(last updated .01-19-2015)
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This page lists major changes,
if any, made to the Index and installed during each site update date
listed. An exception to the general site rule that all links in
bold go off-site, bold links on this page indicate newly
created FolkLib Index pages first installed on a particular date. All
other links on this page, whether on-site or off-site are not bolded.
See also a compact year-by-year
chronological list
of every new page listed below.
I'm just curious ... is there anyone anywhere in the world that
actually reads this "What's New?" page?
05-15-2007: How interesting ... the above request has been here
since Nov. 2005 and not one single person in the entire world has admitted
to me that they have looked at this page at any time since then. What is
the point of my updating this page at all?
08-16-2008: Wow, somebody wrote that they actually look at this page
regularly. So there's at least one out of several billion people on Earth
that do.
Environmental Log - What I am doing to save gas and cut back on
polluting the planet. What are you doing?
Trivia: Web site size: 11-25-1995 (788 K),
01-28-2011 (per FreeFind's count) 1,079 pages, 27,182,416 total bytes.
Per atomz.com indexing,
as of 11-07-2011, this site has over
2.6 million different words.
- .01-19-2015
I am sorry for the delay in responding to requests for updates to this
site. The matter was beyond my control. The source HTML files of all my
pages are on a Server where I login, update the pages using their unique VAX
VMS EVE/TPU editor, and upload the updates. Without warning, last September
25th, the Server was shut off in preparation of moving it physically from
Madison, WI to Boston, MA. However, somebody forgot to check whether the new
site was ready to receive it or not. The new site was not ready for the
installation until a couple of days ago and a few bugs had to be worked out
after it was turned back on. It seems to be stable now so I can finally resume
making updates for the first time in almost four months.
On 11-25-2014, the Folk Library Index turned
19 years old!
- .11-25-2013:
Trivia, the Folk Library Index is
18 years old today!
- .08-08-2013
A number of sites:
"http://www.mysic.com/Music/" (mysic.music),
"http://www.asv.co.uk/" (ASV Records),
"http://bbs.artistdirect.com/" (iMusic's Artist Bulletin Boards),
"http://www.ubl.com/ubl_artist.asp" &
"http://ubl.artistdirect.com/" (Ultimate Band List),
Andrea Crain's
Bob Jensen's
"http://www.folkrocks.com/", and
Monty Harper's
"http://cmw.cowboy.net/" (Children's Musicians List)
are either gone or moved to unknown locations, so all links to those sites
have been deleted.
- .04-24-2013
Music Reference Books by Martin C. Strong.
- .03-20-3013
Index for "The Great Rock Discography" by Martin C. Strong.
- .12-08-2012
Ripon, WI: Dickens of a Christmas.
- .11-25-2012:
Trivia, the Folk Library Index is
17 years old today!
- .11-23-2012
FolkLib Index for Mary J. Park, my first new
Artist Index File
since 1999.
- (see: 04-11-2012)
- .09-19-2012
Two sites: World Concert Artist Directory,
and International Directory of Musicians
are gone. My links to them are being replaced by the following:
World Concert Artist Directory (archived) & musician pages:
Stephen Butts -
Ted Nichelson -
Dane M. Richeson -
Anne Roos -
John Williams.
- .09-06-2012
Changed all Dawgnet Links from
"http://www.dawgnet.com/" to
"http://www.acousticdisc.com/" .
- .08-31-2012
Index for "Mel Bay Presents Ozarks Fiddle Music.
- .08-28-2012
Discography for "Sounds of the Ozark Folk".
- .08-15-2012
Folk Music of Mountain View, Arkansas (home page) -
Folk Musicians of Mountain View, AR -
Discography for Folk Musicians of Mountain View, AR.
- .08-08-2012
Stone County and Mountain View, Arkansas Music Resources.
- .08-05-2012
Index for "The Faces of Rackensack"
- .04-27-2012
Marco Sassone Books/Pamphlets Scan Thumbnails.
- .04-11-2012
Wonderful news! I'm getting married next month to
Mary Park
and moving to Ripon, which is 20 miles southwest of Oshkosh. I will be
relocated permanently in Ripon effective 6-01-2012. The official
Folk Library Index postal mailing contact address will change from:
Doug Henkle, P.O. Box 1447, Oshkosh, WI 54903-1447
Doug Henkle, P.O. Box 331, Ripon, WI 54971-0331
I have changed this contact information throughout this site. Note, however,
that the old Oshkosh POB will probably remain active for years to come, but
STOP USING IT NOW. Any response you expect will be significantly
delayed if you do use it.
