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      Musician's Birthdays - Folk Music, Bluegrass and Old-Time Music, Country Blues, Acoustic Fingerstyle Guitarists, etc. and specific bibliographic source references for detailed information about the listed artists and groups. Not all of the listed books and magazines are completely indexed. I hope everyone finds something useful. Please send additions and/or corrections to:

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artist or group name birth date death date birthplace link to FolkLib Index entry d. death place Note 1: bibliography sources birth (maiden) name aka "also known as", pseudonyms this artist recorded under Note 2: (groups this artist was/is in) Note 2: see ... (artists that were in this group at one time or another) [reason for listing] {"Sing Out!" obituary article title} How to use the source references on these pages: for example, ~Adams, Bryan ,dg7,fo6,gl6 I feel it would serve no useful purpose to link all of the literally thousands of references to the book each one refers to, plus it would make it very difficult to edit these pages. Therefore, to make use of the above book references, append a "#" and each two letter code to the Bibliography page URL. For the above references, will link you to the bibliographical information about each book where the information for Bryan Adams can be found on the page listed. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- R Birth Death Birthplace (see #G Name Source(s) mm-dd-yyyy mm-dd-yyyy for U.S. state codes) ---------------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------------------- RA - |top/bottom of page|All "R" artists/groups|Copyright Notice| ~R. Cajun and the Zydeco Brothers .... Index|,gx179 ~Rabbitt, Paul 9-30-1947 Waupun, WI Index ~Raben, Erik - -19?? city?, Denmark Index ~Rabson, Ann 4-12-1945 1-30-2013 New York, NY Index ~Rachell, James "Yank" 3-16-1910 4-09-1997 Brownsville, TN Index ~Rachelle, Stevie 3-02-1966 Oshkosh, WI Index Steven Howard Hanseter ~Rachmaninoff, Sergei 4-01-1873 3-28-1943 Semyonovo, near Great Novgorod, Russia 3-20-1873 Old Style dates Index d. Beverly Hills, CA Sergei Vasilievich Rachmaninoff ~Radiance .... Index|,ab147 ~Radio Ranch Straight Shooters .... Index|,gx179 ~Radio Sweethearts, The .... Index|,gx180 ~Raffi 7-08-1948 Cairo, Egypt Index Raffi Cavoukian ~Rafferty, Gerry 4-16-1947 1-04-2011 Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland d. Stroud, Gloucestershire, U.K. ~Ragle, Al - -1948 6-08-2003 city? Index d. Austin, TX ~Ragossnig, Konrad - -1932 Klagenfurt, Austria Index ~Raimondi, Gianni 4-17-1923 Bologna, Italy Index ~Raines, Missy 4-06- city? Index ~Rainey, Kenneth 4-08- Alexandria, VA Index Kenneth Paul Wyatt Rainey ~Rainey, Ma 4-26-1886 12-22-1939 Columbus, GA Index d. Columbus, GA ,if98102/165,mq2034,3u98102/165 Gertrude Pridgett, aka Madame Rainey ~Rainwater, Cedric 2-19-1913 1-21-1970 Monticello, FL Index d. Nashville, TN Howard Staton Watts ~Rainwater, Little Jody 4-13-1919 12-24-2011 near Mount Airy, NC Index Charles Edward Johnson ~Raitt, Bonnie 11-08-1949 Burbank, CA Index ,aa306-7,ao479,ar338,as464,bg456,bk,bv203,bw215,ej88,fq647,fy298,ie567 ,mq2035 Bonnie Lynn Raitt ~Raitt, John 1-19-1917 - - Santa Ana, CA ,mq2035 ~Rambler's Choice .... Index|,hx59 ~Ramos, Michael 11-18-1958 Houston, TX Index ~Ramsay, Stu - -1945? city? Index|,by235 ~Ramsey, Bo - -1952 Burlington, IA Index|,gx180 ~Ramsey, Carmella 9-19-1972 city? Index ~Ramsey, Mary 12-24-1963 Washington, DC Index ~Ramsey, Obray - - city?, NC Index|,av693,bk ~Ranch Girls, The .... Index|,gx180 ~Ranch Romance .... Index|,fq649,gx181 ~Randolph, Vance 2-23-1892 11-01-1980 Pittsburg, KS Index|,7k-,7r(8 vols.) d. Fayetteville, AR ~Raneri, Rosanne - - city?, NY Index|,pt340-355 ~Raney, Wayne 8-17-1921 1-23-1993 Batesville, AR Index|,fl315 ~Ranger Doug - (see: Doug Green) ~Rank and File .... Index|,gx181 ~Rank Outsiders, The .... Index|,gx182 ~Rankin Family, The .... Index|,fq650,iy487-9 ~Rankin, Carol Jean "Cookie" 5-04-1965 Mabou, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada Index ~Rankin, Heather 10-24-1967 Mabou, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada Index ~Rankin, Jimmy 5-28-1964 Mabou, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada Index ~Rankin, John Morris 4-28-1959 1-16-2000 Mabou, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada Index ~Rankin, Raylene 9-15-1960 9-30-2012 Mabou, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada Index ~Ransom, Rob 9-22-1970 Two Rivers, WI Index ~Rarely Herd, The .... Index|,hx101 ~Rascals, The .... Index ,mq2044,ta584-5,tb672-3,3h557,8h398-401,8i411-4 ~Rasmussen, Jerry - - Janesville, WI Index|,fp16 ~Rass, Hana 7-08-1992 Brussels, WI Index ~Rattlesnake Annie - - Paris, TN Index Rosan Gallimore ~Ravel, Maurice 3-07-1875 12-28-1937 Ciboure, France Index Joseph-Maurice Ravel ~Raven, Reverend - -1954 Chicago, IL Index Rick Raven ~Rawls, Lou 12-01-1933 1-06-2006 Chicago, IL Index ~Ray, Amy 4-12-1964 Atlanta, GA Index ~Ray, Dave "Snaker" 8-17-1943 11-29-2002 St. Paul, MN Index|,as468,az209,bk James David Ray ~Ray, Robert - -1946 city? Index ~Ray and Glover .... Index|,bk ~Raye, Collin 8-22-1960 De Queen, AR ,3i176-7 RE - |top/bottom of page|Copyright Notice| ~Rea, David - - city? Index|,cx521 ~Reagon, Bernice Johnson - (see: Bernice Johnson-Reagon) ~Reagon, Toshi 1-27-1964 Atlanta, GA Index|,fq653 ~Rearick, Stephanie - - city? Index m. Jon Hain, 1992 ~Reaves White County Ramblers .... Index|,ln729 ~Reaves, Isaac "Ike" - -1887? - -1967 city? Index|,qh198 ~Reckless Kelly - - city? Index|,gx182 ~Rector, William "Red" 12-15-1929 5-31-1990 city? Index ~Recupido, Tony - - city?, FL Index ~Red Clay Ramblers, The .... Index|,ar342,as469,ax131,bk,fq635,gx182 ~Red Dirt Rangers, The .... Index|,gx183 ~Red Fox Chasers, The .... |,aa308-9 ~Red Meat .... Index|,gx183 ~Red River Dave 12-15-1914 1-15-2002 San Antonio, TX Index|,fl319 Dave McEnery (wrote "Amelia Earhart's Last Flight") ~Red, Tampa - (see: Tampa Red) ~Redbone, Leon - - city? Index|,bw217,fq656 ~Redden, Fred 8-12-1912 11-27-1991 Lindsay Lake, Halifax County, NS Index|,sc29 d. Middle Musquodoboit, Nova Scotia {Nova Scotian ballad singer} ~Redding, Otis 9-09-1941 12-10-1967 Dawson, GA Index|,iv176 d. Madison, WI ,iv176,mq2058,wu732,wv549,1q601 ~Redgrave, Vanessa 1-30-1937 Greenwich, London, U.K. Index|,1p780 ~Redneck Greece Delux .... Index|,gx184,mq2058-9 ~Reddy, Helen 10-15-1942 Melbourne, Australia Index|,bw218 ~Redpath, Jean 4-28-1937 8-21-2014 Edinburgh, Scotland Index d. city?, AZ ,aa309-10694,ax56,bk,cx897,fq657,mq2060,1p780 ~Reece, Florence 4-12-1900 8-03-1986 Sharps Chapel, TN Index d. Knoxville, TN ~Reed, Blind Alfred - - city? Index|,cx521 ~Reed, Ann - - Minneapolis, MN Index ~Reed, Ida - - 11-09-2005 city? Index|,ud d. city? ~Reed, Jerry 3-20-1936 9-02-2008 Atlanta, GA Index|,az317,bk,by237,fl319 Jerry Reed Hubbard ~Reed, Jimmy 9-06-1925 8-29-1976 Washington County, MS Index|,bc164,bk,ie572 d. Oakland, CA Mathis James Reed ~Reed, Lou 3-02-1942 10-27-2013 Brooklyn, NY Index d. Southampton, NY ,mq2063-4,ta589-90,tb677-8,tg908-11,1p781 Lewis Allan Reed ~Reed, Ola Belle 8-18-1916 8-16-2002 Lansing, NC Index|,aa310-1,bi66,bj74,mq2064 d. Rising Sun, MD Ola Wave Campbell ~Reed, Preston - - Armonk, NY Index Preston Turner Reed, Jr, ~Reed, Susan 1-11-1926 4-25-2010 Columbia, SC Index|,au190 d. Greenport, NY Susan Catherine Reed ~Reedy Buzzards, The .... Index|,sp81 ~Rees, Dafydd - -195? city?, U.K. Index|,cj,db,id ~Reeves, Jim 8-20-1924 7-31-1964 Panola County, TX Index|,dv78,mq2064-4 d. Nashville, TN ~Reeves, Martha & The Vandellas .... ,ar426-7,mq2065-6 ~Reger, Max 3-19-1873 5-11-1916 Brand, Bavaria, Germany Index Johann Baptist Joseph Maximilian Reger ~Reichardt, Louise 4-11-1779 11-17-1826 Berlin, Germany Index|,pr65-71 ~Reichenberger, Dean 5-02-1954 city? Index ~Reid, Christy 1-23-1973 Union Grove, NC Index Christy Dowell ~Reid, Don 6-05-1945 Staunton, VA Index Donald Sydney Reid ~Reid, Gary 10-02-1956 city? Index ~Reid, Harold 8-21-1939 Augusta County, VA Index Harold Wilson Reid ~Reid, Harvey - -1954 city? Index|,fq658|Periodicals Harvey D. Reid ~Reid, Lou 9-13-1954 Moore Springs, NC Index|,ie573 ~Reilly, Brian - - 8- -2000 city? Index ~Reilly, Paddy 10-18-1939 Dublin, Ireland Index ~Reinhardt, Django 1-23-1910 5-16-1953 Liberchies, Pont-a-Celles, Belgium Index d. Fontainebleau, France Jean Baptiste Reinhardt ~Reischl, Tom 2-13-1943 Oshkosh, WI Index ~Remler, Emily 9-18-1957 5-04-1990 Manhattan, NY Index|,oe92-6 d. Sydney, Australia ~Remy, Alfred 3-16-1870 2-26-1927 Elberfeld, Germany Index|,vc,kv1112 d. New York, NY ~Renbourn, John 8-08-1944 3-26-2015 Torquay, U.K. Marylebone, London, U.K. Index d. Hawick, Scotland ,ab149,ao442,ar344,as473,ax30-2,bg424,bk,cx522,fq659 ~Rene, Leon T. 2-06-1902 5-30-1982 Covington, LA Index|,pn301,po404,pp596,pq414 d. Los Angeles, CA ~Rene, Otis J. Jr. 10-02-1898 4-05-1970 New Orleans, LA Index|,pn301,po404-5,pp596,pq414 d. Los Angeles, CA ~Reneaux, J.J. - - city? Index|,gx184 ~Reno Brothers .... Index|,hx76 ~Reno & Smiley .... Index|,by239,fl324,fq660 ~Reno, Dale 2-06-1961 city? Index ~Reno, Don 2-21-1926 10-16-1984 Spartanburg, SC Index|,bk,by237 ~Reno, Don Wayne 2-08-1963 city? Index ~Reno, Ronnie 9-28-1947 city? Index ~Reuter, Bob - - city? Index|,gx184 ~Reuter-Foss, Kitt 11-02-1956 Oconomowoc, WI Index ~Rey, Del - -1960 city? Index ~Reynolds, Malvina 8-23-1900 3-17-1978 San Fancisco, CA Index|,aa311-12,bd142,bk,bn601,cx522 Malvina Milder (m. William "Bud" Reynolds) ~Reynolds, Nick 7-27-1933 