Bohemia Index d. Vienna, Austria ,kv1446,vj1131,6x1120 Jan Vaclav Hugo Vorísek (Johann Hugo Worzischek) ~Voss, Jane 4-20-1948 Toledo, OH Index|,fp20,fq816 ~Votapek, Ralph 3-20-1939 Milwaukee, WI Index|,cs1980,gr1827 ~Vox Pop .... ,4by439 ~Vox, Victoria 10-17-1978 Green Bay, WI Index|Periodicals Victoria Davitt ~Voxpoppers .... ,mr2603 ~Voyager .... ,ar431 ~Voynow, Dick - -1900 9-15-1944 city? ,nv336,qv668 d. Los Angeles, CA Richard F. Voynow VR - |top/bottom of page|Copyright Notice| ~Vronsky, Vitya 8-22-1909 6-28-1992 Yevpatoria, Russian Empire (now Ukraine) Index d. Cleveland, OH ,cs1981,gr1828,kv1457 Viktoria Mikhailovna Vronskaya VU - |top/bottom of page|Copyright Notice| ~Vu, Cuong 9-19-1969 Saigon, Vietnam Index|,nt1290 ~Vuckovich, Larry 12-08-1936 Kotor, Montenegro ,4et446,6a1524 ~Vujicsics .... Index|,mr2603,vy300-1 ~Vukan, Gyorgy 8-21-1941 Budapest, Hungary Index|,pf259 ~Vukelich, George 7-05-1927 7-04-1995 South Milwaukee, WI Index ~Vulgar Boatmen, The .... Index|,dg742,7d718,7e796-7 ~Vulso, Barbara 7-02-1975 Genova, Italy Index VW - |top/bottom of page|Copyright Notice| ~VW Boys, The .... Index|,jw113,jx132 VY - |top/bottom of page|Copyright Notice| ~Vysniauskias, Petras 6-11-1957 Plunge, Lithuania ,nw1314-5,3y1103,6a1524

Please send additions and/or corrections to Doug Henkle:
P.O. Box 331, Ripon, WI 54971-0331

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