- .03-01-2012
"Songwriter's Market" Bibliography.
- .02-16-2012
Wisconsin Non-Musical Bibliography.
- .01-21-2012
Moved all five Marco Sassone pages created since 11-07-2011
to the new directory,
http://www.folklib.net/sassone/ created 01-08-2012.
- .01-15-2012
Marco Sassone Bibliography.
- .01-08-2012
Added an easy to remember shortcut menu to all of my
Folk Library Index pages for Marco Sassone.
- .12-20-2011
Sherlock Holmes Bibliography.
- .12-10-2011
Marco Sassone Exhibitions.
- .12-04-2011
Marco Sassone Paintings by Year.
- .11-30-2011
Marco Sassone Paintings by Medium.
- .11-25-2011:
Trivia, the Folk Library Index is
16 years old today!
- .11-17-2011
Songwriter's Market: Close-up Musical Biographies Index.
- .11-07-2011
List of Paintings by Marco Sassone.
- .10-14-2011
The Folklore Productions site,
"http://www.folkloreproductions.com", is gone so my 17 links to it have
been deleted.
- .08-30-2011
Autoharp Players listed in the Folk Library Index.
- .08-22-2011
Folk Library Index Blog off-site at blogspot.com .
- .08-17-2011
Added a display of the
Folk Library Index site logo to the
Home Page and the
Wisconsin Music Site Map, the two primary entry points to this
- .08-10-2011
Bibliography: Autoharp Clearinghouse -
Bibliography: Autoharp Quarterly.
- .08-08-2011
Bibliography: Dulcimer Player News.
- .07-25-2011
Found that Mary Backues's and Neal J. Backues's site
"http://www.bluegrassworld.com/" (Bluegrass World)
is gone, so 11 links there have been deleted.
- .07-07-2011
Found that Russell McNeil's site "http://www.mala.bc.ca/~mcneil/"
is gone, so 9 links there have been deleted.
- .06-14-2011
Thanks to some very useful suggstions from a friend, redesigned the
tops of the
Home Page and the
Search this site pages.
- .06-09-2011
Found that every one of my 104 individual artist links to
"CD Universe" was broken due to a redesign of their site. I have no time
to look up replacement links for them, so I deleted every link to the
Also found that the majority of all other music "On-Line Ordering"
links were broken, so scores, if not hundreds, of broken artist links to
Back Porch Music,
Camsco Music,
CyberCD (Denmark),
Elderly Music,
Fantasy Jazz Records,
Four Winds Trading Company,
Greg's Music World,
Homespun Video,
Music Previews Network,
Planet Earth Music,
Rolling Stone Magazine,
Shoreline Acoustic Music,
SoundStone Music,
Tayberry Music,
Tower Records,
and Vanguard Records have been deleted.
Also found that the "On-Line Guitar Archive (OLGA)" site
is gone, so 38 links there have been deleted.
- .05-17-2011
79th Annual Gymanfa Ganu, Oshkosh, WI -
2011 Gymanfa Ganu Concert Photos -
Wisconsin Gymanfa Ganu Discography.
- .04-28-2011
U.S. Music Halls of Fame Directory.
- .04-22-2011
Changed all Jane Keefer links from
"http://muse.mse.jhu.edu:8001/research/folkindex/" to
- .04-15-2011
Continuing the filesize reduction of the
Folk Music Bibliography
page, started with moving
Jazz Books,
6 entries
have been moved to the new
Women Performers and Composers Bibliography page.
- .04-10-2011
Many sites just copy the first sentence on my home page and use it as
the description for my site. As it is a list of major features on my
entire domain, it is nesessarily long, but it is too long for some sites
and it gets truncated. Shortened it from 57 to 41 words.
current version
old version [Archive]
- .03-23-2011
UW Oshkosh Faculty Labelography.
- .03-22-2011
Oshkosh High School CD Compilations Labelography.
- .03-19-2011
Oshkosh High Schools Labelography (Part 2)
(Directors Timeline and What's New?) -
Oshkosh Schools & Churches Labelography (Trading, Part 2)
(What's New?) -
Oshkosh Schools and Churches Thumbnail Labelography.