10-01-2008 San Diego, CA Index|,bg307 d. San Diego, CA RH - |top/bottom of page|Copyright Notice| ~Rhodes, Kimmie 3-06-1956 Wichita Falls, TX Index|,gx185 ~Rhoads, William - -1966 Coney Island, NY Index RI - |top/bottom of page|Copyright Notice| ~Ric-O-Chet Bluegrass Band .... Index|,jw92,jx106 ~Ricochet Country Band .... Index|,ge373-374 ~Ricardo, Nino 7-01-1904 - -1972 city? Index Manuel Serrapi Sanchez ~Rice, Larry 4-24-1949 5-13-2006 Danville, VA Index ~Rice, Ronnie 2-22-1924 city? Index ~Rice, Tony 6-08-1951 Danville, VA Index ,ab149,aq156,as475,bk,bn603,by243,fl325,gx185,hx48 ~Rice, Wyatt 1-06-1965 city? Index ~Rich, Buddy 9-30-1917 4-02-1987 New York, NY Index d. Los Angeles, CA ~Rich, Charlie 12-14-1932 7-25-1995 Colt, AR ,sw104-5,sx79-80/115,3i177-8 ~Rich, Stephen Lee - -195? Chicago, IL Index ~Richard, Belton - - city? Index|,cx402 ~Richard, Cliff 10-14-1940 Lucknow, United Provinces, British India Index|,la401 Harry Rodger Webb ~Richard, Keith 12-18-1943 Dartford, Kent, U.K. Index [his music has been recorded by folk musicians] ~Richard, Zachary 9-08-1950 city? Index|,cx403 ~Richards, Sue 12-04-1943 Muscle Shoals, AL Index|,fq663 ~Richardson, Larry 8-09-1927 6-17-2007 city? |,aa312-13 ~Richardson, Tich - -1954 9-17-1984 Wallsend-On-Tyne, Northumberland, Scotland Index ~Richardson, Wendel - - city?, Antigua Index ~Richey, Kim - - city? Index|,gx186 ~Richling, Greg 8-31-1970 Los Angeles, CA Index ~Richmond Fontaine .... city? Index|,gx186 ~Richmond, Fritz - - 11-21-2005 city? Index|,bg317 ~Richter, Dave 9-04- city? Index ~Rickman, Glenn (Glen) - -1901 - -1982 Hurley, MO Index|,qh109-12 ~Ricks, Jerry 5-22-1940 Philadelphia, PA Index Gerald Ricks, aka "Philadelphia" Jerry Ricks ~Riddle, Almeda 11-21-1898 6-30-1986 West Pangburn, AR Index|,aa313-4,iy501,3i178-80 ~Riddle, Lesley 6-13-1905 7-13-1980 Burnsville, NC Index| ~Riders in the Sky .... Index|,fl327,fq666,ft190,gf73 ~Ridout, Alan 12-09-1934 3-19-1996 West Wickham, Greater London, U.K. Index ~Riegger, Wallingford 4-29-1885 4-02-1961 Albany, GA Index d. New York, NY Wallingford Constantine Riegger ~Rifkin, Joshua 4-22-1944 New York, NY Index ~Rigby, Will - - city? Index|,gx186 ~Riggs, Tom 3-03-1936 city? Index ~Rigsby, John 3-29-1975 city? Index ~Riley, Billy Lee 10-05-1933 8-02-2009 Pocahontas, AR ,3i180-1 ~Riley, Steve & the Mamou Playboys .... Index|,cx403,gx187 ~Rimsky-Korsakoff, Nikolai 3-18-1844 6-21-1908 Tikhvin, Russia 3-06-1844 6-08-1908 Old Style dates Index Nikolai Andreyevich Rimsky-Korsakov ~Rindlisbacher, Otto - -1895 - -1975 Athens, WI Index|,1w17-20 d. city? ~Ring, Katherine A. - - La Mesa, CA Index ~Ringer, Jim 2-29-1936 3-17-1992 Yell County, AR Index d. Fresno, CA ,aa314,fq667,iy502,sb51 James Westly Ringer (m. Mary McCaslin 1978-1989) ~Ringgold, Issie - - city? Index|,if103-5/165,3u103-5/165 Muriel Ringgold ~Ringwald, Roy 8-10-1910 7-11-1995 Helena, MT Index d. Palos Verdes Hills, CA ~Rinzler, Ralph C. 7-20-1934 7-02-1994 city?, NY Index|,aa314-5,bk ~Riptones, The .... Index|,gx187 ~Ristow, Wayne - - - -2009 city? Index ~Ritchie, Brian 11-21-1960 Milwaukee, WI Index ~Ritchie, Fiona - -1960 city?, Scotland Index|,rt ~Ritchie, Jean 12-08-1922 6-01-2015 Viper, KY Index