- .03-15-2011
UW Oshkosh Labelography
http://www.folklib.net/wi/omc/ - Oshkosh Memorabilia Club
[volunteered to be the Club's Webmaster].
- .03-09-2011
Choral Composers with no known Biography Page.
04-15-2011: obsolete, all contents moved to:
Classical, Broadway, Film and Choral Composers
- .03-07-2011
Chancel Choir Anthems in Date Order 2010-2014 -
Current Projects for the Folk Library Index.
- .02-28-2011
Classical, Broadway, Film and Choral Composers.
- .02-24-2011
Intersound: Quintessence Digital Discography -
Author's works hosted by the Folk Library Index.
- .02-08-2011
The Big Bands Database by Murray L. Pfeffer -
Big Bands Database Plus: Credits File -
Musical discography links on the internet -
Big Bands Database Plus: Musical Calendar for February 18.
- .01-31-2011
Retitled all "Music Books" Library inventory pages to
Music Reference Books because, except for the
Single Musician Bibliography
page, all the rest of the listed books are discographies for, or
biographies of, many different musicians. With only a couple of
exceptions, there are no songbooks, instructional books, or sheet music
Music Reference Books: Seeley G. Mudd Library (Lawrence University).
- .01-28-2011
06-12-2006 1.7 million different words
11-12-2009 2.2 million different words
01-28-2011 2.5 million different words
11-07-2011 2.6 million different words
- .01-16-2011
To cut down a bit on the large size of the 200+ book
Folk Music Bibliography
page, and also eliminate the need to maintain the same identical
information which has been listed in two different places, 25 entries
have been moved to the
Jazz and Big Band Bibliography
page. For example,
Simon, George T. (ed.). "The Big Bands" has moved from
bibliog.shtml#jy to
- .01-14-2011
As Deering Banjos has deleted all musician pictures from their site,
like the one that used to be at,
http://www.deeringbanjos.com/images/artists/reid.jpg ,
backed up versions of each deleted historical picture have been installed
at this site. Links to pictures of the following musicians pictured with
or playing a Deering Banjo can found at:
Roy Clark,
Steve Cooley,
Buddy Griffin,
George Grove,
John Hartford,
David Hidalgo,
David Holt,
Larry Lalonde,
John McCutcheon,
Herb Pedersen,
Harvey Reid,
Joe Satriani,
John Sebastian,
Rod Stewart and
Josh Williams.
- .01-07-2011
Index for Wisconsin Musicians books by Gary Myers (Labels) -
Index for Wisconsin Musicians books by Gary Myers (Artists).
- .12-28-2010
Fox Valley Area School & Church Labelography.
- .12-26-2010
Wisconsin Schools Discography.
- .12-18-2010
Prime Cuts of Bluegrass Discography -
Prime Cuts of Bluegrass #1-20 Discography -
Prime Cuts of Bluegrass #21-40 Discography -
Prime Cuts of Bluegrass Discography (CD Scans) -
Prime Cuts of Bluegrass Discography (Other Scans).
- .12-11-2010
Renamed "Oshkosh High Schools Labelography (Trading)" page to
Oshkosh Schools & Churches Labelography (Trading)
and added all album titles at
Oshkosh Schools, Churches, Organizations Labelography
to it.
- .11-25-2010:
Trivia, the Folk Library Index is
15 years old today!
- .11-19-2010
Oshkosh High Schools Labelography (Trading).
- .11-04-2010
ARSC Awards for Excellence by Author.
- .11-02-2010
Brian Rust Bibliography.
- .10-26-2010
Historical Record Label Addresses (N) -
O -
P -
Q -
R -
S -
T -
U -
V -
W -
X -
Y -
Z -
-- final split off from (A-Z,0-9) below.
- .10-09-2010
Historical Record Label Addresses (I) -
J -
K -
L -
-- split off from (A-Z,0-9) below.
- .10-03-2010
Historical Record Label Addresses (E) -
F -
G -
-- split off from (A-Z,0-9) below.
- .09-29-2010
Discovering ... : The Guideposts Home Bible Study Program
[Church related, not musical book list].
- .09-22-2010
- atomz.com search DOA
Historical Record Label Addresses (Search).
- .09-20-2010
Historical Record Label Addresses (A) -
B -
C -
-- split off from (A-Z,0-9) below.
- .09-17-2010
Historical Record Label Addresses (Intro) -
Historical Record Label Addresses (A-Z,0-9).
- .08-25-2010
Deleted the 1995-2005 entries from this page.
- .08-23-2010
Irish Fest-La Crosse: Past Performers Index -
Irish Fest-La Crosse: 2005-2009 Performers.
- .07-30-2010
Design Records Labelography & Discography.
- .07-21-2010
Oshkosh Schools, Churches, Organizations Labelography.
- .07-16-2010
Mountain Railroad Records Labelography.
- .07-05-2010
Oshkosh High Schools Labelography.
- .04-12-2010
Wisconsin Labelography: Gallery A-G -
Gallery H-P -
Gallery Q-Z.
- .04-11-2010
Wisconsin Labelography: 0-9.
- .04-01-2010
Wisconsin Labelography -
Wisconsin Labelography: A -
B -
C -
D -
E -
F -
G -
H -
I -
J -
K -
L -
M -
N -
O -
P -
Q -
R -
S -
T -
U -
V -
W -
Y -
Picture Sleeves -
Unknown Label Names.
- .03-30-2010
Removed all Archived links to the old "Every Celtic Thing on the Web"
site by Michael McNeill because the new owner of "og-man.net" has
permanently blocked all access to all the backups via robots.txt .
- .03-18-2010
Oshkosh Irish Fest: 2010-14 Performers.
- .01-14-2010
Wisconsin Video Discography -
Wisconsin Reggae Discography -
Wisconsin Punk Discography.
- .01-13-2010
Wisconsin Hip Hop Discography.
- .01-09-2010
Index for "Complete Library" books by Jerry Osborne.
- .12-31-2009
Changed all of Terry E. Gordon's "Rockin' Country Style" links from
"http://els51.law.emory.edu/rcs/" and
"http://rcs.law.emory.edu/rcs/" to
"http://www.rcs-discography.com/rcs/" .
- .12-22-2009
Oasis Sampler Discography -
Oasis Acoustic Samplers #1-9 Discography.
- .11-25-2009:
Trivia, the Folk Library Index is
14 years old today!
- .11-24-2009
Kerrville/Silverwolf Records Collections Discography.
- .11-20-2009
Red House Records Discography.
- .11-12-2009
Old Time Music & Craft Festival: History -
Old Time Music & Craft Festival: Program Cover Scans.
- .11-10-2009
Oops! I found that I have two copies of the same page installed in
two different places and both have internal links to them from other pages.
Obituary Index was originally
installed on 03-30-2007. On some unknown date
since then, I moved the page, but forgot to change all of the obsolete
links. All internal links to the old location have been changed, and the
old page
has been permanently replaced with a "moved" notice.
- .11-09-2009
Bluegrass Hall of Fame Inductees -
What's New Count.
- .11-08-2009
Tomorrow River Music Discography.
- .11-05-2009
Added a text-to-HTML discography conversion,
Robbie Clement Discography.
- .11-02-2009
Gourd Music Discography.
- .10-24-2009
Bio-Bibliographies by Greenwood Press -
All Greenwood Press Bio-Bibliographies -
Wisconsin Reggae Musicians.
- .10-14-2009
Bio-Bibliographies in Music, Greenwood Press.
- .10-08-2009
Bibliography: Dirty Linen.
- .10-06-2009
Dirty Linen Magazine CD Sampler Discography.
- .10-05-2009
Major updates of
indexa.shtml and
indexq.shtml. I went through each page line
by line, making sure every link worked, both internal and external, and
every entry was as complete as I could make it, a separate entry for every
known member of every group, what known city(ies) they live/lived in, what
known instrument(s) they play(ed), every known group each individual has
been a member of, and the known "ACTIVE" dates for every group, i.e. when
it was founded and disbanded.
Possibly frustrating to people who link to specific musician's
entries, many, MANY anchor tags have been changed.
Fourteen years ago,
when I started this site, I had no idea that someday I would list over
over 8,800
different Wisconsin musicians, and an estimated
15 to 20,000
different, Folk, Bluegrass and World Folk musicians, solo guitarists and
harpists, and that each and every one would require a unique anchor tag so
that anyone and everyone could link to an artist or group and not have
identical anchors to more than one making any link not work properly. I
apologize that for a long time I was somewhat sloppy in assigning anchors
that would someday conflict with other anchors. I am fixing that now.