d. Berea, KY ,ex,aa315-7,au193,ax96,bd71,bk,bn607,cx522,fp16,fq668,iy503 ~Ritter, Tex 1-12-1905 1-02-1973 Murval, TX Index|,dv79 Woodward Maurice Ritter ~Rivers, Sam 9-25-1923 12-26-2011 Enid, OK Index|,os131-40 d. Orlando, FL Samuel Carthorne Rivers ~Rizzetta, Sam 5-23-1942 Oak Park, IL Index RO - |top/bottom of page|Copyright Notice| ~Robb, Ian 4-07-1948 London, U.K. Index|,fp17 ~Robbins, Gil 4-03-1931 4-05-2011 Spokane, WA d. Esteban Cantu, Baja California, Mexico Gilbert Lee "Gil" Robbins ~Robbins, Ira A. 5-12-1954 New York, NY Index|,7c,7d,7e,4by,4bz ~Robbins, Marty 9-26-1925 12-08-1982 Glendale, AZ Index|,dv81 ~Robbs, The .... Index|,fs939,ha51 ~Roberts, Bernie 8-16-1921 10-05-2004 Milwaukee, WI Index d. Garden Grove, CA Bernard Robert Fielbach ~Roberts, Bob - - city? Index|,cx877 ~Roberts, Jeff - -1955 10-15-2004 city? Index|Periodicals ~Roberts, John - - Worcestershire, U.K. ~Roberts, John & Tony Barrand .... Index ,aa317-9,fq670-1,pg397,wa173,8j317-9 ~Roberts, Marcus 8-07-1963 Jacksonville, FL Index|,4ac490-3 Marthaniel Roberts ~Roberts, Rick 8-31-1949 city?, FL Index ~Roberts, Robin 1-12-1928 Salt Lake City, UT Index|,au195 ~Robertson, Eck 11-20-1889 2-15-1975 Delaney, AR Index|,fl333,fu688-9 Alexander Campbell Robertson ~Robertson, Jeannie - -1908 Aberdeen, Scotland Index|,aa319,ax50-1,su68 Regina Robertson ~Robertson, Kathy - - city? Index|,gx187 ~Robertson, Kim - - Oshkosh, WI Index|Articles/Reviews|Sources| Kimberly A. Robertson ~Robertson, Lonnie 1-08-1908 - -1981 Longrun, MO Index|,qh113-26 ~Robertson, Robbie 7-05-1943 Toronto, Ontario, Canada Index|,bw223,fw690,ie588,io693-4,iy505 ~Robertson, Thelma 1-19-1911 - - city? Index ~Robertson, Walt 9-27-1928 - - city? Index ~Robeson, Paul 4-19-1898 1-23-1976 Princeton, NJ Index d. Philadelphia, PA ,aa319-21,bd31,be15,bk,bn616,fq674,iy508 ~Robillard, Duke 10-04-1948 Woonsocket, RI Index|,iz574-5,qk129-41 Michael John Robillard ~Robinson, Alvin - -1937 1-24-1989 city? ,mq2107 d. New Orleans, LA ~Robinson, Andy 3-15-1985 Worcester, U.K. Index ~Robinson, Arnold - - city?, NC Index ~Robinson, Bill "Bojangles" 5-25-1878 11-25-1949 Richmond, VA Index|,mq2107-8 ~Robinson, Bobby - - city? ,mq2108 ~Robinson, Dana - - city?, OR Index ~Robinson, Earl 7-02-1910 7-20-1991 Seattle, WA Index|,aa321-3,au196,az325,bd77,bk,sd40 ~Robinson, Frank V. 12-12-1925 - - San Francisco, CA Index ~Robinson, Freddie - -193? - - city?, AR Index d. city? ,mq2108 ~Robinson, Ikey "Banjo" 7-28-1904 Dublin, VA ,mq2107 ~Robinson, Jim 12-25-1890 5-04-1976 Deer Range, LA ,mq2108 d. city? ~Robinson, Jimmy Lee "Lonesome"4-30-1931 Chicago, IL ,mq2107 ~Robinson, John - - city?, Australia ,mq2108 ~Robinson, L.C. "Good Rockin'" 5-15-1915 9-26-1976 Brenha,m TX ,mq2108-9 d. city? Louis Charles Robinson ~Robinson, Perry 8-17-1938 New York, NY ,mq2109 ~Robinson, Prince 6-07-1907 7-23-1960 Portsmouth, VA ,mq2109 d. city? ~Robinson, Roscoe 5-22-1928 Dumont, AL ,mq2109 ~Robinson, Smokey 2-19-1940 Detroit, MI Index ,mq2109-10,ta483-4/602-3,tb551-3/687-8,8h416-8 William Robinson, Jr. ~Robinson, Spike 1-16-1930 10-29-2001 Kenosha, WI Index|,ju394 d. Writtle, Essex, U.K. ,mq2110-1 Henry Berthold Robinson ~Robinson, Sugar Chile - -1940 