For example,
indexa.shtml#ACU is now
The other biggest change of this
revision project is that, if an off-site link no longer works, I just
delete it. I am making no effort to find new home pages for artists,
links that didn't exist the last time I searched. In the long term view,
as I turned 68 six days ago, there will come a time when I will not be
around to update anything on this site. I am taking steps so that this
site will remain on-line for hopefully a long time after I am gone. In
that future, the importance of this site will be the information that I
have researched, accumulated and installed here which will have long term
benefit to my readers. At least that is my hope. To that end, if I
foresee that at a given point in the future, I will become physically or
mentally unable to continue site maintenance, before I stop, I will remove
every off-site link, so that the body of knowledge contained on this site
will serve for some time to come after I have to stop maintenance. If my
demise is sudden, then the future permanently broken off-site links will
have to stand as is, and hopefully will not unnecessarily detract too much
from the hoped for continuing usefulness of this site's internal
information about musical artists, groups,
venue histories,
festival histories, and
specific book indexes
I have created that exist nowhere else, or at least do not exist together
in any one single location, either on-line or in print.
Work has begun on
indexb.shtml. As each page is completed, I
will list it here. Understandably this particular clean-up project will
take many months. Stay tuned.
- .09-26-2009
Venue History: Two Rivers Bluegrass.
- .09-08-2009
Index for Wisconsin ASCAP Members 1948-1980.
- .09-05-2009
Added two more non-music related pages,
Highland Park High School (IL), Class of 1956 -
Class of 1958. This completes the 1956-1959 Senior
Class Lists in all four Year Books I saved from when I was in High
- .08-30-2009
Wisconsin Dance Halls and Ballrooms.
- .08-23-2009
Title Order List of my Wisconsin Discographies.
- .08-20-2009
Authors of Music Books.
- .08-13-2009:
As the site is gone, deleted all links to
"Eyeneer Blues Profiles", etc.
- .08-11-2009
Big Band & Swing Band Book Indexes.
- .07-25-2009
Music Wall Calendar Cover Scans.
- .07-16-2009
Music Calendars (Wall Calendars).
- .06-30-2009
Rough Guide Discography / World Music Network Discography.
- .06-27-2009
Fond du Lac Jazz Festival.
- .06-26-2009
Fox Jazz Fest: Past Performers Index -
Neenah Jazz Fest 1995-2003 Performers
/ Fox Jazz Fest 2004-2009 Performers.
- .06-25-2009
Big Bull Falls Blues Festival: Past Performers Index -
Big Bull Falls Blues Festival: 1992-1999 Performers -
Big Bull Falls Blues Festival: 2000-2009 Performers.
- .06-23-2009
Big Bull Falls Blues Festival: Publicity Brochures.
- .06-13-2009
Madison Made Music Project Discography.
- .06-07-2009
Manitowoc Acoustic Fest: Past Performers Index -
Manitowoc Acoustic Fest: 2000-2009 Performers.
- .06-03-2009
Black Hawk Folk Festival: Past Performers Index -
Black Hawk Folk Festival: 1988-1999 Performers -
Black Hawk Folk Festival: 2000-2009 Performers.
- .06-01-2009
Oshkosh Irish Fest: Past Performers Index -
Oshkosh Irish Fest: 2009 Performers.
- .05-21-2009
MusicHound / VideoHound (books) Discography.
- .05-11-2009
UW Oshkosh Music Source Cover Scans.
- .05-04-2009
Non-Marquis Who's Who Books and Master Title List.
- .04-19-2009
Who's Who in the Midwest, and all other known Marquis titles.
- .04-03-2009
UW Oshkosh Music Department Faculty Schools.
- .03-25-2009
UW Oshkosh Music Department Faculty Index -
UW Oshkosh Music Department History -
UW Oshkosh Music Department Gallery -
UW Oshkosh Music Department Sources.
For those who have looked for it in the past, I created and installed
a 32x32 color "Favorites Icon" (favicon.ico) which will now display
in the "URL Address" area of many browsers. To add it to your list of
bookmarks saved to any page at my site, just click on each bookmark.
- .03-09-2009
UW Oshkosh Music Department History (deleted articles).
- .02-10-2009
First Congregational Church: Chancel Choir Members.
- .12-03-2008
Added a text-to-HTML discography conversion,
Odetta Discography.
- .11-25-2008:
Trivia, the Folk Library Index is
13 years old today!
- .10-20-2008
Wisconsin Handbell Choirs.
- .10-12-2008
An Inconvenient Truth: Closing Credits.
- .09-30-2008
House on the Rock Pictures.
- .09-18-2008
Venue History: TruBlu Lounge, Fond du Lac.
- .09-01-2008
Wisconsin Composers.
- .08-10-2008
Added a text-to-HTML discography conversion,
Bill Miller Discography.
- .07-28-2008
Wisconsin Churches Discography.
- .07-23-2008
Wisconsin Folk Discography.
This is a new file which includes every album title that used to be
listed at
wi_discog.shtml (Wisconsin Discographies).
- .07-11-2008
Cuca Records (Missing) Discography.
- .06-24-2008
Various Wisconsin Labels (45's) Discography -
Blue Eagle (45's) Discography.
- .06-20-2008
KL Records (45's) Discography.
- .05-20-2008
Wisconsin UW Oshkosh Graduate Musicians.
- .05-09-2008
WAMI Album of the Year Awards.
- .05-08-2008
WAMI Song of the Year Awards.
- .05-07-2008
WAMI Jazz Awards.
- .05-05-2008
WAMI Awards Show Presenters.
- .05-04-2008
WAMI Polka Awards.
- .05-03-2008
WAMI Award Nominees & Winners
(A Combined list of all Artists/Groups on all Genre pages).
- .05-01-2008
Unanswered questions about the WAMI Awards
and its Award Shows.
- .04-27-2008
2007 WAMI Award Nominees & Winners -
2008 WAMI Award Nominees & Winners.
- .04-24-2008
Wisconsin Heavy Metal Musicians -
Wisconsin Heavy Metal Discography.
- .04-22-2008
Venue History:
Concert Logs of Wisconsin Music Venues -
Venue History:
First Tuesdays at FCC, Oshkosh -
Venue History:
Live at Lunch at Grand Opera House Square, Oshkosh -
Venue History:
Live at Lunch at Mi-Taza Coffeehouse, UW Oshkosh .
- .04-19-2008
WAMI Boards of Directors.
- .04-10-2008
Bibliography: Folkscene -
Bibliography: Inside Bluegrass -
Bibliography: The Jongleur -
Bibliography: Musician -
Bibliography: Tell it Like it is -
Bibliography: The Valley Scene / The Scene.
- .02-27-2008
Article: Leaders take a journey through the years.
- .02-21-2008
Article: Railroad Ron has musical milestone.
- .01-29-2008
Wisconsin Country Recordings Documented in Print -
Wisconsin Folk Recordings Documented in Print -
Wisconsin Jazz Recordings Documented in Print -
Wisconsin Native Recordings Documented in Print -
Wisconsin Polka Recordings Documented in Print -
Wisconsin Pop/Rock Recordings Documented in Print.
- .01-27-2008
Jazz and Big Band Bibliography.
- .01-24-2008
Wisconsin Blues Recordings Documented in Print.
- .01-23-2008
Wisconsin Big Band Recordings Documented in Print -
Wisconsin Bluegrass Recordings Documented in Print.
- .01-10-2008
Wisconsin Recordings Documented in Print.
- .12-28-2007
In order to simplify searching, changed all occurrences of "H.S."
to "High School", and all occurrences of its being implied to its being
specifically stated, e.g. changed "Oshkosh North Madrigal Singers" to
"Oshkosh North High School Madrigal Singers". Also, all occurrences of
"Lourdes Academy" were changed to "Lourdes High School".
- .12-27-2007
Index for "Classic Guitar, Lute and Vihuela Discography"
by Ronald C. Purcell -
Index for "Famous Wisconsin ..." Series by Badger Books.
- .12-17-2007
Daniel Hecht Discography.
- .12-12-2007
"Wisconsin Discography" - Name Index
- by school (High Schools K9-12).
- .12-06-2007
"Wisconsin Discography" - Name Index
- by school (Colleges & Universities).