Detroit, MI ,mq2111- ~Robinson, Tom 7-01-1950 Cambridge, U.K. ,mq2111 ~Robison, Bruce 6-11-1966 Bandera, TX Index|,gx188 ~Robison, Carson Jay 8-04-1890 3-24-1957 Oswego, near Chetopa, Labette County, KS ,mq2111-2 d. New York, NY ~Robison, Charlie 9-01-1964 Bandera, TX Index|,gx188 ~Roche, Betty 1-09-1920 Wilmington, DE ,mq2112 ~Roche, David 3-19-1958 Bronxville, NY Index ~Roche, Maggie 10-26-1951 Detroit, MI Index ~Roche, Suzzy 9-29-1956 Bronxville, NY Index ~Roche, Terre 4-10-1953 New York, NY Index ~Roches, The .... Index|,iy510,mq2112 ~Rock Salt & Nails .... Index|,su68-9 ~Rockapella .... Index|,fx531 ~Rockin' Dopsie 2-10-1932 8-26-1993 Carencro, LA Index|,cx403,fq229,mq2114 d. Opelousas, LA or Lafayette, LA Alton Rubin ~Rockin' Sidney 4-09-1938 2-25-1998 Lebeau, LA Index|,cx403,mq2115 Sidney Semien ~Roddenberry, Gene 8-19-1921 10-24-1991 El Paso, TX Index d. Santa Monica, CA [Star Trek Voyager, et. all.], m. Majel Barrett 12-29-1969 ~Roddenberry, Majel 2-23-1932 12-18-2008 Columbus, OH Index d. Bel Air, CA Majel Leigh Hudec (Majel Barrett) [Star Trek Voyager, etc., Ship's Computer], m. Gene Roddenberry 12-29-1969 ~Roddy, Ted - - Corpus Christi, TX Index|,gx188 ~Roderick, Judy 12- -1942 1-28-1992 Wyandotte, MI d. Grantsdale, MT or b. Elkhart, IN? Index|,bk,fq678,sb46 {Blues Singer} ~Roderick, Libby - - Anchorage, AK Index ~Rodgers, Jimmie 9-08-1891 5-26-1933 Pine Springs, near Meridian, MS Index d. New York, NY ,aa323-4,bk,dv83,fl334,fq678,ie590,mq2116 James Charles Rodgers, aka The Singing Brakeman, America's Blue Yodeler ~Rodgers, Jimmie 9-19-1933 Camus, WA ,mq2115-6 James Frederick Rodgers ~Rodgers, Karen R. Dobson - - Point Loma, CA Index ~Rodgers, Richard 6-28-1902 12-30-1979 Arverne, Long Island, NY Index|,mq2116 d. New York, NY Richard Charles Rodgers ~Rodrigo, Joaquin 11-22-1901 7-06-1999 Segunto, Valencia, Spain Index|,ll67-70,1a245-8 d. Madrid, Spain ~Rodrigues, Amalia 7-23-1920 10-06-1999 Fundao, Portugal Index|,sp8 d. Lisbon, Portugal Amalia Rebordao Rodrigues ~Rodriguez-Seeger, Tao - -1972 Poughkeepsie, NY Index ~Rodzinski, Artur 1-01-1892 11-27-1958 Split, Dalmatia Index d. Boston, MA ,vi545-7,vl107 ~Roe, Betty - -1930 North Kensington, London, U.K. Index ~Rogers, Gamble 1-31-1937 10-10-1991 Winter Park, FL Index|,bn626,cx522,fq681,sc28 James Gamble Rogers IV ~Rogers, Garnet 5-03-1955 Hamilton, Ontario, Canada Rogers, Garnet Stony Creek, Ontario, Canada Index|,fq681,iy512 ~Rogers, Jimmy 6-03-1924 12-19-1997 Ruleville, MS Index|,bc84,mq2125-6 d. Ruleville, MS James A. Lane - son: Jimmy D. Lane ~Rogers, Kenny 8-21-1938 Houston, TX Index|,bw224,dv159,fl337,ft191,fy303 ,mq2126 Kenneth David Rogers ~Rogers, Roy 11-05-1911 7-06-1998 Cincinnati, OH Index|,fl338,fq683,ft192,mq2127-8 Leonard Franklin Slye, m. Dale Evans, 1947 ~Rogers, Roy #2 7-28-1950 Redding, CA Index|,fq683 Roy G. Rogers [blues guitarist] ~Rogers, Sally 9-19-1954 New York, NY Index|,fp17,fq684 ~Rogers, Stan 11-29-1949 6-02-1983 Hamilton, Ontario, Canada Index d. (Air Canada flight 797, Cincinnati, OH airport) ,cx522,fp18,fq684,iy513,mq2129 Stanley Allison Rogers ~Rogovoy, Seth - - city? Index|,ix ~Rohl, Carol S. - - Elkhart, IN Index m. Gordon Bok ~Rolle, Richard - -1290 - -1349 Hampole, U.K. Index ~Roller, Peter - -1954 Springfield, NJ Index ~Rollin' Rocks, The .... Index|,gx189 ~Rolling Hayseeds, The .... Index|,gx189 ~Rolling Stones, The .... Index ,3e117-24,3i186,8h422-6,8i424-30 Rough Guide to The Rolling Stones ~Rollins, Sonny 9-07-1930 New York, NY Index|,os65-70,mq2134-5 Theodore Walter Rollins ~Roltgen, Rick - -1942 Plymouth, WI Index ~Romano, Will - -1970 city? Index|,0008 ~Romanowski, Patricia - -1949 Wichita, KS Index Patricia Ann Romanowski ~Romberg, Sigmund 7-29-1887 11-09-1951 Nagykanizsa, Hungary Index|,mq2136-7 Siegmund Rosenberg ~Romero, Angel 8-17-1946 Malaga, Spain Index|,ll71-3,1a249 ~Romero, Celedonio 3-02-1913 5-08-1996 Cienfuegos, Cuba Index|,1a250 d. La Jolla, CA ~Romero, Pepe 3-08-1944 Malaga, Spain Index|,ll74-6,1a250-1 ~Romero, Roddie - - city? Index|,cx403 ~Romeros, The .... Index|,1a251 ~Rondell, John 3-09-1945 Milwaukee, WI Index John Beilfuss ~Ronstadt, Linda Maria 7-15-1946 Tucson, AZ Index|,aa324-6,ao501,ar354,ar396,as486,bg479,bk,bn633,bv214,bw226,fl340 ,fq686,ft193,fu697,fy305,ge384,gj408,ie596,iy515,mq2139 ~Rooftop Singers, The .... Index ,aa326-8,bk,bu319,bv215,bw227,cx522,fq688,iy518,mq2139-40 ~Rooney, Jim 1-28-1938 Boston, MA Index|,sm89:259 ~Rorem, Ned 10-23-1923 Richmond, IN Index ~Rosas, Carlos - -1939 Linares, Nuevo Leon, Mexico Index ~Rose, David 6-15-1910 8-23-1990 London, U.K. Index|,la410,mq2144 d. Burbank, CA ~Rose, Judy 10-24- city? Index (Courtesy of FOLKDJ-L ~Rose, Tim 9-23-1940 9-24-2002 Washington, DC Index,iy519,mq2144-5 d. London, U.K. ~Rosenberg, Neil V. 3-21-1939 Seattle, WA Index ~Rosenberg, Steve 2-09-1957 10-16-2003 Wilmette, IL Index ~Rosenthal, Cy 4-14-1946 7-12-2010 Chicago, IL Index d. Sturgeon Bay Cy Norman Rosenthal ~Rosenthal, Harold D. 9-30-1917 3-19-1987 West Norwood, London, U.K. Index|,ko d. London, U.K. Harold David Rosenthal ~Rosenthal, Phil 9-29-1948 city? Index ~Rosewoman, Michele 3-19-1953 Oakland, CA Index|,oe156-60 ~Roskopf, Donald H. "Red" 6-29-1935 8-03-2011 city? Index d. Germantown ~Rosmini, Dick - - city? Index|,cx523 ~Ross, Betsy - - city? Index|,cx522 ~Ross, Diana 3-26-1944 Detroit, MI Index|,ff357-63,mq2147-8,ta610-3 Diane Ernestine Ross ~Ross, Diana & The Supremes .... Index ,fx456-60,mq2421-2,ta705-7,tb802-4,8h428-33 ~Ross, Isaiah 10-21-1925 5-28-1993 Tunica, MS Index|,ga75,gh129,ie598 aka Dr. Ross ~Rosselson, Leon 6-22-1934 Harrow, Middlesex, U.K. Index|,ax39,mq2148 ~Rossini, Gioachino 2-29-1792 11-13-1868 Pesaro, Italy Index ~Roth, John - - city? Index|,ab154 ~Roth, Kevin 12-01-1957 Philadelphia, PA Index|,fq688 ~Rouse, Irwin 9-18-1917 7-08-1981 city? Index ~Route 23 .... Index|,hx119 ~Routley, Erik 10-31-1917 10-08-1982 city? Index d. city? ~Rovers, The - (see: The Irish Rovers) ~Rowan, Peter 7-04-1942 Boston, MA Index ,aq156,bk,by247,cx495,fq690,fu700,ge385,gj409,gx189,iy520,mq2152 ~Rowans, The .... Index|,cx495,gj410,ie600 ~Rowe, Tom - - 1- -2004 city? Index ~Rowles, Jimmy 8-19-1918 5-28-1996 Spokane, WA Index|,sn151-7,mq2153 d. Burbank, CA ~Rowsome, Leo - - city? Index|,ax68 ~Roxon, Lillian 2-08-1932 8-10-1973 Alassio, Province of Savona, Italy Index d. New York, NY ,ij368-9,7f368-9,8g,8h,8i Lillian Ropschitz ~Royko, David - - city? Index Chicago Tribune music reporter, contributor to Bluegrass Unlimited since 1993 IBMA "Print Media Personality of the Year" for 2002 ~Rozsa, Miklos 4-18-1907 - - city? ,4aa492-6 ~Rozum, Tom 1-21-1951 Waterbury, CT Index RU - |top/bottom of page|Copyright Notice| ~Rubenstein, Artur 1-28-1887 12-20-1982 Lodz, Congress Poland Index d. Geneva, Switzerland ~Rubsam, Wolfgang 10-16-1946 Giessen, Germany Index ~Rucker, Leland - - city? Index|,hb,ip ~Rucker, Rhonda 2-21-1961 Louisville, KY Index ~Rucker, Sparky 5-07-1946 East Knoxville, TN Index James Rucker ~Rudisill, Gail 5-08-1973 city? Index ~Ruedebusch, Dick - -1924 5-05-1968 Mayville, WI Index|,ha374,ir370-83,ju399 ~Rumbel, Nancy 12-16- San Antonio, TX Index|Sources ~Rumpf, Carol - - 8-20-2002 city? Index ~Run C & W - - city? Index|,gj411 ~Ruppli, Michel 7-03-1934 Coulommiers, France Index|,ch401,rc1069,xt471 ~Rush, Bobby 11-10-1935 Homer, LA ,3i187 ~Rush, Otis 4-29-1935 Philadelphia, MS Index|,bc156,bk,ie604,mq2165 ~Rush, Tom 2-08-1941 Portsmouth, NH Index ,aa328-9,ar358,as492,bg485,bk,bn638,cx523,fq692,fy307,iy524,mq2165-6 ~Rushing, Jimmy 8-26-1901 6-08-1972 Oklahoma City, OK Index|,mq2166-7 d. New York, NY James Andrew Rushing ~Rushton, Joe 11-07-1907 3-02-1964 Evanston, IL Rushton, Joe 4-19-1907 #uv Index|,uv1691-2 d. San Francisco, CA Joseph Augustine Rushton, Jr. ~Russ, Tim 6-22-1956 Washington, DC [Star Trek Voyager, Tuvok] ~Russell, Calvin 10-31-1948 4-03-2011 Austin, TX Index|,gx190 ~Russell, Claudia 7-08- city? Index m. Bruce Kaplan ~Russell, Janet 1-11-1958 Buckhaven, Fife, Scotland Index|,su69-70 ~Russell, Johnny 6-04-1909 7-03-2001 Charlotte, NC Index John W. Russell ~Russell, Leon 4-02-1941 11-13-2016 Lawton, OK Index d. Mount Juliet, TN ,bu324,bw230,fy307,ge388,gx191,ie604,mq2169 Claude Russell Bridges ~Russell, Ricky - - city? Index|,6q ~Russell, Ross 3-18-1909 1-31-2000 Los Angeles, CA Index|,oo d. Palm Springs, CA Ross Moody Russell ~Russell, Tom 2-08-1955 Oklahome City, OK Index|,gx191,iy525 ~Russell Band, Tom .... Index|,cx523 ~Russell, Tony - - city? Index|,lm,ln,6q ~Rust, Brian 3-19-1922 1-05-2011 Golders Green, London, U.K. Index|,ch405,nx550,rc1073,xt480 d. Swanage, U.K. Bibliography Brian Arthur Lovell Rust ~Rutherford, Leonard - -1900 - -1954 Somerset, KY Index|,wa24-5 d. city? ~Ruthie & The Wranglers .... Index|,gx192 ~Rutter, John M. 9-24-1945 London, U.K. Index ,cs1564-5,kv1156,qd636,sp802,vj856-7 John Milford Rutter ~Ruzicka, Donna - -1960? city? Index|Periodicals Donna Altepeter RW - |top/bottom of page|Copyright Notice| ~Rwake .... ,3i187-8 RY - |top/bottom of page|Copyright Notice| ~Ryan, Buck 5-09-1925 1-07-1982 Mt. Jackson, VA Index|,by248,fu705 Arnold Walter Ryan ~Ryan, Cathie (Cathy) - - Detroit, MI Index ~Ryan, Jeri 2-22-1968 Munich, Germany [Star Trek Voyager, Seven of Nine] Jeri Lynn Zimmerman ~Ryan, Marc W. - -1945 city? Index|,lt,lw ~Ryder, Arthur H. 4-30-1875 7-18-1944 Plymouth, MA Index d. Newton, MA Arthur Hilton Ryder ~Rye, Howard W. - -19?? city? Index ~Ryman, James - -14?? - - city? Index

Please send additions and/or corrections to Doug Henkle:
P.O. Box 331, Ripon, WI 54971-0331

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