- .12-04-2007
Wisconsin Punk Rock Musicians -
Sub-genre pages of Wisconsin Pop/Rock: Help Wanted -
Article: Apple Blossom Books slated to open next month downtown.
- .11-25-2007:
Trivia, the Folk Library Index is
12 years old today!
- .10-22-2007
Domain Alphabetization Rules
- .10-21-2007
Opera Bibliography
- .10-20-2007
Opera Singer Index
- .10-14-2007
WMMM Radio CD Collections Discography -
WMSE Radio CD Collections Discography.
- .10-10-2007
Afghan Press Discography (Wisconsin Composers only)
- .09-24-2007
GoGirlsMusicFest Discography
- .09-20-2007
A great big THANK YOU!! to
for evaluating my site and FINALLY telling me exactly how to invalidate
the link of those people who I have asked to consistently link to me at
"http://www.folklib.net/", and NOT "http://folklib.net/", but who have
refused to change their link. Because of the resulting confusion to
Search Engines, an indexing problem called "link fragmentation" occurs.
Search Engines, like Google, think they are two different sites instead of
the same site. Website Grader considers it an ERROR if they find indexed
links to otherwise identical URL's both with and without the "www." They
pointed out that this error can be corrected by installing what they call
a "permanent 301 redirect". I have just done so, and everyone who clicks
on what I personally feel is an incorrectly installed link,
"http://folklib.net/", will now be automatically redirected to
"http://www.folklib.net/". Yippee!
- .08-21-2007
Irish Fest: 1981-1985 Performers -
Irish Fest: 1986-1990 Performers -
Irish Fest: 1991-1995 Performers -
Irish Fest: 1996-1999 Performers -
Irish Fest: 2004 Performers -
Irish Fest: 2005 Performers -
Irish Fest: 2006 Performers -
Missing Liner Notes Information
- .07-12-2007
Connected to Time Warner Cable's "Roadrunner", after a frustrating
year of Dial-Up Service from Milwaukee PC, getting my Internet connection
dropped twice a day on average. I bought a DSL Modem from Milwaukee PC
and paid them a year in advance for AT&T DSL Service, but their Modem
never connected to the Internet for even a single second, so I could only
connect via their Dial-Up for the past year. AT&T on-site repairmen do
not exist. If your DSL problem cannot be fixed by AT&T over the phone,
you're screwed! AT&T and Milwaukee PC had my money so why should they
give a damn whether their DSL modem ever worked or not? On 06-27-2007 I
paid Milwaukee PC for a second year of Dial-Up Service, but their service
crashed that night and never came back up. Milwaukee PC cashed my check
and kept my payment, but neglected to tell me their Dial-Up Service had
been permanently discontinued. Screwed again! Two strikes and Milwaukee
PC is OUT, and Roadrunner is IN.
- .05-22-2007
Doug Henkle's Environmental Log
- .04-27-2007
Bibliography: Weekend - Fond du Lac (was Go!)
- .04-24-2007
Bibliography: Weekend - Appleton (was Encore)
- .04-11-2007
Bibliography: Maximum Ink
- .03-30-2007
history/obits.shtml. Date?: moved to
Obituary Index.
- .03-09-2007
Removed top-of-the-page information on this site which listed serious
site problems, in chronological order:
12-15-2005 and
06-12-2006. Unfortunately, these problems
significantly affected how this site is now updated. The original concept
since 1995 of uploading at one time all pages updated since a specific
date is no longer possible at this time, or for the foreseeable future.
From this point forward, until further notice, pages will be updated
individually as needed, and as noted by the "(last updated .mm-dd-yyyy)"
note at the top of every page.
A number of new pages have been installed since 12-15-2005 which were
not listed here until now.
WOCT-FM 101.9 "Oshkosh Artists"
Wisconsin Soul Discography
Wisconsin R&B (Rhythm & Blues) Musicians
Wisconsin R&B Discography
Wisconsin Hip hop Musicians
WAMI Website Awards
WAMI Award Categories
1996 WAMI Award Nominees (Winners unknown)
WAMI Hall of Fame Biographies
1997 WAMI Award Nominees (Winners unknown)
WAMI Awards Show Programs (scans, long load)
2004 WAMI Award Nominees & Winners
2005 WAMI Award Nominees & Winners
2006 WAMI Award Nominees & Winners
2003 WAMI Award Nominees & Winners
Past Wisconsin Music Festivals (2004)
Past Wisconsin Music Festivals (2005)
Past Wisconsin Music Festivals (2006)
- 06-15-2006
Wisconsin Concert Poster Collection
Wisconsin Radio Discography
Wisconsin Solo Guitarists
Wisconsin Concertina Players
House on the Rock Discography
House on the Rock Music Machines
WAMI Producer Awards
1998 WAMI Award Nominees & Winners
1999 WAMI Award Nominees & Winners
2000 WAMI Award Nominees & Winners
Getting Published Bibliography
- .02-25-2007
Due to requests, re-ordered and changed the
Domain Site Map,
replacing the URL text with each page's actual title. In case you prefer
the old version, which will no longer be maintained,
here is the only link to it. However, as of 05-15-2007, this
changeover process is not complete.
See the bottom of the page
(#480 or so, on) for what it will eventually all look like.
- .11-25-2006:
Trivia, the Folk Library Index is
11 years old today!
- .09-05-2006
Changed all Mike Moroney's KiwiFolk links from
"http://www.kiwifolk.org.nz/" to
Changed all Minnesota Public Radio links from
"http://www.mpr.org/" to
- .08-07-2006
Vacation -- 8/07-12/2006, no computer or E-Mail access for 6 days. I
was in New York City. The highlight of the trip for me was the
Iridium Jazz Club and seeing Les Paul for the first time! 91 years old
and still playing two 1-1/2 hour sets every Monday night, year 'round,
simply AMAZING! Icing on the cake was one guest artist that night, also
seen for the first time in person,
Muriel Anderson! A few memorable
pictures of that night can be seen at,
Les Paul.
- .06-12-2006
Now that I finally have a VMS editing account again, why will it
take awhile before I can resume installing updates to the Web site? I
did a double backup of all source files (aka web pages) in my old VMS
account. Neither of those backup copies have been changed since.
However, I have been using a UNIX text editor to manually edit pages live
on the Web site since the backup and my old account was deleted. Thus my
source files and what is on the Web site are now grossly out of sync. I
have to find every page changed on the Web site since 12-05-2005,
download each one to my new account, compare each one with its
original matching source file, and install the Web site changes in the
source files. There may be as many as 700 pages that have to
be re-synced like this, one by one, before I can resume normal editing and
installation of updated source files. I don't know how long this
will take, but it may be a month or more.
The Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC, pronounced "deck")
created the VMS Operating System that ran on thousands of its VAX,
MicroVAX and Alpha Servers and Workstations in the 1980's and 1990's.
As Digital was bought out by Compaq, which in turn was bought out
by HP, VMS was phased out and replaced by Micro$oft Windows
at the corporate level, but it remains in continuing demand at the
user level.
My new account is at
an entire Web site and organization devoted exclusively
to a large community of VMS users! In the 1980's, it started out as DECUS
(DEC User's Society), evolved into Encompass, but is now a
separate organization no longer with any direct corporate support. It
is fully supported by volunteers and donations. Associating myself with
an organization like this, it is unlikely that I will ever lose my VMS
editing account again.
08-25-2010: In order to save space, the 1995-2005 entries that
used to be on this page have been taken off-line. If you really NEED to
look at that old information, many previous versions of this page have
been backed up by the
Internet Archive
and can be viewed at any time.
07-04-2000: Slightly reformatted the
pages by preceding every name with a unique character "~" that does
not appear anywhere else on these pages. I can now get a
total count
of how many entries are on all of these pages, something not possible
11-25-1995: And, for those who have nothing better to read, or
correspondents who wish to know, in detail, what I have been doing since
1-23-1995 instead of writing
discographies, here is one more candidate for Yahoo's
"Useless Pages"
JavaScript Restricted!)
... my pre-installation notes.
[1-18-1998 note: in order to free up disk space for currently useful
information, I have deleted my pre-installation notes page.
If you are really curious how this Index evolved between 1-23-1995 and
11-25-1995, write to me
and I will send you a copy.]
URL: http://www.www.folklib.net/index/whats_new/
Please send additions and/or corrections to Doug Henkle:
P.O. Box 331, Ripon, WI 54971-0331
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Douglas H. Henkle, All Rights Reserved.